Listing of submitted Queries:
Query Number: 0311-9: Seth Seelye, Nathaniel Seeley and P.T. Barnum Query Date: 11-??-2003 Requested Info: Talcott Seelye sent a query about the relationship of his ancestor Seth Seelye to the Nathaniel Seeley who married one of P.T. Barnum’s daughters. Before this query made the rounds of our query team Talcott sent this information… The Nathan Seelye referred to below is SGS #640.
‘My direct ancestor, "Squire Nathan" Seelye, born in 1766, located his family in Bethel, CT. He was the one who changed the name Seeley to Seelye. One of his sons was Seth (SGS #2056), my ancestor, who married Abigail Taylor and fathered the famous college Presidents Julius and Laurenus. Seth had a brother named George (SGS #2059) who decided to change the name back to Seeley! One of George's sons was named Nathan who in 1867 married one of P.T. Barnum's two daughters, Pauline Taylor. (Barnum had no sons.) They in turn had two sons, one of whom was named Clinton Hallet Seeley. When Barnum died, having no sons, he left the bulk of his estate to Clinton. However, he had one condition: Clinton had to change his name to C. Barnum Seeley in order to perpetuate the name of this great circus impresario.
Barnum's brother hosted a bachelor party for C. Barnum at Sherry's restaurant in New York on the eve of his marriage. The featured attraction was the belly dancer "Little Egypt". Since "Little Egypt" had previously posed in the nude for artists, word immediately got out that she was dancing in the nude at this party. Police arrived and broke up the party. It became known as "The Awful Seeley Dinner". Oscar Hammerstein wrote a musical entitled "Silly's Dinner" based on the putative nude entertainment by "Little Egypt"....’
Talcott says he got all this from a variety of sources.
Requester: Talcott Seelye Requester Address:
Response Info: If you have something to add to this account send your information to Linda Crocker, Query Editor
Responder: SGS Interim response:
Query Number: 0311-8 John W. Seeley Query Date: 10-14-2003 Requested Info: He is looking for the parents and further ancestry of John W. Seeley. According to census records he was b. in 1813 in CT (Warren, Litchfield Co. CT according to one of his children). He was married there on March 30, 1833 to Lavina Shove (Warren Town records). In 1847 he and his family moved from Warren to Polk District, Washington, WI. Some of his children were married in Washington Co. WI.
John W. doesn't appear there after the 1860 census.
The children are:
Martha, Sarah, Norman, Truman, Almira, Elnora, all b. in CT and Harman and Wilbur A. b. in WI.Can anyone identify this family?
Requester: James O. Martin Requester Address: Logan, UT 84321
Response Info: John W. Seeley and Laura don’t appear to be listed in the SGS publications. Please forward any information you may have on this couple to James and also send a copy to your query editor so it can be printed in a future issue of the newsletter.
Responder: SGS Interim response:
Response Info: August 2004
James O. Martin has recently located them living in 1880 in Franklin, Robertson Co., TX with their two youngest children, Wilbur and Lavinia.The property there was sold 18 months later, after John's deaths, by which time Wilbur and Lavinia had both married.
James in eager to correspond with anyone else related to this family
Responder: Linda Crocker SGS Query Editor
Response Info: November, 2007
James had been interested in finding the ancestors of John W. Seeley b. 1813 CT and his wife Lavinia E Shove. James has found that Lavinia’s parents are Seth Shove Jr and his wife Patience Barber.
Barbour Collection: Warren, Litchfield, CT
Seeley, John, m. Lavina SHOVE, Mar. 30, 1833, by Benoni P. Beardsley, J.P.
He is still looking for the ancestors of John W.Responder: Linda Crocker SGS Query Editor
Response Info: Update to Query 0311-8 Re: John W Seeley b. 1814 CT
This query was concerning the parentage of John W Seeley who moved from CT to Polk, Washington Co. WI in the late 1840’s. Previous updates showed that John and his wife Lavinia Shove moved to TX with their 2 youngest children before the 1880 census. I recently received another query about John’s son Truman Seeley from Emily Willis ( She believes that Truman was born in Warren, Connecticut in 1843 and married Helen Mowry in 1863 in Hartford, Wisconsin. They had five daughters, Maude, Myrna, Grace, Azuba, and June, but he abandoned his family and the family has no further record of him. However, for some reason, Emily’s grandmother, Grace, gave Emily’s father the middle name of Truman. Emily wonders what happened to Truman Seeley.
SGS Response:
1870 census Polk, Washington, WI
Seely, Truman, age 29 b. CT, farmer
Seely, Hellen, age 23 b. WI
Seely, Grace E age 5, Azuba age 3, both b. WI
Bail, Frances, age 17, b. WI, domestic service
1880 census Burr Oak, Mitchell, IA
Household 28
Jennings, Mack, age 42, farmer, b. NY, NY, VA
Jennings, Mary, wife age 39 b. NY, NY, MA
Seeley, Grace age 15, farm laborer, b. WI, NY, NY
Household 31
Doudna, JH, farmer age 27 b. OH, OH, VA
Doudna, Martha B., wife, age 23 b. WI, CAN, PA
Doudna, Maud age 3, Myrtie age 1, daughters, b. IA, OH, WI
Seeley, Azuba, age 13, servant, b. WI, WI, WI
1880 census Osage, Mitchell, IA
Hamilton, John S, age 40, divorced b. SCOT, SCOT, SCOT, farmer
Seely, Hellen S age 34, sister-in-law, divorced b. WI, NY, NY
Seely, Juneau, age 8, niece b. WI
In the 1900 census Martha Doudna says she has 2 children, both living. Unless she adopted both girls as babies it seems unlikely that they are sisters of the others. I couldn’t find any further census entries for Truman.
If you have information on Truman Seeley or the ancestry of his father John of CT, please pass it on.Responder: Linda Crocker SGS Query Editor
Query Number: 0311-7 Bethany Young Shaw Seelye Query Date: 10-14-2003 Requested Info: I recently discovered the SGS; my mother-in-law is an 11th generation Seeley descended from Robert. I ordered the three books and received them yesterday.
I have a question I'm hoping you can answer. #849 Thomas Barnes SEELYE married (2nd) Bethany YOUNG (Shaw). Your book states that she is a sister of Brigham Young. I have searched the LDS website, however, and can't come up with this connection. (I am assuming you are referring to "the" Brigham Young b 1801 VT.) He had ten siblings, none of which seem to be our Bethany?
My husband is descended from their son #2348 Sylvanus Danforth SEELYE, whom I am presently researching. Do you have any more information on him? I have found the family in the 1860/70/80 censuses, but I'm not sure when they moved to Peoria Co, IL, and I can't find the date that he and Lucy Larrabee were married. It doesn't seem to be in the Williamstown MA or Pownal VT records.
Requester: Robin Deems Requester Address: San Diego, CA
Response Info: The connection of Bethany Young Shaw to Brigham Young was placed in the Seeley History books based on family history/legend of Marion and Helen Seelye. I have personally researched this question for Terry Tietjens who bought their home and is so supportive of the Seeley Genealogical Society. I checked all the resources that had been given as documentation and could not make a prove a connection. As you mentioned, there is no sibling named Bethany in the Brigham Young record maintained by the LDS Church or in the family histories written by Brigham Young's daughter. It is Terry's theory that the family did not claim her because she never joined the LDS Church but I have a hard time with that theory. The Young family was interesting because all the members of that family did join the Church in adulthood except one brother-in-law but she mentions that in the history so it seems they would have also mentioned a sister who did not join. It is physically possible for Bethany to have been born into the family given the birthdates but it wouldn't follow the pattern of birth. One sister was raised by a grandmother and did not join the family until she was a teen-ager but again they mention how happy they were when she rejoined the family.
More research needs to be done. I have recently retired and am hoping that when I take care of some other things, I can get back to this question.
Thanks for your interest. If you have enlightenment on the topic, please let me know.
