Soldier’s Death Is Probed
Hamilton – AP – Capt. John Moffait of Fort Harrison is conducting an army investigation into the death of Lloyd Seelye, Jr., former Woodside resident, who, Sheriff F.O. Burrell said, apparently committed suicide Saturday by firing a .22 caliber bullet into his chest at the home of his sister near Stevensville. Seelye , reportedly overdue at his camp in Louisiana (not Pennsylvania as previously reported), shot himself in despondency after apparently reconciling himself to returning to the service. Burrell said. He had been staying at the home of his sister, Mrs. Harvey Wetzstein.
Published in the Independent Record, (Helena, MT) Monday, January 31, 1944, page 2

Serviceman Is Shot And Coroner Say Case One of Suicide
Hamilton, Jan. 29. – AP – Sheriff-Coroner F.O. Burrell said Lloyd Seelye, 23, a serviceman of unidentified rank, died today at his sister’s home near Stevensville, from a self-inflicted .22 calibre gunshot wound.
The youth, visiting his sister, Mrs. Harvey Wetzstein near Stevensville, was reportedly due at a Pennsylvania army camp last Dec. 2. Relatives said he apparently was reconciled to returning yesterday, but that today they found him writhing from a self-inflicted wound on his left side. He died before a physician could arrive.
The youth formerly resided in Woodside.
Published in the Independent Record, (Helena, MT) Sunday, January 30, 1944, page 8
[Great-great-grandson of SGS # 2486 - Lloyd A.; Lloyd Alanson; Alanson; Ebenezer; Schubel/Shuble (# 2486); Justus (# 914); David; Justus; John; Benjamin; Nathaniel; Robert]