Died, at the residence of Hon. William M. Oliver, in this village, on Friday last, the 20th inst., Mrs. Julia Seelye, relict of the late Isaac Seelye, Esq. Counsellor at Law, of Cherry Valley, and mother of Mrs. William M. Oliver, aged 65 years.
Although this excellent and amiable lady was not a permanent resident amongst us, yet she had secured an attached circle of friends amongst those who had the pleasure of her acquaintance. Possessed of that attractive charm of manners which give delight to the social and domestic circle, and which made her an agreeable companion to the youthful and aged; with conversational powers which made her society pleasant and desirable; and with an intelligence which marked an accomplished woman, she was the ornament of the society in which she mingled. - Above all things, she had that cheerful and attractive piety which denoted the full assurance of hope, and which wins respect, while it promotes confidence. It is hardly necessary to say that her death was happy and peaceful, for she knew in whom she believed; and to add, that it has left a vacancy in the midst of her sorrowing friends, which cannot easily be supplied.
Published in the Penn Yan Democrat (Penn Yan, Yates Co. NY), Tuesday, September 24, 1850