George Henry Seelye died at his residence, 241 Washington street, at 7 p.m. last evening. Mr. Seelye was born in Lansingburg, N. Y., September 23, 1833. When quite a young man he came to Geneva to enter the employ of his uncles, H. H. and G. C. Seelye, who were engaged in the drygoods business. After leaving Geneva, he was a prominent drygoods merchant in Canandaigua for a number of years. In 1872 he went to Adrian, Mich., and engaged in the same business for three years. He then returned to Geneva and accepted the position of traveling salesman for H. A. House & Son, of Troy, N. Y. This he continued for several years, when impaired health obliged him to give up active business. In November 1887, he was married to Evelyn Coleman Seelye, who survives him. He leaves also one brother, Charles E. Seelye, of Rochester. The funeral will be held at his late residence Sunday at 3 p.m. Rev. W. W. Weller, assisted by Rev. J. B. Champion, will officiate. Burial will be in Washington street cemetery.
Published in the Geneva Daily Times 28 October 1904