Listing of submitted Queries:
Query Number: 0811-6 Requested Info: Bill is looking for the ancestry of Sarah Ann Seeley who md Silas T Baldwin of NYC.
1) She married Silas T. Baldwin of NYC on June 1, 1819. In the marriage announcement in the NY paper, she is indicated "of this City".
2) Her children were John Fellows Baldwin (b. Oct. 1819,), Elias Burr Baldwin and James Covel Baldwin (Bill’s GGG-grandfather).
3) Her husband, Silas, died around 1826 on board a ship on his way to Venezuela. Bill suspects that she remarried.
Bill thinks Sarah Ann may have been the daughter of Robert Seeley (born in 1774) and Ann. Robert died in 1850 in Newburgh. Robert and Ann were married at Trinity Church in NYC (where Silas' parents had a connection). He also noted that Robert's father, Joseph, was from Morris County NJ. The Baldwins are originally connected to Morris County, NJ.Requester: Submitted by Bill Philbrick Requester Address: (
Response Info: From the SGS database:
We have a listing for Sarah Ann Seeley md to Silas T Baldwin in 1819 in our database but no further information - not even her children.
Seeley, Robert -- b. 1791 d. 1859 Orange Co. NY md. Ann , parents: unknown
- 1850 census Newburgh, Orange NY
Seely, Robert, age 76, b. NY
Seely, Ann, age 79, b. NYIf you have information on this couple please contact me.
Responder: SGS Response
Query Number: 0811-5 Requested Info: Denise has been doing research on the Seelye family of one of her husband's cousins. They were in the Litchfield CT area according to census records. She is having a problem connecting this family to other Seelye families in that time frame and in that location. She has sent the data she has collected concerning Philo Seeley born 1804 CT. The cousin’s line is through Vera b. 1900, dau. of Joseph, son of Philo. Who are Philo’s parents?
Requester: Submitted by Denise Wells Requester Address: (
Response Info:
- 1850 census Cornwall, Litchfield, CT
Azubah Seelye age 58 b. CT
Philo Seelye age 45 b. CT, colier
Polly Seelye age 39, b. CT
Catherine Seelye, age 4, b. CT
Nathan Sawyer, age 66, b. CT
Note: the census taker has messed up the alignment of the numbering system. It is not clear whether Azubah Seelye belongs with Philo or with the previous family of Silas Beardsley. Also not sure if Nathan Sawyer belongs with the family. 3 families earlier on the same page is William Seelye, age 50, colier b. CT with wife Ann age 44 and 6 children ages 2 - 21 all b. CT.
- 1840 census of Cornwall, Litchfield, CT
Samuel Seelye: 1 male 30-40, 1 male 70-80; 1 female 20-30, 1 female 60-70
Next house -
William Seeley: 1 male <5, 1 male 5-10, 1 male 10-15, 1 male 40-50; 1 female 5-10, 1 female 10-15, 1 female 30-40
CT Marriage Records: Barbour Collection
Cornwall CT
Philo Seeley and Mary Ann Budsall, both of Cornwall md 20 Oct 1842
Samuel Seeley of Cornwall md Azubah Morris of Goshen Sept 24 1843
Samuel, farmer d. Dec 1848
William md Mariah Benedict, both of Cornwall, Nov. 10, 1822In the 7th Generation Families of Nathaniel Seeley we have Samuel Seelye as SGS# 2659 and Philo Seelye as SGS# 2658 and William (SGS# 961) who md Maria Benedict as their father.
It seems to me, based on Philo's and Samuel's age in the census that Samuel is really SGS# 308 and that his marriage to Azubah is a 2nd marriage after his 1st wife died (in 1842). That would make Philo a younger brother of William, both sons of Samuel. Certainly Philo can't be a son of William. Polly, the name of Philo's wife, is a nickname for Mary.
I did not find a birth record for Samuel Seelye b. 1825 Weston, CT as we have listed for #2659.
Can anyone confirm or disprove my theory?
Responder: SGS Response
Query Number: 0811-4 Requested Info: Jessica is trying to find the parents of Abraham Seely. His wife's possible maiden name is Whitney. She found him in the census records below:
- 27 Sept 1850 Census Dennysville, Washington, ME
Abram Sealey age 49 born Maine Laborer
Jane W. age 36 born Maine
Children: Jacob W. 19, Laborer, Eliza Ann 17, Isabella 12, Hannah E. 10, Betsey 7, Leah 3/12 alll b. Maine
- 12 June 1860 Dennysville, Washington, Maine
Abraham Sealey age 55 born Maine Farm Laborer
Jane age 48 Maine
Children: Isabell 26 Domestic, Hannah 18 Servant?, Betsey 15 Domestic, Leah 7 Attended School within the year, Robert C. 3, all b. Maine
- 15 June 1870 Edmunds, Washington, Maine
Abraham Seeley age 60 born Maine Laborer
Isabella Seely 3? Maine Washerwoman
Robert C. 13 Maine
Seward W. 5 Maine
Stillman 11 mos. Maine born in July 1869
- 1 June 1880 Edmunds, Washington, Maine
Abraham Seely age 77 Laborer Born Maine, Father b. CT, Mother b. England
Martha Jane age 66, Wife, born Maine, Father born Maine, mother born Maine
Robert C. 22 sonMen living in Maine in 1820 (Possible Father to Abraham?)
Sheubel Seeley of Walton, Kennebec, Maine
Gideon Seely of Plantation 10, Washington, Maine
Isaac Seely of Eastport, Washington, Maine
Joseph Seely of Perry, Washington, MaineRequester: Submitted by Jessica Seely Howard Requester Address: (
Response Info: From the SGS database:
Seeley, Abraham b.1802 ME md. Whitney, Jane in 1828. No info on parents.
- 1840 census Dennysville, Washington, ME (1 Jun 1840)
Abraham Sealey: 1 male age 10-15, 1 male 40-50, 2 females under 5, 1 female 5-10, 1 female 20-30
- 1830 census Perry, Washington, ME
Abraham Seeley: 1 male 20-30; 1 female 20-30
10 households earlier:
Joseph Seeley: 1 male under 5, 2 males 5-10, 1 male 30-40; 1 female under 5, 2 females 10-15, 1 female 30-40
- 1837 Census of Dennysville, Washington Co., Maine
(Dennysville, Washington County, Maine bounds: Charlotte, Pembroke, Edmunds, 14 ED BPP. Previous designation 2 PS, Pennamaquan. Settled in 1786 and incorporated 13 Feb. 1818 as the 227th town in Maine. Part of Dennysville was set off to form Pembroke on 4 Feb 1832. This special Census was done to check the count that was done on the local level.)Abraham Seeley 1 person under age 4, 1 person age 4-21, 2 people over age 21 (No other Seeley family listed)
I looked again at the 1870 census of Edmunds, Washington, ME (the PO is Dennysville). Further down the page from Abraham Seeley I found:
Seeley, Giddeon, age 56, farmer, b. ME
Seeley, Dorcas, age 29, b. ME, keeping house
Seeley, Sarah J., age 21, b. ME
Seeley, Martha J., age 60, b. ME, keeping house (this seems to be Abraham’s wife – note she is not listed with Abraham in this census although she is in 1860 and 1880)
Seeley, Elma E., (male) age 8, b. ME
Seeley, Mary E., age 6, b. ME
- 1850 census Edmunds, Washington, ME
Sealey, Gideon Jr, age 33, b. ME, farmer
Sealey, Susannah, age 19, b. ME
Sealey, Solomon, age 8, b. ME
Sealey, Sarah J., age 1, b. ME
In same dwelling:
Sealey, Gideon, age 77, b. New Brunswick, farmer
Sealey, Moses, age 18, b. ME
Sealey, Irene, age 15, b. ME
Sealey, George M., age 10, b. ME
- 1860 census Edmunds, Washington, ME (PO is Dennysville)
Sealey, Gideon Jr, age 40, b. ME, farmer
Sealey, Solomon, age 15, b. ME, at school
Sealey, Sarah J., age 11, b. ME, at school
Owens, Peleney, age 18, b. ME, at school
- 1880 census Edmunds, Washington, ME
Sealey, Gideon, age 65, farmer, b. ME, father b. New Brunswick, mother b. ME
Sealey, Elma (Dorcas crossed out), age 18, son, works on farm, b. ME, parents b. ME
Sealey, Mary Ellen, dau., age 16, b. ME, parents b. ME, keeping house
Sealey, Clara E., age 4, neice, b. ME, parents b. METhese Gideons (Jr and Sr born ME and New Brunswick) don't appear on the SGS CD. Can anyone identify them or Abraham or the relationship of Abraham to them. Are they related to the Joseph Seeley in the 1830 census above?
Responder: SGS Response
Query Number: 0811-3 Requested Info: Butch wants to know about Franklin B. Seeley born around 1884 and died in 1947. He married Pearl Grace Little who was born 3 April 1893 and died 22 August 1985. They lived in Tiadaghton, Tioga Co., PA. Their children were Alford, Leda, Kathleen, Milford, Alberta, and Franklin. He is a son of Kathleen.