I do have 4 or 5 sheets of information on Sylvanus Danforth Seeley, #2348. If you would like me to mail copies of those to you, please send me your name and address and I will be happy to send what I have on your line.
Responder: Kathie Olsen
Query Number: 0311-6 SGS# 742 Austin H. Seeley Query Date: 08-28-2003 Requested Info: Descendants of Austin H. Seeley
1 Austin H. Seeley 1799 - 1865 . +Phebe Rice Allen 1801 - 1875 .. 2 Erwin Seeley 1841 - Unknown ..... +Mary Amelia Morris 1841 - Unknown ...... 3 Harry Erwin (Irwin) Seeley 1865 - 1933 ......... +Mae Lydia Wood 1865 - 1932 .......... 4 Hazel Irene Seeley 1900 - 1973 ............. +Raymond Lester Ainsworth 1898 - 1966 Had Living Male Child + Living Female Rowden 5. Living eldest Daughter +Married Living MaleDescendants of Austin H. Seeley
Generation No. 1
1. AUSTIN H.10 SEELEY (AJACKS TALLMAN9 SEELYE, AUSTIN8, NEHEMIAH7 SEELEY, ROBERT6, NATHANIEL5, ROBERT4, WILLIAM3, THOMAS2 SEELY, WILLIAM1) was born March 04, 1799 in Arlington, Bennington, VT, and died March 21, 1865 in Renfrew, Ontario, Canada. He married (1) PHEBE RICE ALLEN December 27, 1821, daughter of SAMUEL ALLEN and LUCY BECKWITH. She was born April 25, 1801 in Amsterdam, New York, and died February 06, 1875 in Girard, Erie, PA. He married (2) LUCY ANN VAUGHN Unknown in Otego, NY. She was born 1818 in New Brunswick, Kings Co, Canada, and died Unknown.
[497] Girad is now Lake City, PA
Resided in Fairview, Erie County, PennsylvaniaMore About AUSTIN H. SEELEY:
Burial: Girad Cemetey, Girad. PennsylvaniaMore About PHEBE RICE ALLEN:
Burial: Girard, Cemetery, Girad, PennsylvaniaNotes for LUCY ANN VAUGHN:
[499] Parents of Austin H Seeley who married Lucy Ann Vaugnh has not been proven, Not sure how this family lineage should be recorded in these files.Children of AUSTIN SEELEY and PHEBE ALLEN are:
2. i. ERWIN11 SEELEY, b. February 18, 1841, Otsego Co, NY; d. Unknown.
ii. SAMUEL A. SEELEY, b. November 22, 1822, Otsego Co, NY; d. Unknown.
iii. WILLIAM AUSTIN SEELEY, b. March 18, 1824, Otsego Co, NY; d. Unknown.
iv. ESTHER M. SEELEY, b. November 27, 1825, Otsego Co, NY; d. Unknown.
v. SUSANNAH M. SEELEY, b. July 04, 1827, Otsego Co, NY; d. November 28, 1845, Girard, Erie, PA.
vi. LUCY ANN SEELEY, b. June 23, 1831, Otsego Co, NY; d. Unknown.Requester: Jesy Shepard Requester Address:
Response Info: Dan Seelye’s database shows Austin H. Seeley married to both women with the note that the parentage of the Austin H. married to Lucy Ann Vaughn is not proven. It seems that either Austin was a bigamist or there are two Austins, possibly related, that have been confused. Anyone with helpful information should contact the Query Editor and Jesy.
Responder: SGS Interim Response:
Query Number: 0311-5 Dorcas Cilly Query Date: 08-27-2003 Requested Info: Now I am trying to find information on my father's side about Dorcas Cilly (Sealy) who married James Gibbins. According to one report she was the daughter of a Richard Sealy,; the granddaughter of an Andrew Sealy. I have sent you the data about my family descent from Rebecca Sealy, is similar information desired about the descent from Dorcas?
Requester: Richard E. Elden "Dick" Requester Address:
Response Info: There isn’t any information on this family in the SGS publications. Linda has been unable to contact Dick to get further information such as dates and places. Hopefully Dick will get in touch when he receives this newsletter. Meanwhile if anyone recognizes this family please contact Linda.
Responder: SGS Interim Response:
Query Number: 0311-4 Seely Spouses Query Date: 08-27-2003 Requested Info: I know there's been talk about a volume on Seeley Women. If some of you have specific data in that area maybe you could share it with June. Maybe she'd like to help with such a book? Let me know. Thanks. Linda
I would like to know if there is some source that I can use that would give me information about the spouses and their ancestors of the Seely men in my line? Obadiah (Mary Angel's ancestors), Jonas (Mary Wicks' ancestors), Ebenezer ( Mercy Dean's ancestors), Nathaniel (Jemima Collins's ancestors), and James (Nancy Westlake's ancestors). A few of them have their parents names in the Seeley/Seely books which is helpful. If there is a source that I can tap into it would be more helpful to me. I've been homebound for over a month with a major surgery and it looks like it will be quite a while longer. Any help in this area will be most appreciated.
I've discovered in my years of research that there are folks who do not care about the families of those that marry into the main line (ex: Seely) but I find that is very fascinating and adds a lot of history to the family.
As soon as I'm able to out and about I'll be mailing some information on Jemima Seely/Aaron Gaylord and their descendants.
Requester: June McColm Requester Address:
Response Info: Dian Little has given some thought to a book about Seeley women but this would be about women born into the Seeley family rather than those marrying in. If you have information on these particular Seely wives please contact June. If anyone is interested in researching the Seely wives we would be happy to add that sort of information to our files and database.
Contact Jim Seeley or Linda Crocker if you want to discuss the idea.
Responder: SGS Interim Response:
Query Number: 0311-3 Millicent Strong Seeley Query Date: 08-18-2003 Requested Info: Another mysterious marriage discovered by Holly in her perusal of those old Orange Co. Gen. Soc. Newsletters involves Bezaleel Seely who. married Millicent Strong (born 15 August 1757, the fifth child of Benjamin Strong, brother of Capt. Selah Strong).
In the SGS volumes we have a Bazaleel Seely (SGS #186) who married Elizabeth Millicent Strong. However this Bazaleel was born in August 1725 and his children were born between 1750 and 1770. Are there two Bezaleels who married two Millicent Strongs??? Has a mistake been made somewhere?
Requester: Holly Childs Requester Address:
Response Info: None to date. If you have information on this marriage please contact Linda and Holly.
Responder: SGS Interim Response:
Query Number: 0311-2 Jonas Seely & 0311-3 Millicent Strong Seeley Query Date: 08-18-2003 Requested Info: First is Holly's question about Jonas Seely. This will be Query 0311-2. She seems to be referring to SGS #513, not #509. Do we have any information on a second wife for this Jonas? Do we have the data referred to in our database?
Second is her question about marriages between men named Bezaleel Seeley and women named Millicent Strong. This will be Query 0311-3. It looks like the first Bezaleel is SGS# 186 who m. Elizabeth Millicent Strong. According to The Sixth Generation from Obadiah, p. 31, their son Israel (not Bezaleel) married a Millicent. She would be about the right age to be the second Millicent Holly refers to. Do any of you have information to clear this up?
Some of these queries probably aren't really yours, but I bet you know better than I do who they go to.
I have been working back through some old issues of Orange County [NY] Gen Soc newsletters and these questions are based on two articles I found there.
1. OCGS V 2 no 3 (Nov 1972): Jonas Seely [SGS #509] Bible record, from a Bible published 1810. This Bible lists births, marriages & deaths for a dozen or so Seelys, with an appropriate number of spouses.
- a. Does the Seeley Gen Soc have a copy of this Bible record? If not, I would be willing to type it off for you, but I don't know proper etiquette for passing on a record like this. It's not entirely clear, but I think it means that in 1972 this Bible belonged to Helen A. Satterley; it was given to OCGS by Louise H. Carlin.
