Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at two o'clock in the Dowling Chapel for Harry Seelye who died in Daly hospital about three o'clock Wednesday morning. Rev. Charles Miller will officiate and interment will be made in Riverview Cemetery.
The deceased was born at Centralia, Illinois and had lived in the Bitter Root for the past nine years coming here from Forsyth, Montana. He was 57 years of age. Before entering the hospital, he resided at Grantsdale and previously had lived in Hamilton and at Woodside.
Surviving the deceased are five sisters and two brothers, none of whom live in Montana. They are Mrs. Frances Wardell, Mrs. Fred Diehn, Mrs. E. Tally, Mrs. Mattie Craig, Mrs. Lottie Sunkel, and brothers, George and Charles
Published in The Western News (Ravelli Co., MT), May 16, 1940, page 1
[Harry is grandson of SGS # 3438 - Harry Orrin; Charles Wesley; Lyman B. (#3438); Daniel (#1554); David; Charles; Samuel; Jonas; Obadiah]