South Court Street Resident Succumbs After Three Months’ Illness
Mrs. Alvaretta Seelye, wife of E.A. Seelye, died at her home, 302 South Court Street, about 2 o’clock Tuesday morning of ______ following three months’ illness. Mrs. Seelye had been here for about ten years. She was a native on Conneautville, Pa., born August 4, 1856.
Her parents were James and Mary Larrimer McDowell, both natives of Pennsylvania. Mrs. Seelye united in marriage with Mr. Seelye at Franklin, Pa., thirty-five years ago. Suring with the husband are one daughter, Mrs. George S. Hennesey, of Chicago, Ill.; three grandchildren and a stepson, Claude H. Seelye, of Santa Rose, California.
Mrs. Seelye was a member of the Congregational Church. Funeral services Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock at the L.H. Miller funeral home with Rev. William J. Drew, pastor of the Congregational Church officiating. Burial in Oakdale Cemetery in charge of L.H. Miller.
Published in the Marysville Tribune, (Marysville, Ohio) Tuesday May 14, 1935, page 2