- b. Most of the Seelys listed are Jonas's children & siblings & some grandchildren (a bunch of Herricks & Wellings included). The first entry is Jonas's own marriage:
Jonas Seely & Elizabeth C. Townsend 1 Dec. 1791.But the second entry is a bit of a puzzle:
"Jonas Seely & Lois Knapp 27 Jan 1825." I think this is a second marriage for Jonas #509; the marriage occurred a year after the death of Jonas's wife Elizabeth C. Townsend. She doesn't seem to be in the Seely Generations books. Do you have any confirmation that I am correct in matching her to Jonas #509? Would you like to add her? What should I do with her now?2. OCGS V 1 No. 4 [Feb 1972]: Reply to a query, sent in, I think, by Marjorie T. Carter. Describes a 1771 book "Geographical and Historical Grammar" which has genealogical information written on blank pages like the backs of maps. Covers Strongs & Reeves mostly.
- a. Do you have or want this set of records for the SGS? As far as I can see, Bezaleel is the only Seely appearing in it.
- b. Quoting from quote from book:
"Benjamin Strong Esquire [a brother of Capt. Selah Strong] departed this life 10th day of Nov. 1760 in the 39th year of his age and my mother died the August before him [i.e. 1759]."A list of marriages of Benjamin Strong's children, b 1750 - 1759, follows, with births, marriages, & children of some of them.
The 5th of these children reads:
"Millicent [Strong] b 15 Aug. 1757 m. Bezaleel Seely." [No children listed.]Who is this? I have a Bazaleel Seely [SGS 186] who married Elizabeth Millicent Strong; she seems to have been called Millicent. But this Bazaleel was b 20/30 Aug 1725; their children were born 1750 - 1770. Is it possible that there are TWO Bazaleel Seelys who married TWO Elizabeth Millicent Strongs? Or what is confused? Cannot find a Bazaleel b maybe 1750-1757 who married a Strong.
Requester: Ves & Holly Childs Requester Address:
Response Info: None to date. If you have information on this marriage please contact Linda and Holly.
Responder: SGS Interim Response:
Response Info: John Seely has been in contact with another Bowen descendant. Ruth was encouraged to send copies of her information to John and Terry Tietjens. If anyone can determine Lemuel’s place of death or burial please send the information to Ruth and copy it to Linda.
Responder: SGS Interim Response:
Query Number: 0308-7 Rebecca Seeley Query Date: 07-10-2003 Requested Info: According to Mrs. Mary Hodgson's notes on Family History, her grandmother, Rebecca Seeley ( b. abt 1766; d. 8 may 1850), was born in Danbury CN, and was a direct descendant of Nathaniel Seeley who came from England in 1636., and that her father was Gideon Seeley . I find it very hard to trace her place in the Seeley family, the names being repeated so frequently. I am descended from Rebecca and her first husband, Isaac Bloomer. Any suggestions on identifying her line will be appreciated.
Requester: Richard E. Elden,, "Dick" Requester Address:
Response Info: According to the 6th Generation volume Gideon Seely (#402 in the Obadiah line) had a daughter Rebecca b. 14 Jul 1771, So. Salem, NY and d. May 1850, Geneva, NY who m. 1st James Bloomer and 2nd James/John Hogarth.
This is the closest match I can find to the information Dick sent.
Dick, how sure are you about the name of the first husband of Rebecca and the rest of your information?
Team, do any of you have further information on Gideon or Rebecca. It is noted in the Generations One to Five Volume that there was some confusion between this Gideon and several others.
If anyone finds further information please let me know so the newsletter query can be up-to-date.
Responder: From: Linda Crocker SGS Query Editor
Query Number: 0308-6 Sealeys of SC Query Date: 07-08-2003 Requested Info: I am descended from:
1. John Sealey, settler in South Carolina by 1682; mariner. There are some indications that he may have been related to the Sealey family of Isle of Shoals, Maine. Son:
2. Benjamin Sealey, living 1686-1700, of South Carolina. Son:
3. William Sealey, d. 1747, of Euhaw, Granville (now Jasper) Co., S.C.; member of the Euhaw Baptist Church; m. Sarah _____, who m. (2) William Jenkins.
4. Mary Sealey, c. 1732-1758, m. John Jenkins, of Edisto Island, Colleton (now Charleston) Co., S.C.
Requester: Clagett, Brice Requester Address:
Response Info: No response to date from the Query Team. If any readers are familiar with Sealeys in SC or Isle of Shoals, ME, please contact Brice and share any pertinent information with me.
Responder: SGS Interim Response:
Query Number: 0308-5 Edward Seeley Query Date: 07-08-2003 Requested Info: I am wondering if you have any information regarding the branch of my family. My father's name was Richard LaVerne Seeley, born September 17, 1930; died October 12, 2000. His father's name was Edward Seeley (unsure of his date of birth; he died in 1970). I believe that Edward's father's name was Forrest Seeley (he died at a very young age in a trolley accident.)
I was born in Olean, New York. I have heard that my grandfather was from Jamestown, New York and also Olean, New York.
Requester: Kimberly Seeley Miller. Requester Address:
Response Info: Dian Little suggested that Kimberley check census information to try to get her line back a generation or two or at least get a bit more information on these two men.
Responder: SGS Interim Response:
Query Number: 0308-4 Frank E. and Alanson Seeley Query Date: 05-21-2003 Requested Info: I was hoping that you could help me break through my brick wall.
I just started on my mothers Seeley line. So I am trying to put the puzzle pieces together. I haven't been able to find much on my direct Seeley line. I was hoping that you would have some information on my Seeley's In Michigan.
I haven't had much luck finding Frank E. Seeley and Jenny Nicely (parents of Roscoe Elmer, Ralph, Raymond B., Vernon, Leo and Grace Seeley).
I do know that my grandfather Roscoe Elmer Seeley was b:1895 in Gratiot Co. Michigan. His father was Frank E. Seeley. m: Jenny (probably Virginia) Nicely. Jennie died at child birth when she had my grandfather.
Roscoe who was raised by his uncle Alanson Seeley (b: in Middleton Mi) and Martha Goodall from Gratiot Co.
I found Roscoe on a censes living with A.E. Seeley and Martha. The censes said that A.E. Seeley was born in NY. and his parents were born in Ohio. Sometimes Alanson used his name and some times his initials and sometimes his nickname Barney. Roscoe E. Seeley married Neva Rose in the early 1930's.
If you have any information on this family, I would appreciate any help you can give me.
Requester: Jean Little Requester Address:
Response Info: Family Group Sheet
Husband: Alanson Eugene SEELY Also known as Lansing Born: 12/15 May 1815 in Wantage, Sussex County, New Jersey 1 Died: 11 Aug 1886 in Elsie, Clinton County, Michigan Father: Daniel Joseph SEELY Mother: Olive Melissa MEADE Wife: Anna SWARTHOUT Father: Daniel SWARTWOUT Mother: Mary MEADRef. 1840 Seneca County, New York, She was a first cousin to Alanson Seely
Wife: Clarinda Ortensia HODGES 2 Married: 1 Aug 1847 in Seneca County, New York Born: 10 Dec 1828 in New York 1 Father: Mother: M Child 1: John N SEELEY Born: 27 Feb 1849 in Salem, Washtenaw County, Michigan Died: 30 Aug 1934 in Bannister, Gratiot County, Michigan Spouse: Mary Elizabeth SWARTHOUT b. 15 Jul 1850 d. 4 Aug 1934 Married: 22 Jun 1871 in Ovid, Clinton County, Michigan M Child 2: George Ferdinand SEELEY Born: 8 Oct 1850 in Middelbury Twp, Shiawassee County, MI Died: 20 Dec 1923 in Cratiot County, Michigan Spouse: Cora PERKINS d. 14 Jun 1909 Married: 16 Jan 1873 in Ovid, Clinton County, Michigan M Child 3: Alanson Eugene SEELEY Born: 30 Sep 1852 in Died: 30 Jun 1929 in Cratiot County, Michigan Spouse: Martha GOODHALL d. 20 Sep 1925 Married: 1 Jul 1887 in Hamilton Twp, Gratiot County, Michigan M Child 4: Loren C SEELEY Born: 22 May 1855 in Fairfield Twp, Shiawassee County, MI Died: 3 Aug 1878 in Spouse: Susan SIMMONS d. 1905 Married: 18 Apr 1878 in Spouse: Jessis SMITH b. 22 Apr 1848 Married: 30 Sep 1905 inFrom: James Renfro
To: Daniel Seelye
Subject: Seeley information
Date: Monday, June 19, 2000 5:43 PMDan,
I have some information on my wife's side of the Seeley family for you.
