Jane Elizabeth Potts, eldest daughter of Elizabeth Munn and John Potts was born at Litchfield, Pa., January 16th, 1841, being 86 years, 8 months, 6 days old. At the age of 15 years she, with her parents and brothers and sisters moved to Belleville, Fillmore County, Minn.
She was united in marriage on October 24, 1858, to Eben Seelye of that place. To this union were born 7 children, 3 sons and 4 daughters, all of whom survive her except Mrs. Addie Barth, who died about six years ago.
They moved to Martin County, Minn., about 40 years ago, where they resided until the past thirteen years, which they spent as residents of Huntington and Emmet County, Iowa.
Mr. Seelye departed this world Apr. 16, 1926.
Mrs. Seelye leaves to mourn her 3 sons, 3 daughters, 25 grand children, 42 great grand children, 4 great great grand children. Most of these live in North Dakota.
Mrs. Seelye was a member of the Methodist church since young woman hood and a faithful worker as long as her health permitted.
Services were in charge of Rev. Mueller at the Huntington church Sunday afternoon at two o’clock.
Those of the immediate relatives present were Mrs. Celley, of Selfriedge, No. Dak.; Walter Seelye, Blanch and Beryl of Elliott, No. Dak.; Mr. and Mrs. John Rymer and son, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Barth of Green, Iowa, and Mrs. Payne who has been Grandma Seelye’s companion for several years.
Only good night beloved and not farewell.
A little while and all his saints shall dwell.
In hallowed union indivisible “Good night.
Until we meet again before His throne,
Clothed in the spotless robe He gives his own,
Until we know even as we are known Good night.”
Published in the Estherville Enterprise, September 28, 1927 front page
[Wife of son of SGS #2486 - Eben; Schubel/Shuble (#2486); Justus (#914); David; Justus; John; Benjamin; Nathaniel; Robert]