Requester: Submitted by Butch Willsey Requester Address: (
Response Info:
- 1930 census Delmar Township (District 11), Tioga, PA
Seeley, Frank, age 45, b. PA, parents b. PA, watchman for RR, md since age 28
Seeley, Pearl H, age 35, b. NY, parents b. NY
Children: Alford age 16, Leda age 14, Kathlien age 12, Milford age 8, Alberta age 5 and Franklin age 11 mos, all born PA
- 1920 census Delmar Township, Tioga, PA
Seely, Frank L., age 34, b. PA, parents b. PA, laborer, section hand
Seely, Pearl, age 24, b. NY, parents b. NY
Seely, Alfred B., age 6, b. PA, father b. PA, mother b. NY
Seely, Leda I, age 4, b. PA, PA, NY
Seely, Kathaleen, age 1, b. PA, PA, NY
Gofford, Jesse, father-in-law, age 89, b. PA, NY, NY
- 1910 census Wells, Bradford, PA
Gifford, Jessee, age 80, b. PA, parents b. NY, widowed
Little, Pearl, age 16, boarder, b. NY, parents b. NY
- 1900 census Wells, Bradford, PA
Gifford, Jesse, b. Feb 1830 PA, parents b. NY, retired farmer, md 14 years to
Gifford, Marie, wife, b, Feb 1843 NY, father b. NY, mother b. NJ, no children
Gifford, Pearl L, adopted dau., b. Apr 1894 NY, parents b. NY
- 1900 census Jackson, Tioga, PA
Marvin, Samuel, b. Jan 1820 PA, NY, PA, laborer, md 12 yr
Burns (very faint), Polly, b. June 1838 NY, NY, NY, says 'servant' but wife is written over and also says she is md 12 years
Seely, Mary, boarder, b. Apr 1863 NY, NY, NY, married 19 years, 8 children, 8 living
Seely, Polly M, b. June 18__, age 18?, b. PA, PA, NY
Seely, Frank, b. Feb 1884 PA, PA, PA, laborer
- 1880 census Brookfield, Tioga, PA
Seely, Chester G., age 63, b. PA, father b. CT, mother b. CT, farming
Seely, Polly, age 59, b. NY, NY, CT
Seely, Elias, son, age 27, b. PA, PA, NY, farming
Seely, Mary C., age 20, dau.-in-law, b. NY, NY, NY
Alvord, Lyman, age 87, father-in-law, farming, b. CT, CT, CT
Alvord, Esther, age 86, mother-in-law, b. CT, CT, CTChester Seely is SGS#2645 and Polly is Polly Alvord, SGS# 2603.
I'm proposing that the Mary Seely of the 1900 census of Jackson, Tioga, PA is Mary, wife/widow of Elias, son of Chester and Polly Seely and that Polly M. and Frank are her children, born after the 1880 census and before 1900. Can anyone document that this is true? Frank named his oldest son Alford which could be a link to his Grandmother Polly Alvord Seely.
Elias is in the SGS database with his marriage to Mary C. but no info on children. I have seen references that Elias died 21 Sept. 1886 but no sources.
Responder: SGS Response
Response Info: Update to Query 0811-3 re: Franklin B. Seeley b. 1884 PA
The original query was submitted by Butch Willsey (
We had found census records for Frank L. Seeley b. Feb 1884 PA, married to Pearl Little 1913 and residing in Tioga Co. PA. He is with his mother Mary Seely age 37, married 19 years and sister Polly (18?) in the 1900 census of Jackson, Tioga, PA living as boarders in the home of Samuel Marvin.. We suggested that perhaps he was a son of Elias Seely, son of Chester and Polly Alvord Seely. Chester is SGS# 2645.
We received an email from Anne P. Lugg ( stating that Elias died in 1885/6 and although he was married to Mary Davis they had no children. Mary Davis Seely was remarried in 1890 to Theodore Pierce and they had several children. Anne’s information is from Mary’s grand-daughter by her 2nd husband.
I found a WWI Draft Reg’n for Frank Lee Seely of Tioga Co. PA b. 5 Feb. 1884.
J. Kelsey Jones has information on Tioga County Seeleys on Joyce Tice’s Tri-Counties website. He shows a Franklin Seeley born to Benjamin F Seeley and his wife Mary L Burrows (married 1880 Chemung Co NY). Benjamin married a 2nd time (in 1905 according to 1910 census) Anna Louise Rowe.
Looking again at our database I found entries for Franklin or Franklin B Seeley as a son of Benjamin Franklin Seeley and Mary L Burrows. Then I found BF Seeley in the 1900 census of Jackson, Tioga, PA, md 19 years with 4 children: Anna 12, Elmer 11, Will 7 and Jennie 4. Note that Mary his wife is in the same town with two other children. Did they divorce?
Can anyone find evidence that Franklin, son of Benjamin F is the same man as Frank Lee Seeley b. Feb 1894?
Responder: SGS Query Editor: February 2009
Query Number: 0811-2 Requested Info: Paul was able to use our website to track down information on his great-great grandfather, Dr Timothy Seeley, of Tonganoxie, Kansas, but says the trail seems to end there. He has information on Dr Seeley's daughters Frances (his great-grandmother) and her sister Florence Seeley Rifford, but nothing on their siblings. Any information on any other of Timothy D. Seeley's descendants would be greatly appreciated.
Requester: Submitted by Paul Bramble Requester Address: (
Response Info: About Dwight, son of Timothy D Seeley:
California Death Certificate: Dwight Merrit Seeley b. 26 May 1883 NE, d. 25 Aug 1956 Los Angeles. Mother’s maiden name Goodcell, father Seely.WWI Draft Registration: Dwight registered for the draft on Sept 12 1918 in Topeka, KS where he was working as a foreman at a transfer company. His nearest relative is Hazel Seeley. He was b. May 26 1883.
Seeley, Dwight M, age 46, b. NE, father b. Scotland, mother b. MN, packer at furniture house, md 16 yr to
Seeley, Hazel, age 32, b. KS, OH, KS
Seeley, Ruth, age 16, b. FL, NE, KS
Seeley, Marguerite, age 13, b. KS, NE, KS
Seeley, Florence, age 7, b. MO, NE, KSAbout Merlin, grandson of Timothy D Seeley:
California Death Record: Merlen Seeley b. 22 April 1906 KS, d. 2 August 1959 Los Angeles. Mother’s maiden name Seeley, father’s surname Harrison.
US Veterans' Gravesites: Merlen Seeley buried 7 August 1959 Ft Rosecrans Nat’l Cemetery San Diego, CA. Service Information: BMGC US Navy.
About Maude, daughter of Timothy D Seeley:
Leavenworth, KS Marriages 1900-1920: Maude Seley md William H Harrison 1 Dec 1902.About Birt, son of Timothy D Seeley:
Social Security Death Index: Bert Seeley b. 18 Feb 1897, d. August 1964, last residence: Kansas City, Platte, MOAbout Florence Seeley Riford, daughter of Timothy D Seeley:
Published in the Los Angeles Times (CA) - February 23, 1993:
Florence Riford; UC San Diego BenefactorFlorence Seeley Riford, a major benefactor of San Diego and UC San Diego who vowed to give away the fortune she made investing in stocks and real estate, has died. She was 100. Mrs. Riford died Friday at her apartment in La Jolla.
She had given more than $5 million to UC San Diego, becoming the university's single leading individual donor. Her largess to the university's School of Medicine included the 1983 endowment of the Florence Riford Chair for Alzheimer's Disease Research and the 1986 endowment of a faculty chair for AIDS research.
Mrs. Riford's gifts included a $2-million piece of property on Draper Avenue to the city of San Diego for construction of a branch library in La Jolla; $1.1 million to the Rotary Club of La Jolla for college scholarships; $1.5 million to the Salvation Army to establish the Florence Riford Senior Club in La Jolla; $550,000 to the San Diego County animal shelter, and $200,000 to help construct a senior citizen center in her childhood home of Tonganoxie, Kan.
Many of Mrs. Riford's gifts were in the form of accounts granting her lifetime interest income, with all principal and interest reverting to the recipients at her death.
Born in Wisconsin on July 12, 1892, Mrs. Riford married real estate investor Ira Riford in Chicago in 1923. They retired to La Jolla in 1941, and when Riford died 30 years ago he left his widow about $1 million.