Loren C. Seeley had the following children with 1st wife Susan:
Earnest Arthur Bert L. J. Neva (died at about age 2, of whooping cough)Loren C. Seeley had the following children with 2d wife Jessie:
Clarence Carl(We are not real sure that Clarence and Carl are children by Loren. Could be from Jessie's first marriage. Carl always used the name Seeley, however, he always claimed he was part Ojibway Indian and attended many pow-wow's, with his wife Lucille.)
L. J. Seeley was born in Gratiot County, MI, 15 Aug 1886.
He died at Bath, MI, 24 Feb 1974.
His wife's name was Vera June (June is last name).
She was born on 25 June 1888.
She died 16 July 1948 and is buried in Bath,
MI. L. J. and Vera married at St. Johns,
MI on 9 Feb 1909. L. J. worked for and retired from the New York Central Railroad.L. J. and Vera had the following children:
Lona Isabelle Seeley (never married) b: 2 Oct 1912, Bath, MI d: 10 May 1976, Bath, MI Ivan Fremont Seeley b: 20 Aug 1915, Bath, MI d: 31 Jan 2000, Cottonwood, AZ, (buried Lansing, MI)Ivan Fremont Seeley married Pauline Mae Mull in 1934. They had the following children:
Barbara Jean, Dec 1934
Joanne Marie, June 7, 1936
Bonnie Kay, April 9, 1941
Evelyn Joyce, March 1943
Raymond Loren, March 1944
Loraine Sue, June 1954
James Eugene, May 10, 1958, died 18 Oct 1997
Louise Irene, July 23, 1960Ivan Fremont Seeley married Charlotte (maiden name unknown) Brown on 31 July 1965. No children.
Hope this fills in any gaps for the Seeley family for you. I know that the information you sent me sure helped us out. Thanks a lot Dan. Anything else I and my wife can help you with, just e-mail.
(P.S. : My wife has a photo of Loren and Susan Seeley. If you would like a copy send me your snail mail address)
James & Loraine Renfro
M Child 5: Harrison Algervi SEELEY
Born: 21 Jul 1857 in New York or Michigan
Died: 1 Sep 1951 in
Spouse: Rosetta WEST b. 23 May 1857
Married: 28 Oct 1877 in
M Child 6: Albert Henry SEELEY
Born: 11 Aug 1860 in New York
Died: 16 Apr 1923 inUnmarried
M Child 7: Frank Elmer SEELEY
Born: 8 Mar 1865 in Michigan
Died: 20 Nov 1925 in
Spouse: Anna Mary COY
Spouse: Evelyn KNISELY
Spouse: Jessie SMITH
Spouse: Mary McCOYOrder of wivies not known
F Child 8: Rosella SEELEY Also known as Ella _____
Born: 1 Nov 1866 in Michigan
Died: 22 Jun 1914 in Alsion, Michigan(1) John Seely, Seeley Genealogical Society, Database files, SGS Computerized Index of Ancestors, by John Seely,.
(2) The Seventh Generation Familes. The Seeley Genealogical Society Compiled, 2000, by Madeline M Mills & Katherina M Olsen, Obadiah=43.
Data from the files of Daniel P Seelye
I cannot say all data is correct. I do try to add where my data came from. Email me for more info. Dan SeelyeResponder: Daniel P Seelye
Query Number: 0308-3 Alanson Seeley Query Date: 05-12-2003 Requested Info: My name is Alveretta Berg. My mother is a Cox. Her grandparents are Seeleys what I have is this.
Mother- Jennie Mae Seeley b. 1884 d. 1947
Father- Leon T. Cox b. 1886 d, 1971
Gmother -Mary Swarthout (hodges)
Gfather- John N. Seeley
GGmother-Clarinda Hodges
GGfather Alanson Seeley
GGGmother Olive Mead
GGGfather Daniel SeeleyCan you tell me if I am related to your family?
Thank you
Alveretta (Bunker/Cox) BergRequester: Alveretta Berg Requester Address:
Response Info: According to the information below it looks as though Alanson Seely is SGS # 3502, son of Daniel in the 7th Generation of the Obadiah Seeley line. Would you all check your files for information on Alanson and his descendants and verify Alveretta's information? Responder: From: Linda Crocker SGS Query Editor
Query Number: 0308-2 Robert H.Seeley Query Date: 05-14-2003 Requested Info: I am looking for information about Robert H. Seely (born ca 1785) (and his ancestors) who married Sarah Waters (1788-1873) in Goshen, NY. They are my wife's GGG Grandparents. Their daughter, Bridget, married Henry Whetton Brevoort (1811-1871), a member of a well-known New York City family.
My wife's maiden name is Elizabeth Renwick Whittingham; I have developed an extensive genealogy and family history for her. Our son noted your name in the New England Historical Society Journal from a note about a Seeley reunion you are organizing. Although some of her distant cousins in New England in the 17th century and early 18th century married Seeleys, the only Seeley/Seely who is a close relative is Robert H. Seeley noted above. I have been unable to trace his ancestors. Could you help us?
Requester: Philip N. Eisner Requester Address: Summit, NJ 07901
Response Info: It looks as though your Mima is SGS # 1708, Jemima Seely. According to the information in the SGS publication 'The Sixth Generation Families' she was b. about 1793 in Elmira, Chemung Co. NY to James Seely (Nathaniel, Ebenezer, Jonas, Obadiah) and his wife Nancy Westlake. The listing also shows that she died in 1869 and is buried in Cumberland Cemetery, Marshall Co. IL and m. 1815 Aaron Gaylord, b. 1792, PA, d. 1834, Marshall Co. IL.
Responder: From: Linda Crocker SGS Query Editor
Response Info: My files give this data on Mima Seely. Like Linda I believe she is the Jemime Seely listed below.
DanFamily Group Sheet
Wife: Jemima SEELY
Born: ABT1793 in Elmira, Chemung County, New York 1
Died: 1869
Father: James SEELY
Mother: Nancy WESTLAKE
Husband: Aaron GAYLORD
Married: 1815
Born: 1792 in Pennsylvania (1)
Died: 1834 in Marshall County, Illinois
(1) Families of Wells Township, Bradford Co, PA, by J Kelsey Jones Found under the USGENWEB pages on the Internet. 22-Jan-1999.Responder: Daniel Seelye - SEELYE25DAN@MSN.COM
Query Number: 0305-9 - William Sealy Query Date: 04-12-2003 Requested Info: Hi, I reaceived my "Family Tree" newspaper today and saw your name on page 7 of Section A.
Strangely you will notice that my surname is Steeley. Also, I have found in Gadsden County Florida, in 1830, 1840, 1850, 1860, census records a family named Sealey/Sealy/Seely . My interest in this family is that I have an great grandfather, named Jabez Hillard McDougald ,who was born in Gadsden on 20 May 1843 according to his application for a pension for Civil War Service. He moved to Houston County, Texas and married Sarah Eveline Douglass, daughter of John Daniel Mashburn (Douglass) and Rebecca Jane Houston. All my ancestors including
I am trying to find out who his father and mother were. There were two Men named John McDougald and Alexander McDougald, brothers in Gadsden from about 1830 on. My Jabez does not belong to either of them.
My cousin recently found something intresting and so far inexplainable.
