Theodore Alphonso Seelye


Theodore Alphonso Seelye was born in Peoria county, Dec. 4, 1856. Being left motherless at the age of fifteen months, he was cared for by his father and grandmother until four years of age, then by his step-mother.

At the age of 21, he married Elizabeth Ann Aukland, who has shared life’s joys and sorrows with him. Going to their home in Saratoga township where they lived for 17 years, then moving to Whitefield township, there for 13 years when they moved to Henry, living on Deacon Hill until Dec. 5, 1919, when they moved into their new home on Richard street, and from there he was called to the home in the great beyond, Feb. 18, 1920.

He took ill Feb. 13 being stricken with paralysis and was conscious of all that was said or done, knowing his immediate family and many friends who put forth their every effort to make his suffering as light as possible.

He was the father of three children and grandfather of two children: Willard Alphonso, Thomas Richard, Ora Ethel, Lloyd Vernon Seelye, and Theodore Isaiah Reese. One son, Willard Alphonso and one grandson Lloyd Vernon, were waiting on the other shore for him. He is survived by his kind, loving and ever faithful wife, one son Thomas Richard Seelye who married Cora Moffitt Feb. 19, 1908, and now live at the old home in Whitefield. Ora Ethel married William W. Reese of New Bethlehem, Penn., Oct. 25, 198 and now lives at 707 Frye Ave., Peoria.

Two sisters, Mrs. Mary Underwood of Paxton, Ill., and Mrs. Laura Harrison of Saratoga township, survive him, and also one brother, Henry Seelye of Montivedeo, Minn.

The funeral was held at the home on Richard street on Saturday, Feb. 21, at 2:30 o’clock, Rev. M.B. Van Leer of the M.E. Church officiating. Two appropriate selections, “Jesus Lover of My Soul,” and “He Knows,” were sung by Mrs. Charles Bourdette and Mrs. H.W. May, accompanist, Miss Eva Harrison. The pall bearers were: Messrs. Fred Dawson, Lou Schultz, Henry Mattison, Theodore Kaifer, W.S, Harrison, and George Pace. Interment in Henry cemetery. Funeral director, G.E. Fenwick.

The relatives from abroad were A.B. Seelye of Abilene, Kans., Henry Seelye from Montivedeo, Minn., and Henry Aukland of Paxton, Ill., Elizabeth Bell and Mrs. Frank Cleave of Peoria.

Published unknown, news clipping donated by John Seelye Harrison

[Son of SGS # 2352 – Theodore Alphonso; Henry Mendall/Mundall (# 2352); Thomas Barnes (# 849); Ephraim; Ephraim John; Benjamin; Nathaniel; Robert]