Ancestry of Timothy D Seeley: - 1920 census Tonganoxie, Leavenworth, KS
Seeley, Timothy, age 66, b. WI, father b. Scotland, mother b. NY
Seeley, Mollie, age 49, b. IL, parents b. Germany
Seeley, Merlin, son, age 13, b. KS, WI, IL - 1910 Tonganoxie, Leavenworth, KS
Seeley, Timothy, age 54, 2nd marriage, md 15 years, b. WI, parents b. England
Seeley, Marie, age 40, 2nd marriage, 4 children, 4 living, b. IL, parents b. Germany
Seeley, Charles, age 16, b. NE, parents b. WI
Seeley, Birt, age 13, b. KS, father b. WI, mother b. IL
Seeley, Merlin, age 4, grandson, b. KS, father b. MO, mother b. NE Dwyer, Mamie, age 24, boarder, b. KS, parents b. Ireland - 1900 Tonganoxie, Leavenworth, KS
Seeley, Timothy D., b. Jan 1860, age 40, b. MN, parents b. Scotland, veterinary surgeon, md 6 years to
Seeley, Mollie, age 30, b. Dec 1869 IL, parents b. Germany
Seeley, Dwight, son, age 17, b. May 1883 NE, parents b. MN and IL
Seeley, Maud, dau., age 15, b. Oct 1884 NE, parents as above
Seeley, Francis, dau., b. Aug. 1888, age 11, b. NE
Seeley, Florence, dau., age 10, b. Jul 1889 NE
Seeley, Charles, son, age 7, b. Aug 1892 NE
Seeley, Homer, stepson, age 8, b. Mar 1892 NE
Seeley, Birdie, son, age 3, b. Feb 1897 NE - 1880 census Hudson, St Croix, WI
Seeley, Isaac D., age 68, b. NY, father b. NJ, mother b. NY, hotel keeper
Seeley, Irene A., age 63, b. PA, parents b. PA, landlady
Seeley, Timothy D., son, age 21, b. WI, hotel clerk
Seeley, Belle, age 21, son's wife, b. WI, father b. Canada, mother b. VT
Seeley, Mary, age 4 mos., b. WI, grand-daughter Various boarders - 1870 census Hudson, St Croix, WI
Seely, I D, age 68, b. NY, patent right dealer, personal estate: 600
Seely, Iriana, age 49, b. Pa, value of real estate: 10,000, personal estate: 300
Seely, Emma, age 20, b. NY
Seely, Willis, age 16, b. PA
Seely, T. Dwight, age 12, b. WI
Seely, Gurtrude, age 10, b. WI - 1860 census Hudson, St Croix, WI
Seely, Isaac, age 49, b. NY
Seely, Irene, age 42, b. PA Value of real estate owned: 200, value of personal estate: 1800
Seely, Mary, age 21, teacher, b. NY
Seely, Emma, age 12, b. PA
Seely, Belle, age 8, b. NY
Seely, Wallis, age 6, b. NY
Seely, Dwight, age 2, b. WI
Seely, Gertrude, age 3 mos., b. WI - 1850 census Harmony, Susquehanna, PA
I D Seeley, age 39, tailor, b. NY
Irina Ann Seeley, age 32, b. PA
Catherine J Seeley, age 14, b. NY
Mary Ann Seeley, age 12, b. NY
Emma Seeley, age 2, b. PA
Lavina Byington, age 35, b. Unknown
There isn't any further information on Isaac D Seeley in the SGS database.
However I found an account of a court case against Isaac D Seeley in NY State in Google Books (go to and put Isaac D Seeley in the search box). It includes depositions from his wife Irene A. Seeley and his mother Frances Chase. Apparently he owned mercantile businesses in Hornellsville and Wellsville, NY that were in dire financial straits. He went west (to Hudson, St Croix, WI) to try to recoup his losses. While he was gone he was sued by his creditors. The case is about whether he was resident (his wife, mother and friends say he planned to return) or had taken up residence in WI. This all takes place 1854/55.
Can anyone identify the parents of Isaac D Seeley? The bio says he was b. in Handlesville, NY but I can't find such a place. Is it Randlesville/Randallsville which is in Madison County, NY? I can't find this Isaac before the 1850 census.
Responder: SGS Response
Query Number: 0811-1 Requested Info: Richard is looking for any and all information on Joshua Brizille Seeley, born in Maine around 1855. He married Sylvia Jordon in the late 1870's and had 3 or 4 children, including Richard’s grandfather Walter Seeley born in 1889 in Aitkin, Minnesota. Other children were Beatrix and Leroy. Joshua died in the late 1930's.
Requester: Submitted by Richard Seeley Requester Address: (
Response Info: Minnesota Death Index
Joshua Seeley d. 19 Jan 1936 Aitkin Co. MN
• 1930 census Aitkin, Aitkin, MN
Seeley, James B., age 79, b. ME, parents b. ME, inmate in county poor house, married since age 30
• 1920 Spencer, Aitkin, MN
Seeley, Joshua B., age 69, widower, b. ME, parents b. ME, farmer
• 1910 Spencer, Aitkin, MN
Seeley, Joshua B., age 59, widower, b. ME, parents b. ME, farmer
Seeley, Walter, son, age 20, b. MN, parents b. ME, laborer at sawmill
Seeley, Beatrix, dau., age 17, b. MN, parents b. ME, teacher
Seeley, Jeremiah, age 60, cousin, widower, b. ME, parents b. ME, laborer working out
• 1900 Spencer, Aitkin, MN
Seelei, James B., age 49, b. Jan 1851 ME, parents b. ME, farmer, md 28 years to
Seelei, Selvia, age 48, b. Aug. 1851 ME, parents b. ME, 7 children, 5 living
Seelei, Lillian, age 16, b. Dec 1883 MN, parents b. ME (birth places same for all children)
Seelei, Walter, age 10, b. Jan 1890
Seelei, Betrix, age 7, b. Jan 1893
• 1895 Minnesota census, Township 48, Aikin, MN
Seeley, Joshua, age 43, b. ME, resident in MN for 14 years 1 month, in this enumeration district 8 years 3 mos., farmer, parents b. US
Seeley, Jerry, age 44, b. ME, resident MN 12 yr 2 mos, this district 2 yr 1 mo., farmer, parents b. US
Seeley, Silvay, age 42, b. ME, housekeeper, parents b. US
Seeley, Florence, age 22, b. ME, domestic
Seeley, Burton, age 16, b. ME
Seeley, Addie, age 14, b. MN
Seeley, Lillie, age 11, b. MN
Seeley, Walter, age 6, b. MN
Seeley, Buttie, age 3, b. MN
• 1885 MN census Aitkin, Aitkin, MN
Seeley, Joshua, age 34, b. ME
Seeley, Sylvia, age 34, b. ME
Seeley, Florence, age 12, b. ME
Seeley, Berton, age 7, b. ME
Seeley, Ada, age 4, b. MN
Seeley, Lillian, age 1, b. MN
Seeley, Jerry, age 34, b. ME
West, Scott, age 31, b. ME
Jodin, Ellis, age 31, b. ME
• 1880 census Aitkin, Aitkin, MN
Seeley, Joshua, age 28, b. ME, parents b. ME, married, no occupation listed, boarding with Calvin Berry, age 44, b. ME, parents b. ME, farmer
• 1870 census Perry, Washington, ME
Seeley, Sam'l S., age 48, b. ME (as is whole family), laborer
Seeley, Eliza J., age 45
Seeley, Joshua age 19, Ruth age 16, Emma S. age 12, Augustus age 9 and Florence age 6
• 1860 census Perry, Washington, ME
Seeley, Samuel S., age 38, b. ME, millman
Seeley, Eliza J., age 35, b. ME
Seeley, Sarah J. age 12
Joshua age 9
Ruth age 6
Emma S. age 2, all b. ME
• 1850 census Perry, Washington, ME
Household 55:
Seely, Ephraim, age 38, b. ME (as is entire family), laborer
Seely, Almira, age 41
Seely, Almira age 17, Mary age 14, Harriet N. age 12, Lucy D. age 11, Hannah A. age 8, Samuel S., age 7, Salathiel D age 6, Fanny age 2, Jeremiah age 3 mos. and Ephraim age 1.
Household 56:
Seely, Isaac, age 62, b. New Brunswick, laborer
Seely, Fanny, age 67, b. ME
Household 58:
Seely, Samuel, age 28, b. ME, laborer
Seely, Eliza J, age 26, b. ME
Seely, Sarah , age 3
• 1840 census Perry, Washington, ME
Sealey, Isaac: 1 male 15-20, 1 male 50-60; 1 female < 5, 1 female 50-60
Sealey, Ephraim: 1 male 20-30; 2 females< 5, 2 females 5-10, 1 female 20-30
• 1830 Eastport, Washington, ME
Isaac Seely: 1 male 5-10, 1 male 15-20, 1 male 40-50; 2 females 15-20, 1 female 20-30, 1 female 40-50
• 1820 Eastport, Washington, ME
Seely, Isaac: 1 male < 10, 1 male 26-45; 2 females <10, 1 female 10-16, 1 female 26-45
• 1810 census Eastport, Washington, ME
Sealy, Isaac: 1 male <10, 1 male 16-26; 1 female <10, 1 female 16-26
• 1810 census Plantation 1, Washington, ME
Sealy, Ephraim: 1 male <10, 1 male 10-16, 1 male 26-45; 2 females <10, 1 female 10-16, 1 female 26-45
• 1800 Township 1, Washington, ME
Sealy, Ephraim: 2 males <10, 1 male 16-26, 1 male 26-45; 3 females <10, 1 female 16-26
Other Seel(e)ys in Washington County Maine:
• 1830 Perry, Washington, ME
Seeley, Abraham: 1 male 20-30; 1 female 20-30
Seeley, Joseph: 1 male <5, 2 males 5-10, 1 male 30-40; 1 female <5, 2 females 10-15, 1 female 30-40
• 1820 Perry, Washington, ME
Seely, Joseph: 1 male 16-26, 1 male 26-45; 2 females <10, 1 female 16-26It looks like Samuel S. (father of Joshua) and Ephraim Seel(e)y (father of Jeremiah/Jerry) of the 1850 census are both sons of Isaac and Fanny Seely of Perry, Washington Co. ME, with Isaac originally from New Brunswick. Let me know if you can identity this Isaac Seeley of New Brunswick and Maine.