Gadsden County, Florida Federal Census taken December 1850:
William Sealy, age 65 b. NC Catherine , age 39, b. SC Marah , age 17, b. SC Sarah , age 16, b. SC Julia , age 3, b. FL Fanny , age 3, b. FL Daniel , age 1 b. FL Jabez , age 7, b. FL Gadsden County, Florida Federal Census taken in July 1860 Catharine Sealy, age 45 b. NC Jabez , age 16, b. FL Catharine , age 12, b. FL Louisa , age 12, b. FL Daniel , age 10, b. FL Sarah McDougald, age 24, b. FL Margaret McCrimmon, age 65, b. ScotlandThke above Sarah was a Sealy in 1850 and a McDougald in 1860.
I can not find a marriage record for her.
Note the son named Jabez. He is the only Jabez listed on the 1850 census record.
Would you know anything about the family of William Sealey. He had about 10 children.
Requester: Billie Curry Steeley Requester Address:
Query Number: 0305-8: Chambers Query Date: 05-??-2003 Requested Info: Carol is trying to research her Chambers ancestors and finds they have associations with the Seeley family. Her ancestor John Chambers enlisted in the Revolutionary army in NJ and served with John Seeley under Col. Lindsley (see Query 0305-5 above). His grandfather, another John Chambers died in Somerset Co. NJ in 1767, and had inherited property from the ‘Associates’ of Elizabeth, NJ. Robert Seeley (SGS #1) was one of the original ‘Associates’. Carol wonders if other Seeley researchers are also interested in the Chambers family or can explain why some Seeleys moved to NJ.
Requester: Carol Church Requester Address:
Response Info: No response to date. Send your research suggestions directly to Carol and copy Linda with any information pertaining to the Seeleys.
Responder: SGS Interim Response:
Query Number: 0305-7 Dr. Levi Seeley and "Seeley Question Book" Query Date: 03-29-2003 Requested Info: I guess this can be a newsletter item &/or query. I've been helping Martin sort, pack & store things that he has saved at the auction house in preparation to vacating for a new owner. The variety is unending, from lumber to WD40. Yesterday we "found" a book that he had saved, "Seeley's Question Book" 1905, by Levi Seeley, Ph.D. & Nellie G. Petticrew. It's a book of questions to help a teacher round out a students education beyond the school textbooks. All subjects are included, even morality.
Levi was a Professor of Pedagogy at Trenton, NJ State Normal School. I looked him up in our 7th Gen. Families & found him (it must be the same person) on page 21 of Nathaniel's descendants. There he is noted as an Educator & author & died in Trenton, 1928. No descendants were found.
I wonder if someone might have more information on him to round out a write up for our
Requester: Marshall Seelye Requester Address:
Response Info: I have heard of the Seeley Question Book but I don't remember the details. It might have been in connection with a query. I'll put that on my list of things to look up. If we haven't had a query on him, I'll add it to my November Query list.
I agree the author, i.e., Dr. Levi Seeley, should be written up and added to the "Famous Seeley List." ...
Responder: Jim Seeley
Query Number: 0305-6: Peter Seeley Query Date: 05-??-2003 Requested Info: Frank is researching two Peter Seeleys in Leeds Co. Ontario, Canada. Peter Seeley of Elizabethtown married Sarah/Sally Whitley who was born there 20 Jan 1798 to John Whitley and Margaret Hagerman. Another Peter Seeley married Sally Hagerman who was born abt 1767 at Kitley in Leeds Co.
Requester: Frank Young Requester Address:
Response Info: The Query Team has been unable to identify these two Peter Seeleys. A John Hagerman and a John Whitley are identified as United Empire Loyalists. Grants of land were made in this area to those who remained loyal to the Crown during the American Revolution. If anyone has further information on these Seeleys or the Hagermans or Whitleys please send it to Frank and copy it to Linda.
Responder: SGS Interim Response:
Query Number: 0305-5: Capt. John Seelye Query Date: 05-??-2003 Requested Info: Catherine is the historian for the Town of Lindley, Steuben Co. NY. She enquired about Capt. John Seelye who settled there with his father-in-law Col. Eleazer Lindsley in 1790. She wants to have a complete file on his family for the town. She also mentioned that his grave and other Seelye graves are located in Lindley but are unmarked.
Requester: Catherine M. Pierce Requester Address:
Response Info: Jim Seeley identified John Seeley (SGS #300) as a probable match for Capt. Seeley and recommended that Catherine consult the SGS Publications for further information. They are available to her at a nearby library. Anyone with additional information to share on this family should send it to Catherine.
Responder: SGS Interim Response:
Response Info: Plaques to be Dedicated to 3 Revolutionary War Soldiers
Catherine M. Pierce, Historian for the Town of Lindley, NY informs us that at 2:00 pm on 20 Sep 2003, plaques will be dedicated to 3 Revolutionary War soldiers buried in the Lindsley Burying Ground, Lindley, NY, for Col. Eleazer Lindsley and his 2 sons-in-law Dr. Ezekiel Mulford and CAPT John Seelye [SGS#300]. Plaques, which were dedicated by the SAR in 1914, have disappeared over the years. Thanks to a Lindsley/ Mulford descendant, Anita Krivanek, the Town of Lindley and the Lindley Heritage Days Committee, new plaques have been received and will be dedicated that day. Anita Krivanek, 802 W. Lake Rd., Horseheads, NY 14845, Ph: 607-739-8295, Email: is in charge of arrangements
At the dedication, Catherine M. Pierce said she would be pleased to share any data that descendants of Captain John Seelye wish to add to the Lindley files. If you are a descendant of CAPT John Seelye, please provide any information that you may have to Catherine at SGS LIFE Member Eugene Seelye of nearby Wellsboro, PA has accepted the role of SGS Representative and to act as our Point of Contact. He plans to attend the dedication. Gene is a descendant of CAPT John Seelye’s brother, Ebenezer, one of 5 brothers who served in the Revolutionary War. Also, see SGS Query # 0305-5 regarding CAPT John Seelye; according to Linda Crocker, no additional info has been received.
Responder: Query Fallowup Response:
Query Number: 0305-4 Jesse M. Seelye Query Date: 03-07-2003 Requested Info: Jesse was b. abt 1842. He married Phoebe Wall 13 Mar. 1864 in Jasper Co. IL
In the 1880 census his 2 sons are living with their aunts: Lucy Burns and Fiddie (Fidelia?) Walls.
Children of Jesse Seelye and Phoebe Wall:
Francis Benjamin Seeley b. 12 Apr. 1865, Jasper Co. IL, d. 25 Aug. 1943 Paris, IL
William Richard Seeley b. 12 Nov. 1867, Newton, Jasper Co. IL, d. 10 Nov. 1909, Newton, Jasper, ILJudith also gave us detailed information on the descendants of Francis and William.
In addition to the ancestry of Jesse M. Seelye Judith wonders if Lucy and Fiddie were his sisters.
Requester: Judith Harder Requester Address: Apache, AZ 85220
Query Number: 0305-3 Anna Seeley Nichols Query Date: 03-07-2003 Requested Info: We are doing research on Anna Seeley Nichols. Anna Seeley was born Feb. 24, 1809 and died Dec. 6, 1863 in Farmersville, NY. She was married to John Nichols and they had four children, named Benjamin, John Jr.(B1842), Ormus(B1843) and Eudora. The children were born in Warsaw, NY. In the 1850 census they were all living in Farmersville, NY.
John Jr and Ormus both served in the Civil War. Ormus was killed on duty in 1864.
My husband is a descendent of Anna Seeley. We have been trying to find her parents and have had no luck at all. We have checked as much as we can in Warsaw, NY and also Stratford, Ct. I contacted Judith Wilkins of Salt Lake CIty and she gave me your email address and suggested I contact you and maybe you could give me some help and direction.
