EX-PRESIDENT SEELYE Head of Amherst Thirteen Years.
Scholar and Politician – Sent to Congress Without a Nomination by Either Party – Though a Republican, He Was Opposed to the Electoral Commission and the Inauguration of Hayes as President.
Amherst, Mass., May 13 – Julius Hawley Seelye, ex-President of Amherst College, died here yesterday. He was born in Bethel, Conn., September 14, 1824, graduated at Amherst on 1849, studied at Auburn Theological Seminary in 1849-52 and continued his studies in theology at Halle, Germany, 1852-53. He was ordained by the Classis of Schenectady in 1853, and in that year became pastor of the First Reformed Dutch Church in Schenectady, N.Y., where he remained until 1858. He was elected professor of mental and moral philosophy at Amherst College, which position he held until 1875. In 1874 he was chosen to Congress from Massachusetts without being nominated by any party, and served from December, 1875, till March, 1877. He declined a renomination. Though a Republican, he was opposed to the Electoral Commission and the declaration of the election of Rutherford B. Hayes to the office of President of the United States. In 1877 he was installed as President of Amherst College, which office he held until 1890, when Dr. Gates was appointed his successor. He was a prolific writer and the author of several books.
Published in the New Haven Register (New Haven, CT), Monday, May 13, 1895 page 3
[Son of SGS # 2056 - Julius Hawley; Seth (# 2056); Nathan; Seth; Nathan; James; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Robert]