Well Known Clergyman and Graduate of Old Western Reserve College Passes Away
Special to the Plain Dealer – East Hampton, Mass., Feb. 25 – Rev. Dr. Samuel T. Seelye, a brother of President Seelye of Smith college, died this afternoon, aged seventy-nine. Dr. Seelye was born in Bethel, Ct., and graduated from Western Reserve college at Hudson, O., in 1848, his uncle, Dr. Laurens Hickok holding a professorship there. Seelye, then entered the theological department of the college. He was ordained in June 1846, and became pastor of a church in Torrington, Ct. In 1855 he became a pastor of the Fourth Presbyterian church in Albany. He remained there until 1863, when he came to East Hampton, where he has since resided. Dr. Seelye was widely known because of his interest in education matters and had been prominently connected as well with banking interests in East Hampton.
Published in the Cleveland Plain Dealer, February 26, 1902 page 4
[Son of SGS # 2056 - Samuel Taylor; Seth (# 2056); Nathan; Seth; Nathan; James; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Robert]