Former Resident of Montgomery Dead At New Decatur
Decatur, Feb. 24 – (Special) – Mrs. H.A. Seelye died at her home on Jackson street, New Decatur, this morning. She had been in bad health for a number of months and her death was not unexpected. A few months ago she suffered a stroke of paralysis from which she never fully recovered. This together with old age was the main cause of her death.
Mrs. Seelye was a native of Montgomery, but had resided in Decatur and in New Decatur for several years past. For a number of years her husband, Major H.A. Seelye, was engaged in business in Decatur and in New Decatur and he was one of the best known and most prominent citizens of the Decaturs. Major Seelye died a year or two ago and his remains were interred at his old home in Montgomery.
The remains of Mrs. Seelye will be taken to Montgomery and buried beside the grave of her husband, Major H.A. Seelye.
Mrs. Seelye was for a number of years prominent in the church and society circles of the Decaturs as was also Major Seelye during that portion of his life that was spent here.
Funeral of Mrs. Seelye Here
The funeral of Mrs. Seelye will be held in Montgomery from the union station when the Louisville and Nashville passenger train from New Decatur arrives.
Mrs. Seelye was well known in Montgomery. Both she and her husband resided here and their kinship and relationship with many prominent families, as well as their own personalities, made them widely loved. Mrs. Seelye is related to Mrs. S.D. Seelye who resides at the home of Mrs. Frank Duncan, on South Court street.
The interment of Mrs. Seelye’s body will be made in Oakwood Cemetery.
Published in the Montgomery Advertiser (Montgomery, AL), Tuesday, February 25, 1908 page 10

Will Take place from Union Passenger Station.
The funeral of Mrs. H.A. Seelye, who died at her home in New Decatur on Monday, will be held this morning from the union passenger station. The remains will arrive on the Louisville and Nashville passenger train from that point.
Mrs. Seelye formerly resided in this city, where she was widely known and much beloved. She was related to many prominent families here.
The following gentlemen will act as pallbearers:
H.C. Davidson, Fred Hammond, J.W. Durr, Jr., A.B. Garland, W.M. Shumaker, W.W. Screws and M.C. Scott.
Rev. E.E. Cobbs will officiate at the funeral services and the interment will be made in Oakwood Cemetery.
Published in the Montgomery Advertiser (Montgomery, AL), Wednesday, February 26, 1908, page 3

Many Beautiful Floral Offerings at the Service.
The funeral of Mrs. H.A. Seelye took place yesterday about 12:30 p.m. from the union passenger station. The lateness of the Louisville and Nashville train from Decatur delayed the ceremony beyond the expected time. Numerous handsome floral offerings testified to the grief of a wide circle of friends.
The following gentlemen acted as pall-bearers: H.C. Davidson, Fred Hammond, J.W. Durr, Jr., A.B. Garland, W.M. Shoemaker, W.W. Screws and M.C. Scott.
Rev. E.E. Cobbs read the beautiful burial service as the body was consigned to its final resting place in Oakwood Cemetery. Relatives from New York reached the city Tuesday at midnight. They were joined here by relatives living in Decatur.
Published in the Montgomery Advertiser (Montgomery, AL) Thursday, February 27, 1908 page 3
[Wife of son of SGS # 2057 – Horace Alonzo; Frederick (# 2057); Nathan (# 640); Seth; Nathan; James; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Robert]