Death of Mrs. W. E. Seelye
The funeral of Mrs. W. E. Seelye was held from the home, fourteen miles northwest of this city, last Friday, April 7th, burial being made in Oak Hill cemetery. Mrs. Seelye was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Russell formerly residents of Emmet county, but who recently moved to Wyoming.
Lucy Elizabeth Russell was born Feb. 23, 1887 in Jackson county, Minnesota. When but a small girl her parents moved to Emmet county, where she grew to womanhood. September 7, 1905 she was united in marriage to Walter Seelye, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Seelye of this city. To this union were born three children, Marjie Rose, Blanche Lucile and Walter Beyrl. Mrs. Seelye died Monday, April 3d, of blood poisoning. She was always a kind and loving wife and mother. Besides the husband and three children, a father, mother, and three sisters are left to mourn her untimely death.
Published in The Vindicator And Republican, April 12, 1911 front page

The funeral of Mrs. W. E. Seelye was held from the home, fourteen miles northwest of this city, last Friday, April 7th, burial being made in Oak Hill cemetery. Mrs. Seelye was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Russell, former residents of Emmet county but who recently moved to Wyoming. Lucy Elizabeth Russell was born February 23, 1887 in Jackson county, Minnesota. When but a small girl her parents moved to Emmet county where she grew to womanhood. September 7, 1905 she was united in marriage to Walter Seelye, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Seelye of this city. To this union were born three children, Marjie, Blanche and Walter. Mrs. Seelye died Monday of blood poisoning. She was always a kind and loving wife and mother. Besides the husband and three children, a father, mother, and three sisters are left to mourn her untimely death.
Published in the Estherville Democrat, April 12, 1911 page 3
[Wife of Grandson of SGS #2486 – Walter E.; Eben; Schubel/Shuble (#2486); Justus (#914); David; Justus; John; Benjamin; Nathaniel; Robert]