UNION - Graveside services for infant Britany Ann Seelye of 124 Gregory St. will be held at 3 p.m. Monday at Lockhart Cemetery. The S.R. Holcombe Funeral Home is in charge.
Britany died Saturday, April 8, 2000, in Spartanburg Regional Medical Center.
Surviving are her mother, Casey Lynn Seelye of Union; maternal grandparents, Donnie and Elana Seelye of Union; material great grandmother, Effie Owensby of Union.
Published in The State (Columbia, SC) on April 10, 2000

Union - Britany Ann Seelye, infant daughter of Casey Lynn Seelye, of 124 Gregory St., died April 8, 2000, at Spartanburg Regional Medical Center.
Surviving in addition to her mother are her maternal grandparents, Donnie and Elana Seelye of the home, and the maternal great-grandmother, Effie Martin Owensby of Union.
Graveside service will be held 3 p.m. today at Lockhart Cemetery conducted by the Rev. Benny Green. -- S.R. Holcombe Funeral Home
Published in The Greenville News (SC) on April 10, 2000