Resident of Forsyth Dies at Miles City
FORSYTH – Charles P. Seelye, 77, resident of Forsyth for the last seven years, died at the Veterans Hospital at Miles City last Friday.
Mr. Seelye served in Company B, 23rd Engineers, in France during World War 1. He was a resident of Alaska for many years, employed as a government surveyor.
Survivors are two sons and two daughters residing in Tacoma and Seattle, Wash., and three sisters, Mrs. May Riehm of Forsyth, Mrs. Frances Wardel of Madison, Wis., and Mrs. Louis Sunkel of Dayton, Ohio.
Funeral services were held at Tacoma, with burial in the Mountain View Memorial Park. Mrs. Riehm accompanied her brother’s body to Tacoma for burial.
Published in The Billings Gazette, Saturday Morning, March 1, 1958, page 12