Responder: SGS Response
Query Number: 0808-11 Requested Info: Paul’s friend Gene Seeley got these items from his father’s estate after he passed in 1996.
Milo MI: Death Calls Red Oak Man, Clarence Seeley Dies after a long illness of Tuberculosis, Funeral in Biggs
Clarence O. Seeley of Red Oak, county surveyor, died at his home at 6:30 o'clock Wednesday morning after a lingering illness which physicians pronounced pulmonary tuberculosis. Mr. Seeley was 52 years old on June 2. He came to Oscoda County about 30 years ago from Cornell, NY. About six years ago he was elected county surveyor and has been re-elected each year. As surveyor he put out several authentic and creditable editions of maps of the county which have come into official use. Besides Mrs. Seeley, seven children survive him, four sons and three daughters. They are Jasper, Richard, Clair, Claude, and the Misses Laura, Mildred and Zelma. His father, J. E. Seeley is still living, his home being in Hansboro, North Dakota. Interment was in Kittle cemetery. (At the bottom of the obit was written Died July 30, 1918. According to family Bible.)
There was also another smaller obit:
Claude Vernor Seeley, son of Mrs. Alta Seeley of Greenwood Twp., Oscoda Co., died May 14th from tuberculosis. Claud was 12 years old of age and his father, C. O. Seeley died from the same disease, August 1918.
Gene is curious to know which line of Seeleys he descends from.Requester: Paul Seeley Requester Address: (
Response Info: 1900 census Elmer, Oscoda, MI
Seeley, Clarence O., b. June 1865 NY, parents b. NY, farmer. md 10years to
Seeley, Alta F., b. Jan 1872 NY, parents b. NY 3 ch, 3 living
Seeley, Jasper D., b. Nov. 1893 MI
Seeley, Laura O. b. Dec 1896 MI
Seeley, Richard M. b. July 1899
Goodrich, Adah A, sis-in-law, b. Sep 1876, NY, parents b. NY, md 6 yr, 3 ch, 3 living
Goodrich, Floyd J., nephew, b. Aug 1895 MI, father b. MI, mother b. NY (same for Leslie and Glenn)
Goodrich, Leslie R., nephew, b. Mar 1897 MI
Goodrich, Glenn H., nephew, b. May 1899 MIIn 1910 Clarence and Alta/Alda Seeley are still in Elmer with Jasper, Laura and Richard and 3 more children: Clair M. (son) age 8, Mildred age 6 and Claude V. (son) age 2.
In 1920 Alta Seeley, widow, is in Greenwood, Oscoda, MI with all the children including Sezma A. (that is what it looks like), age 8.
1920 census Sydney, Towner, ND (Hansboro village)
Seeley, Jasper E., age 76, b. NY, parents b. NY
Seeley, Mary E., age 61, b. NY, parents b. NY1880 census Hornellsville, Steuben, NY
Seeley, Jasper E., age 36, b. NY, parents b. NY, works in freight house
Seeley, Ann Eliza, age 35. b. NY, parents b. NY
Seeley, Clarence O., age 15, b. NY, parents b. NY1870 census Fremont, Steuben, NY
Seeley, Jasper E., age 28, b. NY, wagon maker
Seeley, Anne E., age 29, b. NY
Seeley, Clarence C., age 4, b. NY1860 Wayland Depot, Wayland, Steuben, NY
Seely, Wm, age 42, b. NY, farmer
Seely, Rosanna, age 40, b. NY
Seely, Jaspar, age 16, b. NY
Seely, Purmilio, age 14, b. NY
Seely, Ausker, age 10, b. NY1850 census Lenox, Madison, NY
Seeley, William, age 31, wagon maker, b. NY
Seeley, Roxany, age 29, b. NY
Seeley, Jasper, age 7, b. NY
Seeley, Milo A., age 2, b. NY
Seeley, Oscar, age 5 mos., b. NY
Lameroux, Caroline, age 17, b. NYMore on William:
1870 Wayland, Steuben, NY
Seely, William, age 50, b. NY, farmer
Seely, Roxana, age 48, b. NY
Seely, Oscar, age 20, b. NY md in Jan to
Seely, Grace, age 17, b. NY
Seely, Ida, age 11, b. NY1900 Cohocton, Steuben, NY
Seeley, William, b. Mar 1819 NY, parents b. NY md 56 yr to
Seeley, Roxana, b. Aug 1819 NY, parents b. CT, 4 ch., 4 livingFrom the SGS Database:
Seeley, William b. 1819 Onondaga NY, d. 1909, md Brooks, Roxanna in 1842. Parents: Adams, Mary (Polly) and Seeley, Anson George
Seeley, William M. b. 1760, d. 1831 Onondaga NY, md ____, Sarah in 1785
Seeley, Anson George b.1798 NY?, d. 1856 Onondaga NY, md. Talbot, Mary, in 1830 NY. Parents: _____, Sarah and Seeley, William M.
Seeley, Anson George b.1833 Onondaga NY, d. 1862 Onondaga NY, md. Davey, Mary Jane Lee in 1857 Onondaga NY. Parents: Talbot, Mary and Seeley, Anson GeorgeBurials in Old Marcellus Village Cemetery, Marcellus, Onondaga, NY
Seeley, Anson G., d. 27 Feb 1862, ae 28y4m26d
Seeley, Anson, d. 18 May 1856, ae 57y7m13d
Seeley, Eddy A., d. 15 Jul 1861, ae 1y4m, s/o Anson G. & M. J. Seeley
Seeley, Ella M., d. 26 Mar 1860, ae 14d, d/o Anson G. & M. J. Seeley
Seeley, Frances, d. 19 Dec 1859, ae 8m, only c/o George Talbot & Sarah Davey Seeley
Seeley, Mary Talbot, d. 11 Apr 1881, ae 89y4m, w/o Anson Seeley
Seeley, Mary, d. 26 Oct 1890, ae 56y3m24d, w/o Anson G. SeeleySo, according to the SGS database William is a son of Anson George Seeley and Mary (Polly) Adams but we only have Anson George’s marriage to Mary Talbot listed. Is there another Anson George, did this Anson George have an earlier marriage, or do we have William’s parents wrongly identified?
Responder: SGS Response
Response Info: Re: Anson G Seeley
The original query concerned the ancestry of Clarence O. Seeley b. 1865 NY and d. 1918 MI. We had traced his line back through the census to his father Jasper E., his grandfather William and his great-grandfather Anson George Seeley b. 1798 and d. 1856 Onondaga Co. NY. We were trying to establish the names of Anson’s wife/wives, thinking that there seemed to be two.
Alice Wright ( writes that the assumption is correct in that Anson G. Seeley Sr. was married twice, first to Mary (Polly) Adams ca 1818, dau. of Charlora and Phebe Robinson Adams. Source: Shepard Settlement Records by Thelma Kuhl found at the Syracuse Library. This William (above) was also listed in Anson Sr.'s will. Anson Sr and Polly's children were William b ca 1820,
Sarah Ann b 1821, Harriette M b 1824, James O. b 15 Sept 1825. Anson md 2nd Mary Talbot in 1830. Children from the 2nd marriage were George Talbot Seeley b 1831 and Anson G., Jr b 1833 (Alice’s ancestor.)
Now we need to identify William Seeley, father of Anson Sr., and William’s wife Sarah. There are many William Seeleys born ca 1790!
Responder: SGS Response
Query Number: 0808-10 Requested Info: I found these burial records. These individuals are not in the SGS database.
