Mrs. Seelye Dies After Brief Illness
Mrs. Reka Seelye, 75, of 219 Boght Rd., Colonie, died today at St. Mary’s Hospital after a short illness.
She was born in Holland and came to the United States when three years old. She lived in Schuylerville for a number of years and had resided in Colonie for more than 40 years. She was a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Watervliet. She was the former Reka Capelle and was the widow of James M. Seelye.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Archie Marson, Colonie; a step-daughter, Mrs. Andrew Richards, St., Atlantic Highlands, N.J.; a brother Adrian Capella, Brooklyn; a sister, Mrs. Jane Chartier, Watervliet; a stepbrother, Henry VanDusen, Cohoes; a stepsister, Mrs. Ann O’Connell, Green Island, and a grandson.
The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Friday from the Barthel Funeral Home, 21 Purtell Ave., Latham, where Rev. Benjamin H. Ashtor, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Watervliet, will officiate. Interment will be in Elmwood Hill Cemetery.
Published in The Times Record (Troy, NY), Tuesday, April 14, 1964, page 18
Funeral of Mrs. Seelye
Funeral services for Mrs. Reka Seelye, a resident of Colonie, were conducted this afternoon at the Barthel Funeral Home, 21 Purtell Ave., Latham, with Rev. Benjamin H. Ashton, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Watervliet, officiating.
Bearers were Joseph Wilson, Robert Burns, Harry Inglis, William Charier, Henry Van Dusen and Raymond Stevens.
Mr. Aston officiated at the interment in Elmwood Hill Cemetery.
Published in The Times Record (Troy, NY), Friday, April 17, 1964, Page 19
[Wife of Grandson of SGS # 2217 - James M.; Nelson J.; Nathaniel (#2217); John (#779); Nathaniel; Benjamin; John; Benjamin; Nathaniel; Robert]