P.E. Seelye, Idaho Mining Man, Buried at Salmon
SALMON, Idaho, July 10. – (Special) – Funeral services were held at the Doebler chapel for Philo E. Seelye, 70, widely-known mining man who died of a heart attack Friday morning at his mining property on Boyle creek. Burial was in Salmon.
For the past five years Mr. Seelye had been president of the Gibbonsville Mining and Exploration company operating at Boyle creek, near Salmon. He was also superintendent of the Daisy mine in Washington for 20 years, and for 11 years was connected with the Bunker Hill-Sullivan company at Kellogg. He also mined in the Klondike and in Peru.
He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Irene Selfridge Seelye, who was with him at the time of his death. Two sisters survive, Mrs. Herbert Dart of Spokane and Mrs. D.K. McDonald of Long Beach, Cal.
The Seelye’s residence is at Spokane, Wash.
Published in The Montana Standard, (Butte, MT), Sunday, July 20, 1941 page 16
[Son of SGS #2322 – Philo E. ; Horatio Nelson (#2322); Stuart R. (#833); Justus William; Joseph; John; Benjamin; Nathaniel, Robert]