Burials in Silverbrook Cemetery, Niles, MI
Seely Clayton H. 1879-00-00 1952-00-00 1952-04-05 New-48,12,3 Kiger Seely Ethel N. 1882-00-00 1968-00-00 1968-04-25 New-48,12,4 Halbritter Seely Lucinda 1834-00-00 1920-00-00 1920-09-09 New-48,12,7 Augustine Requester: Linda Crocker Requester Address: (
Response Info: 1920 census Niles, Berrien, MI, District 95
Dwelling 434
Seeley, Lucinda, age 85, widow, b. OH, parents b. NJ
Dwelling 451
Seeley, Clayton, age 40, b. MI, father b. NY, mother b. OH, trainmaster MD RR
Seeley, Ethel, age 38, b. MI, parents b. MI1910 census Niles, Berrien, MI
Dwelling 265
Seely, Lucinda, age 75, widow, 4 children, 1 living, b. OH, NJ, NJ
Dwelling 266
Seely, Clayton, age 30, b. MI, MI, MI, yardmaster, RR, md 5 years to
Seely, Ethel N., age 28, b. MI, MI, MI, no children
McCoy, Floyd J., brother-in-law, age 23, b. MI, Mi, Mi, laborer in cloth factory1880 census Ensley, Newaygo, MI
Seely, Horace B., age 50, b. Pa, parents b. PA, farmer
Seely, Lucinda, age 45, b. OH, NJ, NJ
Seely, Ira, age 22, b. MI, MI, OH
Seely, John, age 19, b. MI, PA, OH
Seely, Minnie, age 13, b. MI, PA, OH
Seely, Clayton, age 1, b. MI, PA, OH
Seely, Ida, dau.-in-law, age 19 (wife of Ira), b. MI, MI, PA1870 census Weesaw, Berrien, MI
Cely, Horace B., age 39, b. NY, farm laborer
Cely, Lucinda, age 28, b. MI
Cely, Wm R, age 17, b. MI as are all children
Cely, Sherman, age 15
Cely, Ira, age 12
Cely, John H., age 10
Cely, Hampton H., age 8
Cely, Minnie, age 31860 census Niles, Berrien, MI
Seely, Horace, age 38, b. NY
Seely, Lucinda, age 29, b. NY
Seely, Wm R, age 5, b. MI
Seely, Frank, age 3, b. MI
Seely, Ira, age 1, b. MII haven’t been able to identify the correct Horace in the 1850 census. For a book excerpt about Horace B Seeley go to and search for him. The excerpt is an anecdote about Horace in the Civil War. We have Horace's Invalid Pension for his Civil War service on our website.
Can anyone find the ancestry of Horace B Seeley b. 1822-1830 NY or PA?Responder: SGS Response
Query Number: 0808-9 Requested Info: In addition to two different biographies for Liberty J. Seely, Chris has recently found his obituary, the obit for his wife, and for their son Melvin (see our website). She wonders if all this information can help us find his ancestral line.
Requester: Chris Havnar Requester Address: (
Response Info: 1850 Census; Liberty Township, Shelby, IN
Hiram Seely – Age 49, born KY Value of Real Estate 1,800, no occupation listed, on page with farmers
Ann Seely, Age 49, born KY
Liberty Seely, age 14 born IN, attended school
Melvina Seely, age 12, born IN, attended school
Jane Seely, age 80, born PA
1860 Census, Liberty Township, Shelby, IN
Hiram Seely, Age 58, Farmer, born KY
Anna Seely, Age 57, Housekeeper, born KY
Liberty, Age 23, Farmer, born IN1870 Census, Liberty, Shelby, IN
Liberty Seely, Age 33
Margret Seely, Age 22
Melvin D Seely, Age 3
Florance Seely, Age 1
Hiram and Annie Seely, both age 69, both b. KY are next door
1840 census Liberty, Shelby, IN
Seely, Hiram: 1 male < 5, 1 male 30-40; 2 females < 5, 2 females 10-15, 1 female 30-40
Seely, Jane B.: 1 female 60-701830 census Fayette, IN
Seely, Jesse: 1 male 20-30; 1 female 15-20
Seely, Jane B.: 1 female 60-7010 households later
Seely, Hiram: 1 male < 5, 1 male 20-30; 2 females < 5, 1 female 20-301820 Jackson, Fayette, IN
Seley, Jane B. 1 male 10-16, 1 male 18-26; 1 female 10-16, 1 female over 451810 census Mason, Mason, KY
Selah, B Jane: 4 males <10; 2 females <10, 1 10-16, 1 16-26, 1 26-45Marriages Mason County, KY
832 27 May 1800 John Seeley Jane B. Jamieson Bondsman: John AdairsonMarriages in Fayette County, IN
SEELY, Hiram GUNN, Anna 8 Aug. 1824
SEELY, Jesse NEWLAND, Zilpha 31 Dec. 1829
SEELY, Samuel P. SILVEY, Elizabeth S. 14 Nov. 1828It looks to me like Hiram, Jesse and Samuel P. may all be sons of John and Jane B Jamieson Seely. Does anyone recognize this family from KY? Note that Jane was born in PA.
Responder: SGS Response
Query Number: 0808-8 Requested Info: Louis’s father was Wilbur R Seeley formerly of Canterbury, NH who died earlier this year. Louis came across Karl Weiler’s site in researching the Seeley name. He noticed that one of the first names according to date was from Connecticut (Obadiah Seeley) and says that his father’s family was from around the Watertown, CT area. He wants to find out if he is related.
Requester: Louis E. Pettingill III Requester Address: (
Response Info: I found a copy of Wilbur R Seeley’s obituary online (it is also on our website - It says that Wilbur’s father was Robert J Seeley.
1930 census Waterbury, New Haven, CT
Seeley, Wilburt R., age 30, b. CT, parents b. CT, wet roller in a factory, md 12 yrs
Seeley, Catherine E, wife, age 34, b. CT, parents b. CT
Seeley, Lillian A., dau., age 12 1/2, b. CT
Seeley, Irene M., dau., age 10, b. CT
Seeley, Robert J., son, age 9, b. CT
Dwyer, Mary A., mother-in-law, age 64, b. So. Ireland, parents b. So. Ireland
Dwyer, James J., brother-in-law, age 27, b. CT, father b. CT, mother b. So. Ireland, laborer in factory
Seeley, Raymond H., brother, age 25, b. CT, parents b. CT, sailor, US Navy1920 census Waterbury, New Haven, CT
Commerford (Dwyer is crossed out), Mary, age 52, b. Ireland, parents b. Ireland, came to US in 1887, naturalized 1890, laundress
Seeley, Catherine, dau., age 25, b. CT, father b. RI, mother b. Ireland
Seeley, Wilbur, son-in-law, age 21, b. CT, parents b. CT, plater in metal goods factory
Seeley, Lillian, grandchild, age 1 yr 9 mos., b. CT
Seeley, Irene, grandchild, age 5 mos, b. CT
Dwyer, James, son, age 17, b. CT, laborer in factory, b. CT, f. b. RI, m. b. CT1910 census Plymouth, Litchfield, CT
Seeley, Robert F., age 37, b. CT, parents b. CT, plater in silver factory, md 15 yrs
Seeley, Carrie, B., age 33, b. CT, parents b. CT, has had 8 children, 5 still living
Seeley, Elsie M. age 15, b. CT, carder in a pin shop
Seeley, Wilbur R., age 11, b. CT
Seeley, Theodore W., age 9, b. CT
Seeley, Raymond H., age 5, b. CT
Seeley, Gladys R., age 1, b. CT
Seeley, George, age 18, nephew, b. CT, parents b. CT, errand boy, silver factory1900 census Plymouth, Litchfield, CT
Seeley, Robert, b. Sept. 1873 CT, parents b. CT, nickel plater, md 5 years to
Seeley, Carrie B., b Feb 1876 CT, parents b. CT
Seeley, Elsie M., b. Jul 1895 CT
Seeley, Wilbur R., b. Jan. 1899 CT1880 census Waterbury, New Haven, CT
Seeley, John H., age 30, b. CT, parents b. CT
Seeley, Mary E., age 29, b. CT
Seeley, Nettie A., age 11, b. CT
Seeley, Edward L, age 10, b. CT
Seeley, Robert F., age 8, b. CT, note that he is currently suffering from a rupture1870 census Newtown, Fairfield, CT
Seeley, John, age 23, b. CT, farming
Seeley, Mary, age 19, b . CT
Seeley, Jennett, age 1, b. CTAt I found a pedigree for Robert Franklin Seeley submitted by George Cole of New Britain, CT (no sources given)
Robert Franklin Seeley b. Sept. 1873 Sandy Hook, CT to John H Seeley (b. abt 1847 Southbury, CT and died May 1890) and Mary Esther Grey (b. between 1850 and 1856 Newtown, CT, died 5 Dec 1924 Milford, CT)
Robert F. md. Carrie Bell Bradley 26 Dec 1893 Waterbury, CTThere are various John Seeleys in the 1860 and 1850 CT censuses but it was not clear which is the correct one. The SGS database has John Henry Seeley's marriage to Mary Esther Grey in 1868 in Fairfield Co CT but no other info. Coincidentally I re-read the biography of Chauncey Seely (see Query 0808-4 above) and it mentions his brother John, resident in Waterbury. The bio was published in 1902.
1900 census of Waterbury, CT
Seeley, John, age 50 b. January 1850 Ct, parents b. CT, divorced, boarding in the household of Eliza (or Elizabeth) Winship a widow age 63 born Dec 1836 CT a Boarding House Keeper. Eliza's son Wilber and 2 other boarders all work as plumbers.Seeing from the biography that Chauncey attended school in South Britain I looked there for either him or John.