Requester: Martha Usnick Requester Address:
Response Info: Our last E-mail indicated that we had no specific information on your Anna Seeley who married John Nichols. After sending that note, we checked the following reference: "The Seeleys of New Brunswick," first edition, 1992, by Harold Fanjoy and C.G. Hap Ward, ISBN 0-9696285-0-1, printed by Ronald's Printing of St. John, NB. This book has no specific reference to these individuals; however on pages 412, 413 and 458 there are references to a James Stuart Nichols, b 30 Apr 1860, James Arthur Nichols, b 19 Sept 1889, in North Oxford, Ontario, and also a Charles Seeley Nichols, b 11 Feb 1897. Even though these individuals are from a later time period than Anna and John Nichols, they may be descendants and may give you an avenue to trace the Nichols name back to the early 1800s. The spelling of the name Nichols is unique enough that this tie to the Seeley line may prove researchable. Subsequent generations of these mentioned Nichols individuals are also included in the reference, and it is possible that some may have ancestral information that could connect with yours.
Responder: Ann Hall
SGS Genealogist
Response Info: I started doing research on Frank's family early last year and have done very well. His family left no records so I started from scratch. Almost all of his family started out in the Franklinville, Farmersville, NY area. Some were from Ct. originally. His family includes the Holmes, Ransbury's, Blackmon's, Nichols and Seeleys. I have done very well with everyone but the Nichols and Seeley connection. I will keep trying.
You asked what information we have going back to Anna Seeley. I don't know how much information you want but here is some of what I have.
I sent you in my first email that Anna Seeley married John Nichols and also who their children were. I have never found anything on Benjamin but did find some on John Jr and also Ormus. Their daughter Eudora was my husband's great grandmother. Eudora Nichols was born in 1845 and married Samuel Samson Ransbury in Franklinville, NY in 1865. She died in 1901 in Franklinville. Eudora and Samuel Ransbury had seven children. One of those children was Jessie Ransbury born in 1869. She married Archibald (Archer) Holmes. Their daughter Eudora Holmes is my husband's mother.
I will keep looking and if there are any suggestions that you have for me, I would love to hear. I have found the nicest people in genealogy research.
Responder: Martha Usnick
Response Info: Martha Usnick ( had asked for information on an Anna Seely, b. 24 Feb. 1809, and d. 1863 in Farmersville, NY. She had information on Anna’s children and husband (John Nichols) but couldn’t locate Anna’s parents. Ruth S. Johnson has identified Anna as likely to be SGS #1089 in the Nathaniel line. This Anna is the youngest dau. of Benjamin Seelye and Olive Rood, aged 12 in 1820. Two of Anna’s brothers lived just west of Farmersville, one of her children is a Benjamin and another is named Ormus, the name of a cousin who lived near Anna’s parents. Anyone who can provide further verification of Anna’s identity should contact Martha and also send the information to your Query Editor.
Responder: Update to Query
Query Number: Query 0305-2: Elenor Sealy Query Date: 05-??-2003 Requested Info: Anne is looking for the parents of Elenor Sealy, possibly George Sealy and his wife Lois/ Louise who d. Tioga Co. NY 13 Dec. 1854, aged 84 yr, 9 mo, 6 days. Anne’s husband is descended from Elenor Sealy born 25 May 1805 Schoharie Co. NY and died 4 Nov. 1881 Owego, NY She m. Michael Townsand/Townsend and had two children – Louise/Lois b. 1825 and John b. 1829.
Requester: Anne Townsend Requester Address:
Response Info: Neither Dan Seelye nor the SGS publications has relevant information. If you can identify this family please forward your information to Anne and send a copy to Linda.
Responder: SGS Interim Response:
Response Info: No information has been received on this query. If you can help, please send your information to Gayle and send a copy to Linda.
Responder: SGS Interim Response:
Query Number: 0302-10 Charles Harvey Seely Query Date: 1-11-2003 Requested Info: I am trying to research my wife's family (Seely) and have a significant roadblock with a Charles Harvey Seely (b. 1826, d. 1891). He and his family spent most of their life in KA and MO it seems but due to the various spellings of the name, it is complicated to research. I understand there is a Seeley Genealogy Society and I am hoping you can provide me with a contact name, email or phone number.
Requester: David Bruce Requester Address:
Query Number: 0302-9 Sarah Augusta Seeley Query Date: 01-08-2003 Requested Info: Am searching for any information on the ancestors of Sarah Augusta Seeley (Seely-have her descendants and spouse, William K. Sawyer). Her father was William S. and they came from the Bangor, N.Y. area; mother-Margaret ______. Sarah's brothers and sisters are Charles, Annabelle, Susan, and Henry. The family may have moved to Preston, Fillmore County, MN where they gave land to William K. an Sarah. After that, Wm. K and family moved to Three Oaks, MI. Any information on this family would be appreciated. Sarah Augusta Seeley was born in 1839, Bangor, NY.
Requester: Larry Seid Requester Address:
Response Info: Sorry I have no data to share with you on your search. I did find in the SGS Computer files of John Seely the following data.
Record #15998 Sarah Augusta Seeley born: ca, 1840 MA Father Seeley, William L or S Mother Margaret.Responder: Daniel P Seelye
Query Number: 0302-8 Loyalists Going Adolphoustown, Ont. in 1785 Query Date: 11-16-2002 Requested Info: I am from Campbellford Ont. I did copy you on my first contact to Michele Proke on Nov 12. Since then I have been communicating with her and a cousin Terry Seeley in Ottawa Ont. I have not thought to ask if they were members, I just took it for granted. I will check that out with them. They both have supplied me info. which I will forward to you now that I have received their permission. Most of my mail has been of pictures I have of grave markers in this area. There is a lot in their families that I am still trying to get sorted out. Any imformation I receive I will forward.
I would like to post a Query regarding any list of Loyalists that came to Adolphoustown Ont. in the year 1785. There have been a number of queries that lead back to that landing. So far I have not been able to find any lists.
Requester: Arthur Wade Requester Address:
Query Number: 0302-7: Nancy Seeley Query Date: 02-??-2003 Requested Info: SGS Member LeeLonee Rice is seeking information on the parents of Nancy Seely who was b. about 1828 in either Steuben or Chemung County NY. Nancy m. James Monahan in 1848 in Southport, Chemung County, NY. James’ mother, Harriet Seely, d. 1826 when James was only 2. It was reported that James was taken in by his Seely Grandmother, Mercy Bartlett Seely who died about 1840 in Almond NY.
Requester: LeeLonee Rice Requester Address:
Response Info: Dan Seelye sent LeeLonee a Family Group Sheet from John Seely’s files. John Seely, SGS Database Coordinator, provided LeeLonee answers to several questions she had and the names of individuals who had provided John info on the query subject. A match was not found in the 3 SGS Publications for either Nancy Seeley or James Monahan. If anyone has information that would help LeeLonee
Responder: SGS Interim Response:
Response Info: LeeLonee Rice asked for information on Nancy Seeley who m. James Monahan in 1848 in Southport, Chemung Co. NY. LeeLonee noted that James Monahan’s mother was Harriet Seely and his grandmother was Mercy Bartlett Seeley.
Mercy Bartlett Seeley is SGS # 482. J. Kelsey Jones has sent LeeLonee information on the family of Samuel Seeley (SGS #501) and Mercy Bartlett. Dan Seelye sent information showing Nancy to be Nancy Arvilla Seeley b. 24 Jan 1828 Chemung Co. NY, dau. of John Beardsley Seeley (SGS # 1961) and Nancy Harger. Please send information documenting these relationships to LeeLonee Rice ( and send a copy to your Query Editor.
Responder: Update to Query
Query Number: 0302-6 Re Levi Seeley Query Date: 12-01-2002 Requested Info: I am looking for information on my ggggrandfather, Levi Seeley.
I have been researching my Seeley ancestry for years, but I have reached a dead end with Levi Seeley. I'm wondering whether you or SGS newsletter readers can help.
