SEELYE – Joseph Arthur, 53, residence, 2405 Meyers, died Wednesday. Survived by wife, Mrs. Maude Seelye; three daughters, Mrs. J.E. Heinzman Jr., Newark, N.J.; Mrs. W.H. Cotton, Dallas; Mrs. R.L. McGuire, Miles, Runnels County; one son, Pfc. Charles W. Seelye, U.S. Marines: four brothers and four sisters. Services Saturday at 4 p.m. at Oneal Funeral Chapel, with Rev. W.W. Phares officiating. Interment Restland Memorial Park.
Published in The Dallas Morning News, November 19, 1943 page 11

Brakeman Who Saved Man’s Life Killed
DALLAS, Nov. 18 (U.P.) – A brakeman who once saved a man’s life by leaning precariously from the front-guard of a switch engine to throw the man from the tracks, was killed yesterday when a switching train ran over him.
The brakeman, Joe Seelye, 53 apparently was brushed from the rungs of a moving box car by a stationary car and fell beneath the moving train.
Several years ago Seelye noted an elderly man on the tracks in front of an engine he was riding and, unable to signal the engineer in time, Seelye reached out, grabbed the pedestrian by the coat lapel and threw him to safety.
Published in the Morning Avalanche, (Lubbock, TX), Friday November 19, 1943, page 20