1860 census Southbury, New Haven, CT (Post Office South Britain)
Dwelling 84
There is a John Seeley, age 14, living with the family of Ely Pearce and attending school.
Dwelling 87
Charey(?) Seeley, age 15, working as farm laborer in household of Harry Platt
Dwelling 59
Seeley, George, age 44, shoemaker, b. CT
Seeley, Phoebe, age 43, b. CT
Seeley, Curtis A, age 11, b. CT
Seeley, Henrietta, age 9, b. CT
Seeley, Georgiana, age 6, b. CT
Seeley, Frank, age 4, b. CT
Buckingham, Enoch, age 64, b. CT1850 census Southbury, New Haven, CT
Seeley, George, age 36, shoemaker, b. CT
Seeley, Phebe A., age 33, b. CT
Seeley, Cornelia, age 8, b. CT
Seeley, Chancy, age 6, b. CT
Seeley, John, age 4, b. CT
Seeley, Chas., age 1, b. CTSo, it looks like John, father of Robert F., father of Wilbur R. is a brother of Chauncey Seeley and son of George Seeley, son of Elijah Seeley. We still need to identify Elijah.
Responder: SGS Response
Query Number: 0808-7 Requested Info: Beth is searching for information on Earnest Seeley and his wife Mildred, specifically information about his parents. Earnest and Mildred resided in Gallatin County IL and had seven children. One of their children, James Gratton Seely (b. around 1915, wife Vina Tucker) is Beth’s grandfather. Earnest Seeley's father's name was Jesse. He possibly married a woman with the last name of "Dailey" or "Daily" (according to Beth’s mother).
Requester: Beth Chapman Brandt Requester Address: (
Response Info: In the SGS database we have:
Seely, Jesse b. 1858 IL, d. 1942 IL, md. Wertz, Catherine 1885 Gallatin IL, Parents: Eliza ______ and Seeley, Oliver
Seely, Ernest J. b. 1891 Gallatin IL, d. 1963 Gallatin IL, md. Dailey, Mildred A. 1914 IL, Parents: Wertz, Catherine and Seely, Jesse
Seely, James G. b. 1916 Gallatin IL, d 1986 IN Parents: Dailey, Mildred A. and Seeley, Ernest J.
(The information was sent to us by Rhoda English Ladd of Oregon, IL)From the Illinois marriage database:
Seely, Jess and Wertz, Cate md. 1885-12-23 Gallatin Co.
Seeley, George A. and Unknown md. 1878-06-21 Gallatin Co
Seely, John A. and Elzina Brown md. 1861-10-10 Gallatin Co.
Seely, John A. and Cover, Mary E. md. 1868-07-09 Gallatin Co.
Rider, Edgar M. and Seely, Isabell O. md. 1866-05-10 Gallatin Co.
Pigens, Thomas and Seeley, Frances md. 1874-12-24 Gallatin Co.From World War 1 Draft registration
Earnest J Seely b. Nov 28 1891. On date of reg'n had a wife and 3 children (June 2 1917)1930 census Shawnee, Gallatin, IL
Seely, Ernest, age 38, b. IL, parents b. IL, farmer, md 15 years to
Seely, Mildred, age 37, b. IL, parents b. IL
Children: sons: Jessie age 14, Gratton, age 13, Faddus age 9, Norbert age 8, Daniel E. age 4 mos., daughter: Ruby age 11; all children also b. IL1920 census Shawnee, Gallatin, IL
Seely, Jess, age 62, b. IL, parents b. PA, farmer
Seely, Catherine, age 53, b. IL, father b. Switzerland, mother b. Germany
Seely, Bertha, age 25. b. IL, parents b. IL
Seely, Catherine, age 10, b. ILTwo households later:
Seely, Earnest J., age 28, b. Il, parents b. IL
Seely, Mildred A., age 27, b. IL, father b. OH, mother b. IL
Seely, Jessie, daughter, age 4 ½ (actually a son – see 1930 census above)
Seely, Gratin, son, age 3 1/2
Seely, Ruby, daughter., age 1 yr 3 mos, all children b. IL1910 census Shawnee, Gallatin, IL
Seely, Jessie, age 57, b. IL, parents b. PA, farmer, md 26 yrs to
Seely, Catherine, age 41, b. IL, father b. Switzerland, mother b. Germany, 6 children, 6 living
Seely, Ida May, age 25, b. IL as are all other children
Seely, Earnest, age 18, Seely, Bertha, age 16, Seely, Amy, age 13, Seely, Catherine, age 8 mos.1900 census District 46 Shawnee, Gallatin, IL
Seely, Jesse b Oct 1848 IL, parents b. IL, md 14 years, farmer
Seely, Catherine, b. May 1866 IL, parents b. Germany, 5 children, 5 living
Seely, Edgar, b. Nov 1886 IL, farmer
Seely, Ida M., b. June 1889 IL
Seely, Ernest, b. Nov 1891 IL
Seely, Berthia, b. Feb 1894 IL
Seely, Emma, b, Jul 18961870 census Shawneetown, Gallatin, IL
Seely, Oliver, age 55, b. OH farmer (all indexed Leely)
Seely, Eliza, age 52, b. PA
Seely, Rebecca, age 28, b. OH
Seely, Francis E., (dau.) age 17, b. OH
Seely, George A., age 13, b. IL
Seely, Jessie, age 10, b. IL
Seely, Ottawa, (dau.) age 8, b. IL1860 census Shawneetown, Gallatin, IL
Sealey, Oliver, age 42, b. OH, farmer
Sealey, Eliza, age 41, b. PA
Sealey, John, age 20, b. OH
Sealey, Rebecca, age 18, b. OH
Sealey, Samuel, age 15, b. OH
Sealey, Isabel, age 9, b. OH
Sealey, Francis E (dau.), age 8, b. OH
Sealey, George A., age 4, b. IL
Sealey, Jessee J, age 1, b. IL1850 census West, Columbiana, OH
Seeley, Oliver, age 31, b. OH, laborer
Seeley, Eliza, age 30, b. PA
Children: Mary A. age 13, John A age 12, Eliza R. age 10, Samuel age 7, William age 3 and Isabel age 2 mos., all b. OH1840 Knox, Columbiana, OH
Ceely, Oliver Males: 1 under 5, 1 20-30; Females: 1 under 5, 1 20-30Returning to the 1880 census in Wabash, Gallatin, IL I found Eliza age 62, Jessey age 21b. Il, OH, PA and John age 8 b. IL, OH, PA listed as mother , son, son with Jessey's sister Francis and her husband Thos Piqus and their son Edgar age 3. The census taker listed them all as surname Piqus.
So, I have traced back to Oliver Seeley/Sealey/Ceely b. 1818 OH, however I can't get back further. Does anyone have information on Seeleys in Columbiana County, OH in the early 1800's? Remember to send me a copy of any response you send to the submitter.
Responder: SGS Response
Response Info: Update to Query 0808-7 Re: Earnest Seely of IL
Beth Brandt (, the original submitter has some additional information.
The census taker in 1930 had some problems: Child Jessie Seely age 14 is a daughter – Beth’s great-aunt. The son listed as Faddus is actually Thaddeus who went by Thad. Son Daniel was known as Pee Wee his entire life.
Also James Gratton Seely died in Oct 1990. Apparently his middle name was the surname of the doctor who delivered him and was shared by several other children in the area.
Thad is Ernest Thaddeus Seely of Ridgway, Gallatin, IL b. 16 Aug 1920 and died 27 Aug 1999 in Evansville IN. His obituary is on our website. Daniel died in 1997 and Norbert in 2005 and we have both of those obits as well.
Responder: SGS Query Editor: Aug 2011
Query Number: 0808-6 Requested Info: We have several new biographies on our website related to Seeleys who settled in Great Barrington, Berkshire, MA (Abraham, Isaac, John). They seem to trace back to Abraham Seeley of New Haven/North Haven CT who md 1 Rebecca ___ 1751 in North Haven CT and md 2 Mary Barnes 1758 New Haven CT.
Requester: Linda Crocker Requester Address: (
Response Info: From the SGS database:
Children of Abraham Seeley and Rebecca:
John M. b. 1751 New Haven CT, d. 1805 Berkshire MA, md. Tuttle, Sarah 1778 New Haven CT
Rebecca b. 1753 New Haven CT, d. 1842 New Haven CT, md. Cheney, Joseph 1777 New Haven CT
Children of Abraham Seeley and Mary Barnes:
Susannah b. 1758 New Haven CT, d. 1855 New Haven CT, md. Thomas, Josiah/Joseph 1783 New Haven CT
Abraham b.1763 New Haven CT, d. 1848 Berkshire MA, md. Butler, Eunice 1787 New Haven CT
Isaac b. 1766 New Haven CT, d. 1841, md. Scott, Thankful 1785 North Haven CTCan anyone identify the ancestry of this Abraham Seeley of CT?