Here is the best information that I have been able to dig up. I will lay it out in chronological order.
1/10/1789 Levi Seeley born, somewhere in New York state. 10/30/1801 Levi's wife, Betsey Ann Webster, born in New York state. I don't know when (or if) they were formally married. 1810 Ohio census shows Robert Seeley and Levi Seeley in Mentor, Lake County, OH. These may be relatives, since my ancestral Levi Seeley subsequently moved to Mentor. fall 1812 Levi Seeley is a draftee in the Ohio Militia in the War of 1812. He is in the army for 3 months and in action for just 3 weeks before General Hull surrenders. He is honorably discharged at the town of Portage, Portage County, OH. 2/13/1816 Abraham M Seeley born 'near Buffalo, NY'. The family was 'en route' to Lake County, Ohio. (The timing of this looks very suspicious; did Levi and Betsey Ann elope?) Abraham later married a Mrs Mahalia Soules. 11/5/1819 Austin Seeley born in Mentor, Lake County, OH. Later (10/18/1838) married Mary Diana Kent. 1820 Ohio census shows Robert Seeley and Levi Seeley in Mentor, OH. However, the household age information in the census does not accommodate my ancestor Levi Seeley and his family in either household. 6/30/1822 William Seeley born (presumably in Ohio). 1/4/1825 Anna M Seeley born in Hinkley, Medina County, OH. Later married Jacob Reigles, and subsequently married a Martin Seeley of Clear Lake, OH. 1/1827 Alfred L Seeley born in Ohio. Later married Alice Laura Foster Wilkinson. 1830 Ohio census shows Levi Seeley and Nehemiah Seeley as neighbors in Hinkley, Medina County, OH. 1833? Joseph Seeley born (presumably in Ohio). 2/5/1835 Alonzo Seeley (my gggrandfather) born in Hinkley, Medina County, OH. Later married Sarah L Mallon. 10/10/1837 Sarah Jane Seeley born (presumably in Ohio). Later married Edward A Maxham. 4/24/1840 Milo E Seeley born in Ohio. Later married Grace Rosco. 1840 Ohio census shows Nehemiah, Levi and Austin Seeley in Hinkley, Medina County, OH. 3/1842 Levi Seeley Jr born in Ohio. Later married Mary A Hagaman. fall 1846 Levi Seeley moves to Delevan, Walworth County, WI. 1850 Wisconsin census shows Levi Seeley in Delevan, Walworth County, WI. spring 1855 Levi Seeley moves to Reedsburg, Sauk County, WI. 4/4/1859 Levi Seeley (Sr) passes away in Reedsburg, WI. 10/1/1867 Betsey Ann Webster Seeley passes away in Reedsburg, WI. Note that Lake County OH was split at some point, and Mentor became part of Geauga County. I don't know of any Seeley relatives from Ohio; all of my known Seeley relatives come from Sauk County, Wisconsin.
The information on Levi Seeley's service in the War of 1812 comes from a letter that Betsey Ann (Webster) Seeley wrote to the Ohio Adjutant General, asking about compensation for her late husband's service, dated 1/2/1862. The letter was dictated to the postmaster in Lavalle, WI, who added an annotation to the effect that she is 71 years old and her memory isn't so good. So it's possible that she was born in 1791 rather than 1801, but her grave marker says 1801. The letter turned up in an index for a computerized filing project for Ohio military records.
Family legend holds that Betsey Ann Webster was related to the famous Daniel Webster, and indeed my ggrandfather was named Daniel Webster Seeley. I can't find any evidence for this legend in my research, however.
I will also note that Levi and Betsey Ann were said to have had 10 boys and 3 girls, but I can only account for 8 boys and 2 girls.
Nehemiah Seeley of Hinkley, OH, was a neighbor of my ancestor Levi Seeley, but I can't prove that he was a relative. Nor can I prove than any of the 4 Seeley families in Mentor, OH, in 1820 were related to my Levi Seeley. The names 'Nehemiah', 'Levi' and 'Austin' all appear tantalizingly in documented Seeley families of that era, but I can't yet tie my family into those families.
Many frustrating loose ends and no conclusions. Can you help me connect my Seeley name to a larger Seeley branch?
Any pointers appreciated,
Requester: Donn M Seeley Requester Address: donn@BSDI.COM
Response Info:
Re: Levi Seeley b. 1789 NY The original submitter was Donn M. Seeley ( We were recently contacted by Donald Kaus (, who is also a descendant of this Levi through his grandmother Edna, daughter of Daniel Webster, son of Alonzo, son of Levi. Levi was listed in the 1830 and 1840 censuses of Hinckley, Medina, OH, and then in 1850 in Delavan, Walworth, WI. He died in Reedsville, Sauk, WI, in 1859. The only good clues are that there was an older Nehemiah Seeley listed very near Levi in Medina Co. He does not seem old enough to have been Levi’s father; perhaps he was an older brother or cousin. Donald would like to join the SAR, but he knows that a couple of Nehemiah Seeleys served in the Revolutionary War.
At this point it would be great to find a male Seeleysurnamed descendant of Levi who would be willing to undergo DNA testing. This might give some clues regarding those who may be close relatives. Nehemiah and Levi are both names used often in the Robert/Nathaniel line, but none of those known names lines up with our information on this Levi. Please get in touch with me if you can help.Responder:
Query Number: 0302-5 John & Nancy Edwards Sealy Query Date: 12-02-2002 Requested Info: In reading my November SGS Newsletter, I want to note that we have Taunsends in our family line. I have sent a full report of John Sealy Family. My no. is 599 and my cousin, Lucille Hastings w/Sealy family is 631 for further reference. I'm referring to Query # 0211-4 from Volney J. Powers. My Email is I hope this may help somehow.
I am still trying to research John and Nancy Edwards Sealy. From the History of Sealy, TX, I have learned that Robert and Mary McCarty Sealy came to America, to New Jersey, in 1818 from Cork, Ireland. They had 2 sons and 8 daughters. One son was John Sealy of the Texas Railroad fame. My interest is that my grandmother was told that 4 Sealy brothers came to New Jersey. From where we don't know. 3 stayed in the East and one went to the west. She was always of the opinion that the founder of Sealy Mattresses Co. was a descendant of the Sealy that went west. This is not true. The Sealy Mattress Co. was formerly the Haynes Mattress Co. in Sealy, TX. So. I'm still searching for the originally 3 brothers that stayed in the East. Was one of them Robert Sealy?
Requester: Allene Sealy Patterson Requester Address:
Query Number: 0302-4 Thomas Ceely and William Cely Query Date: 11-24-2002 Requested Info: The query I've copied below that seeks information on any link between Seeleys and the Ceelys of 17 Century Elizabeth City County, VA, specifically Thomas Ceely who came to Virginia in the 1620s and William Cely of Brunswick Co, VA who lived from the 1720s to the 1790s.
Requester: Richard Fowler Requester Address: San Diego, CA 92101
Response Info: Oldest known Ceely in Elizabeth City Co, VA is Thomas Ceely, merchant from London, who came to VA in the mid-1620s. He was a member of the House of Burgesses, off and on, between 1629 and 1639. Owned land in several VA counties, including Warwick, Essex, Gloucester and Rappahanock.
Only known son is Thomas Ceely Jr, who was High Sheriff of Warwick in the 1660s. He sold off Ceely land in Eliz.City Co in 1690s (presumably to pay off gambling debts). He died in 1697, leaving the following children:
Cassandra b.1687 In 1698, she was apprenticed as a seamstress to John Fiquett (or Tingnall) and his wife, Judith.
Rebecca b.1688 In 1697, she was apprenticed as a seamstress to George Gigels (or Gigely)(or Jeggitts) and his wife until her 18th birthday.
Charles b. ? / d. 1738 He married the widow, Elizabeth Saunders, in 1696. Only known children at the time of his death were Daniel and Mary.
