Eben Seelye, another of Emmet county’s old and respected residents passed away on April the sixteenth at the age of eighty-nine years. Mr. Seelye was born in Pennsylvania in the year 1835. He was united in marriage to Elizabeth Potts on the 24th day of September, 1859, and they commenced their married life in Belleville Valley, Fillmore county, Minn. In the year 1910 he retired from farming and moved to this city residing here until 1914 when he moved to Huntington where he has since resided.
Mr. Seelye was a member of the Methodist church for sixty years of his life. He was a kind husband and father and a pleasant and obliging neighbor and highly respected by all who knew him. For the past six years he has been confined to his bed and has been a patient sufferer.
Mr. Seelye leaves to mourn his death his loving life, three sons and three daughters, twenty-five grand children and thirty-eight great grand children. The children are: Mr. Seelye, Huntington: Mrs. Ella Payne, Huntington: Chas Seelye, Bismark, N.D.; Alanson Seelye, Bently, N.D.; Mrs. Cora Lamb, Pomona, Calif,; Etta S. Seelye, Shield, N.D.; Walter Seelye, Elliott, N.D.
The funeral services were held from the Huntington church on Sunday, the Rev. Heddle of Dolliver officiating. The remains were laid to rest in Oak Hill cemetery.
Published in the Estherville Enterprise, April 21, 1926, front page and page 5
[Son of SGS #2486 - Eben; Schubel/Shuble (#2486); Justus (#914); David; Justus; John; Benjamin; Nathaniel; Robert]