Responder: SGS Response
Query Number: 0808-5 Requested Info: Leonard wants to know the ancestry of John Byron Seeley, son of Austin Seeley and Lucy Ann Vaughn. See also Query 0311-6. It is apparent that there are 2 different Austins - this Austin was not married to Phebe Rice Allen and resident in PA.
Requester: SGS member Leonard Seeley Requester Address: of Grass Valley, CA
Response Info: Unfortunately I haven't found Austin in the 1851 Canadian census. It looks like the census for that area did not survive. According to the information sent to us Austin was in Nova Scotia (Cape Breton) until 1855 when the family moved to Renfrew Ontario. Shortly thereafter they moved to IL. The census information for John B. indicates that Austin was b. in MA
1900 census Bonilla, Beadle, SD
Seeley, John B. b. Dec 1844 Nova Scotia, parents b. MA, to US in 1855, farmer, md 30 yrs to
Seeley, Annie, b. Jul 1855 IA, father b. IA, mother b. OH, 12 children, 10 living
Seeley, Jennie E. b. May 1875 IA, school teacher
Seeley, James A., b. May 1877 IA, cheese maker
Seeley, Margery E., b. Aug 1879 IA, school teacher
Seeley John C., b. Jan 1882, IA, farm laborer
Seeley, Mabel C., b. Auig. 1884 SD, cheese maker
Seeley, Thomas L., b. Jul 1886 SD, farm laborer
Seeley, Walter L. b. Apr 1888 SD, farm laborer
Seeley, Nellie R., b. Aug 1891 SD
Seeley, Leroy W., b. Apr 1893 SD
Seeley, Ralph B., b. June 1897 SDIn 1920 John B and Annie Seeley are in Emery, Lewis, WA age 76 and 64. Now he says his mother was b. Canada
1880 Brooklyn, Poweshiek, IA
Seeley, John B age 36, wagon maker, b. Ile Cape Breton, father b. MA, mother b. Ile Cape Breton
Seeley, Annie, age 23, b. IA, OH, OH
Seeley, Elsie M., Jennie E., James A., ages 7, 5, 3, all b. IA1860 census Princeton, Bureau, IL
Dwelling 86, family 88
Vaughn, John, age 67, "gardner", b. Nova Scotia, md within last year to
Vaughn, Eunice, age 52, b. NY
Sealey, Lucy, age 42, b. New Brunswick
Sealy, Benjamin, age 9, b. Cape Breton
William M. and Julia A Schlock with 2 children, all b. PA, he is a clerkDwelling 700, family 713
Phelps, E. Strong, age 28, b. MA. deputy something
Phelps, Sarah A., age 22, b. OH
Phelps, Harry A., age 1, b. IL
Seely, Anna, age 10, b. Cape BretonDwelling 740, family 752
Vaughn, John, age 32, b. NH, farmer
Vaughn, Rachel, age 27, b. OH
Vaughn, Abigail, age 6, b. IL
Vaughn, William, age 4, b. IL
Vaughn, Edna, age 8 mos., b.IL
Seely, John, age 22, b. Cape Breton, farm laborer
Garvin, Ellen, age 19, housework, b. IL
Linquist, August, age 12, b. Sweden, attended school
Hitchcock, Sidenham, age 13, b. IL, attended schoolOn GenForum from Jean and Dave (nephew of Leonard) Seeley (, Looking for info on John Byron Seeley (1843-1926 ) and Jane Ann (Wasson) Seeley (1855 -1939 ). John B's father was Austin Seeley (circa 1803 - early 1850's). Austin spent many years in Inverness County in Nova Scotia near the River Denys Basin where he operated a sawmill. He married Lucy Vaughn in 1836-37. Their children were James W. (1838), Hiram H., John Byron (1843), Ann, Jane, Walter, and Benjamin Franklin. The family left Nova Scotia in the early 1850's and moved to Renfrew, Ontario. Austin died in 1858 (or so) and many family members moved to Illinois. Census records from some of Austin's children indicate that they believed their father was born in New York. However, my great-grandfather's census records denote his father, Austin was born in Massachusetts.
Any help with identification of Austin Seeley b. abt 1803 MA or NY will be appreciated.
Responder: SGS Response Response Info: Re: Austin Seeley and Lucy Ann Vaughn
We continue to get requests for information on the ancestors and descendants of Austin Seeley who spent many years in Nova Scotia working in the lumber industry. He married Lucy Vaughn there in 1836/7, and they had 7 children. The family moved to Ontario and then on to Illinois. Census records of Austin’s children indicate he was born in NY or MA. It is believed that Austin was born about 1803 and died sometime in the 1850s.
The latest query is from Daryl Abbott ( His line of descent is Austin, Walter Austin, Charles Burrell, Nyla Garnet. Nyla is Daryl’s mother. Daryl says that family stories indicate that Austin died in a logging accident in the northeast US.
While looking into this (again), I saw that we had data on Walter Austin and Charles Burrell Seeley, but I found new information on some of Austin’s other children.
Illinois Marriage Index
- Sears, John C Seeley, Jane 1863-07-07
- Prout, N E Seeley, Lucy A 1864-03-24
- Seeley, James W Epperson, Louise 1866-04-03
- Seeley, James W Epperson, Mary L 1871-12-27
1870 census Liberty, Johnson, IA
- Prout, Nathan S, age 50, b. CT, farm renter
- Prout, Lucy, age 30, b. New Br.
- Seely, Benj, age 18, b. Cape Britten
1880 census Pleasant Valley, Johnson, IA
- Prout, Nathan C, age 52, b. CT, NY, NY
- Prout, Lucy, age 50, b. New Br, New Br, New Br
- Graham, Forbes, age 45, single, farmer, boarder, b. OH, IRE, IRE
1900 census Waukesha, Waukesha, WI
- Seeley, Benjamin F, b. May 1852, Nova Scotia, ME, Nova Scotia, locomotive engineer, md. 21 yrs. to
- Seeley, Sarah E, b. Mar 1850, OH, ENG, VA, 2 ch., 2 living
- Seeley, Edna D, b. Oct 1879, stenographer, Jessie M, b. May 1885, both b. IA, Nova Scotia, OH
1910 census Deer Park, Spokane, WA
- Seeley, Benjamin F age 58 b. CAN, ME, CAN, engineer - lumber mill, md 31 yr
- Sarah E age 59, 3 ch, 2 living, Edna D age 28 and Jessie M age 23 are listed in a supplemental 1910 census of Deer Park)
- In 1910 Jessie Seeley age 24 b. IA, CAN, OH is also listed as a stenographer for an abstract co. living in a boarding house in Prosser, Benton, WA
1930 census Seattle, King, WA
- Seeley, Sarah, age 80, wid., b. OH, ENG, VA
- Seeley, Edna D, dau., age 44, b. IA, CAN, OH, bookkeeper for furnace co
- In 1920 Sarah and Edna were also in Seattle. Sarah's niece Helen Finch, age 35, b. IA, OH, OH, was living with them along with Phil Miller, a roome,r age 26, b. TX, US, US
1940 census Seattle, King, WA
- Seeley, Edna D, age 58, b. IA, manage antic and household
Iowa Birth Index
- Jesse M Seeley, b. 27 May 1885, at Grinnell, Poweshiek, IA, to Benjamin Seeley b. OH and Sarah E Jordan, b. OH
Washington Death Index
- Sarah E Seeley, d. 4 Feb 1939, at Seattle, King, WA, age 88; father, John J Jordan, mother, Jane Starkey, spouse Benjamin Seeley
Social Security Death Index (SSDI)
- Edna Seeley, b. 13 Oct 1879, d. Sept 1964, at Seattle, King, WA
Daryl has lots of information on Charles Burrell Seeley and family photos, including one of Walter Austin Seeley. Contact him for that information, and contact your query editor if you have any new information on the origins of this Austin Seeley.Responder: SGS Response
Query Number: 0808-4 Requested Info: Chris would like the lineage of Chauncey Seeley. Following is an excerpt of a biography posted on our website:
CHAUNCEY SEELEY, who was long at the head of the Seeley & Upham Building Co., of Waterbury, was born in 1845, in Southbury, New Haven county. His father, George Seeley, and grandfather, Elijah Seeley, were born in Wilton, Fairfield county. Elijah Seeley was a farmer by calling, and passed his life in Wilton. He was a patriot of the war of 1812.
George Seeley was a shoemaker in early like, but later became a farmer. He married, in New Milford, Conn., Phebe Ann Buckingham, a native of that town, and their children were ten in number, viz: Sarah Ann is deceased; Levina is the wife of John Squires of Southbury, Conn.; Elizabeth married George Robertson, a merchant of New Milford; Harriet is the widow of William Oliver, of Bethel, Conn.; Chauncey is the subject of this sketch; John is a resident of Waterbury; Charles is deceased; Henriette is now Mrs. William Worrington, of Watertown, Conn.; Miss Georgiana is a resident of New Haven; Frank is a farmer in Southbury. Both parents are deceased.