That's as much as we know of that particular bunch. Perhaps I should say that I only strongly suspect I am descended from them. I am most definitely descended from William Cely of Brunswick Co, VA who lived from 1720s to the 1790s. Brunswick is not that far from Eliz. City Co and so many other Brunswick families are known to have moved from there. I consider it a pretty good bet.
We're also very interested in a Thomas Ceely of Cornwall, who died in St Mary's Co, MD in July, 1676. We don't know for sure what happened to Thomas Ceely Sr, the merchant, and wonder if this might not be him.
Responder: Jim Seeley
Query Number: 0302-3 Samuel Seeley Query Date: 11-04-2002 Requested Info: I am researching my family tree. Trying to connect the dots.
I would like to join your society if you have information about the Robert/Nathanial/John/David/Jesse line of Seeleys, who lived in Bridgeton, NJ.
I am trying to link Jesse Seeley b. 1735/6 d. 1801 married Mary Husted 1759 to my grandfather's grandfather, Samuel Seeley d. 6 JUN 1845, married Margaret Smith b. 1790, d. 10 OCT 1845. Both are buried in the Commerce St. M.E. Cemetery Bridgeton, NJ.
I don't know if you can help me with this link, you must get lots of requests. Maybe you could give me some direction, maybe to another branch of the Seeley family.
Thank you in advance for any info. you can give me.
Sandra Cozzolino
(my mother is Ruth Carolyn Seeley great-great granddaughter of Samuel Seeley)Requester: Sandra Cozzolino Requester Address:
Response Info: Sandra - It appears that your Samuel Seeley (d. 6 Jun 1845, m. Margaret Smith b. 1790) may be our SGS # 394 found on page 54 of the Nathaniel line of the SGS Publication Descendants of Robert Seeley (1602-1667) & Obadiah Seeley (1614-1657) Generations One Through Five. However, the Author of that document apparently had no additional information on that line since this Samuel (6th generation) does not appear in a subsequent SGS Publication, The Sixth Generation Families. Therefore we would love to have info on your line back to the Samuel you describe so your data can be shared with other Seeley researchers. Here is some additional information:
1. The references the Author of the 1st Five Generation book listed for the family of Jesse Seeley (father of SGS # 394, Samuel Seeley) are -- (a) Chase, Mary H. Saga of the Seelyes, (b) Houtz, Esther S. research, (c) Old Stone Church Records, Bridgeton, CT, (d) Ridge, Bradley Cumberland Co. Militia, 1793, Deerfield Township p 682, and (e) White, Elizabeth S. research.
2. The entry for SGS # 394 reads "Samuel Seeley (b 14 Sep 1777) m Margaret."
3. Siblings of Samuel (SGS # 394) that are listed are - Joseph, John (died as an infant), Mary, John (b in 1766, two years after the first John's death), Daniel, Jeremiah, Elias, Samuel, and Ann. The SGS Publications have considerable additional information on the descendants of the second John (assigned SGS # 390), Jeremiah (SGS # 392) and Elias (SGS # 393). The reason I use assigned SGS numbers is that there are often dozens of Seeleys with the same first name.
4. Some of the Query Team members have databases that go beyond what is published in our 3 SGS Publications. One of them may have additional information that can help you "connect the dots."
5. You might try Dan Seelye's home page at for additional info. Dan is a member of our Query Team.
Responder: Jim Seeley
Response Info: Family Group Sheet Husband: Jesse SEELEY Born: 27 Dec 1736 in NJ Died: 1 Jan 1801 in Cumberland, NJ 1 Buried: in Old Stone Church near Fairfield, CT Ref number: 5th Generation SGS#144 2 Father: David SEELEY Mother: Tamar WARDJesse Seeley resided Cumberland Co, NJ. He served as the jailer under Sheriff David Potter at Bridgeton, NJ from 1790 to 1792.
Wife: Mary HUSTED Married: 24 Oct 1759 in Born: 1740 in Died: 3 Oct 1803 in Father: Moses HUSTED Mother: (Wife) HUSTED M Child 1: Joseph SEELEY Born: 9 Jul 1760 in Died: 13 Oct 1790 in Ref number: 6th Generation SGS#387 M Child 2: John SEELEY Born: 17 Nov 1761 in Died: 27 Mar 1764 in Ref number: 6th Generation SGS#388 F Child 3: Mary SEELEY Born: 11 Nov 1763 in Died: 23 Dec 1764 in Ref number: 6th Generation SGS#389 M Child 4: John SEELEY Born: 12 Mar 1766 in Fairfield, Cumberland Co, NJ Died: 1846 in Bridgeton, NJ Buried: in Methodist Cemetery, Bridgeton, NJ Ref number: 6th Generation SGS#390 Spouse: Lydia GARRISON d. 1822 Married: 1785 in Cumberland Co, NJ Spouse: Mary DOUGHTY Resided in Bridgetown, NJ. M Child 5: Daniel SEELEY Born: 22 Sep 1769 in Ref number: 6th Generation SGS#391 M Child 6: Jeremiah SEELEY Born: 14 Jun 1772 in Died: 14 Sep 1814 in Ref number: 6th Generation SGS#392 Spouse: Jane (SEELEY)Resided in Bridgeton, NJ. After his death, his widow,Jane resided in Philadelphia, PA Jeremiah Seeley served in the War of 1812 abd died in the line of service. Served as a private in Captain John W Gookin's of U S Artillery
M Child 7: Elias SEELEY Born: 27 Mar 1775 in Cumberland Co, NJ Ref number: 6th Generation SGS#393 Spouse: Mary MIDDLETON d. 1 Mar 1823 Married: 15 Sep 1797 inResided Cumberland, Co. Nj. Elias enlisted Nov 6. 1813/ He served as a privaten in Captain John Gookin's and Alexander William's Companies in the US Artillery. On 15 Aug 1814, he received a bayonet wound and was discharged 3 Jun 1815.
M Child 8: Samuel SEELEY Born: 14 Sep 1777 in Ref number: 6th Generation SGS#394 Spouse: Margaret (SEELEY) F Child 9: Ann SEELEY Born: 7 Sep 1784 in Ref number: 6th Generation SGS#395(1) Jesse was of Cumberland Co. NJ. He was the jailer under Sheriff David Potter at Bridgeton, NJ. 1790-1792. SGS VOL 1, 33.
(2) Generations One Through Five, Complied by Madeline Mills and Katherine, Mills 1997. The Seeley Genealogical Society. Nathaniel-25.
Responder: Daniel P Seelye
Query Number: 0302-2 Ruth Seely Query Date: 10-14-2002 Requested Info: I am trying to find out information regarding Ruth Seely Dunning. Any information that you have would be very helpful. We have a memorial window that was made for her in our collection.
Requester: Danielle Furrow Requester Address:
Response Info: Not sure if this is the Ruth Seely you are seaching data about. If you can send more info I will search some more. Will send your query to the SGS query team for there info.
I invite you to join with us on our search for information on our surname. Also I would like your data on the descendants of your Ruth Seelye Dunning. A GEDCOM file would be great.
Family Group Sheet Wife: Ruth SEELY #2111 Born: 12 Oct 1828 in 1 Died: 10 Jul 1890 in Father: Albert SEELY #2000 Mother: Deborah ROE #2001OCGS Newsletter Vol. VI. Died at sea 10 July 1890, Married at her mother's home near Warwick.
Husband: Benjamin Franklin DUNNING 2 #2112 Married: 18 Feb 1852 in Warwick, New York Born: 1819 in 1 Died: 1896 in Father: Benjamin DUNNING #43517 Mother: unknown #43518(1) OCGS Newsletter, May 1977-Feb-1978 Vol VII # 1,2,3,4 Chart of Obadiah Seely by Leslie Seely of Eatontown, NJ.
(2) The Seventh Generation Families. The Seeley Genealogical Society Compiled, 2000, by Madeline M. Mills & Katherine M. Olsen, Obadiah=75.
Data from the files of Daniel P. Seelye
Responder: Daniel P Seelye