Former Prominent Montgomerian Dies in New Decatur
News of the death of Horace Seelye, a former prominent Montgomerian, in New Decatur, was received in this city last night.
Mr. Seelye was an older brother of the late Dr. S.D. Seelye, of Montgomery, who died several years ago. For many years he resided in Montgomery, and was for some time cashier of the First National Bank, of which he was an incorporator. He was born in Bethel, Conn., and came to Montgomery before the outbreak of the war between the States, removing from here to Decatur about eighteen years ago.
He was married twice. His widow and one daughter, Mrs. Edward Workman of New Decatur, survive him.
The remains will be brought to Montgomery tomorrow morning on the train reaching the city at 11 o’clock. The funeral will be held at the Union Station at that time. Rev. E.E. Cobbs officiating.
Published in the Montgomery Advertiser (Montgomery, AL), Thursday, December 13, 1906 page 8

Former Montgomerian to Be Buried Here Today
The remains of Horace Seelye, who died in New Decatur Wednesday, will reach Montgomery at 11 o’clock this morning over the Louisville and Nashville Railroad. The remains will be taken from the Union Station to Oakwood Cemetery, where the funeral services will be conducted by Rev. Edward E. Cobbs, rector of St. John’s Episcopal Church.
Mr. Seelye was well known in Montgomery. He was formerly cashier and an incorporator of the First National Bank and moved away from here eighteen years ago. He was an older brother of the late Dr. S.D. Seelye, of Montgomery.
Published in the Montgomery Advertiser (Montgomery, AL), Friday, December 14, 1906 – page 7
[Son of SGS # 2057 – Horace Alonzo; Frederick (# 2057); Nathan (# 640); Seth; Nathan; James; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Robert]