Chauncey Seeley grew to young manhood on his father’s farm, and until seventeen years of age attended the district school and the high school at South Britain. The Civil war having broken out, he made affidavit that he was eighteen years of age, and thus succeeded in enlisting, Sept. 11, 1862, at Woodbury, in Company I, 19th Conn. V.I. He served until mustered out, at Fort Ethan Allen, Ca., July 7, 1865, and during this period participated in all the battles, skirmishes, sieges, engagements and marches in which the regiment took part.
At the termination of the war Mr. Seeley returned to Southbury, where he learned the carpenter’s trade, and remained until the spring of 1869, at which time he came to Waterbury. Mr. Seeley was married, in 1872, to Miss Samantha A. Nash, who died without issue May 15, 1875. In May, 1879, he married Sarah S. Osborn, daughter of Noah Osborn, of Seymour, Conn., and the union has been graced with three children, Arthur O., Wilbur C. and Raymond C.
Page 1124, "Connecticut: New Haven: Commemorative Biographical Record Of New Haven County, Connecticut containing Biographical Sketches of Prominent and Representative Citizens, and of Many of the Early Settled Families, published 1902.
Requester: Chris Havnar Requester Address: (
Response Info: Early Connecticut Marriages Prior to 1800 By Frederick W. Bailey
Wilton, CT: Elijah Scaly and Sally Buttery --- Aug. 27, 1799US Army Enlistments:
Seely (Sela, Seley), Elijah/Elisha, age 39, enlisted March 1814 at Hartford, CT, b. Salem, Westchester, NY1850 census Wilton, Fairfield, CT
Seely, Elijah, age 76, b. CT living as one of the town poor in the home of Aaron and Betsy Chichester1840 census Southbury, Fairfield, CT
Seely, George: 1 male 20-30, 2 females < 5, 1 female 20-30
I can't locate the right Elijah in the 1840 census1830 census Wilton, Fairfield, CT
Seeley, Elijah: Males: 1 15-20, 1 50-60; Females: 2 10-15, 1 50-601820 census Wilton, Fairfield, CT
Buttery, Wm Jr: Males: 4 < 10, 1 16-26; Females: 1 16-26
Buttery, Wm: Males: 1 >45; Females: 1 > 45
Buttery, Zechariah: Males: 2 < 10, 1 10-16, 1 26-45; Females: 1 < 10, 1 10-16, 1 26-45
Seely, Elijah: Males: 1 < 10, 1 10-16, 1 >45; females: 4 < 10, 1 10-16, 1 >45William Buttery (senior) and Zacheriah Buttery are both in the 1810 census of Wilton, CT
1810 census Norwalk, Fairfield, CT
Seely, Elijah: Males: 4 < 10, 1 10-16, 1 26-45; Females: 1< 10, 1 26-45William Buttery is also in the 1800 census of Norwalk, Fairfield, CT
I can't find an Elijah in CT that matches the info we have. There is SGS# 632 but he is the wrong age, has the wrong wife and doesn't have a son George. Then there is an Elijah # 774. I have recently received a query from Evelyn Russo ( who believes that Elijah Seeley, father of George is SGS# 774, son of Abel, SGS# 271. Until we can find Elijah’s birth record or something else to tie him to Abel we won't be sure we have him identified properly. I would like to see a copy of Abel's will that was probated May 12 1807. Sherman wasn't established as it's own probate district until 1846. The parent district is New Milford. The State Library (Hartford) has most pre-1850 probates as well as land records. I am hoping that someone living in CT will be able to access these records.
Responder: SGS Response
Query Number: 0808-3 Requested Info: Mike’s great-great-great grandmother Anna Seeley was born in 1808 somewhere in NY. She married a Methodist minister named Hile Parker in Ohio. They moved to St. Joseph or Cass County, Michigan after their marriage. They had one daughter he knows of (Harriett Parker, his great-great-grandmother). He’d like to know about Anna.
Requester: Mike Brownlee Requester Address: (
Response Info: 1820 census Mentor Geauga OH
Robert Seeley: 1 male <10, 3 males 10-16, 1 male 16-18, 1 male 16-26, 1 male >45; 1 female<10, 1 female 10-16, 1 >45
Levi Seeley: 1 male >45, 1 female 26-45, 1 female>45
There are families of Ira and Uri Seeley in Painesville, Geauga Co. but neither has a female of the age to be Anna, wife of Hile/Gehiel. Robert's daughter age 10-16 seems the most likely.
1830 Mentor, Geauga, OH
From page 1
Sely, Peter: 1 male 20-30, 1 female 20-30
Parker, Clark: 2 males <5, 1 5-10, 2 10-15, 1 15-20, 1 40-50; 1 female <5, 1 15-20, 1 40-50
Hopkins, Daniel: 1 male <5, 1 20-30, 1 30-40; 1 female < 5, 2 5-10, 1 20-30
Gehiel C Parker: 1 male<5, 1 20-30; 1 female< 5, 1 20-301840 Porter, Cass, MI
Charles T Parker: Males 1 <5, 1 20-30; Females: 1<5, 1 20-30
Hial Parker: Males: 1<5, 1 5-10, 1 10-15, 1 15-20, 1 30-40; Females: 1 <5, 1 10-15, 1 30-401850 census Porter, Cass, MI
Parker, Hile, age 44, b. OH, farmer
Parker, Anna, age 42, b. NY
Parker, Clark, age 24, b. OH, farmer
Parker, Harrison, age 19, b. OH, farmer
Parker, Lorenza (male), age 16, b. OH, farmer
Parker, Samuel, age 13, b. OH
Parker, Caroline, age 12, b. OH
Parker, Nelson, age 9, b. MI
Parker, Mary, age 7, b. MI
Joy, Lucein (male), age 3, b. OHI found a biography of Clark Parker, uncle of Hiel, and other information on the Parker family I can send to those interested.
Geauga Co. OH - Marriages, 1806 - 1919 Bride’s Index - Surnames 'S'
Seely, Anna Parker, Hial 06 Apr 1826 47
Seeley, Anna Parker, Thiel C. 06 Apr 1827 B 57There are several other Seeley/Seely marriages in Geauga Co 1817 – 1840:
Margaret Seeley to Josiah Guthrie Nov 7, 12 1835
Polly Seeley to John G. Hall 12 Oct 1826/14 Oct 1827 Mentor
Polly Seeley to Theodore Gage 6, 12 Feb 1834
Nancy Seely to David Magoon 1 Jan 1834
Mary Ann Seely to Franklin Beckwith 7, 28 Nov 1835 Kirtland
Nehemiah Seeley to Rebecca Hawk 11 Mar 1827
Benjamin T Seely to Philivillin/Phila M. Kellogg 10, 15 Nov 1827
Ira Seely to Della Hills 30 Jan 1817
Peter Seely to Polly Maxsam 2, 3 Mar 1829
Robert Seely to Phoebe Eaton 20 Apr 1829 ChardonEvergreen cemetery Painesville, Lake, OH
Seely, Delia 12A 13 1 Delia Seely/ 1786-1866 Seely, Ira 12A 13 2 Ira Seely/ 1783-1854 Seely, Louisa M. 12A 13 3 Louisa M. Seely/ Oct. 21, 1817/ Oct. 3, 1896 Clark, Mary Seely 12A 13 4 Mary Seely Clark/ Apr. 23, 1822/ May 22, 1902 If you have information on Seelys in Geauga and/or Lake Counties Ohio (Mentor is now part of Lake County) please let us know.
Responder: SGS Response
Response Info: Update to Query 0808-3 Re: Nehemiah Seeley
The original query was about Anna Seeley b. 1808 NY md 1826/27 Geauga Co. OH Hile Parker. The research uncovered several early Seeley marriages in Geauga County including that of Nehemiah Seeley to Rebecca Hawk 11 Mar 1827. Judy Seeley Price ( has contacted us since she is descended from Nehemiah and Rebecca’s son James b. 1828. Their other children are: Nancy Seeley Field b.1830, Mary W. Seeley Botzum b. 1831, Lorenzo b.1832, Clara/Clarissa Greenlese b.1833 and Harriet b.1844, all born Ohio. If anyone has information on Nehemiah’s parents or siblings please contact me.
Responder: SGS Response August 2009
Query Number: 0808-2 Requested Info: Don can take his line back to about 1775. A Samuel Seely showed up in Crawford/Venango counties in Western Pa. in the early 1800's. His wife’s name may have been Sarah. He had the following sons. Zadock, Amos, Alva, and Samuel Jr. Don follows the Alva line. Alva was born about 1799, his son was Joseph A. Seely born Feb 07, 1842, his son was Joseph Audley Seely born Oct 15, 1875, his son was Donald J. Seely May 26, 1909, then the submitter, Donald Glenn Seely June 26, 1939. Don knows he goes back to Nathaniel because of the DNA test. He would like to know where Samuel fits in.
Requester: Don Seeley Requester Address: (
Response Info: From the SGS database:
Children of Samuel and Sarah Seely
- Amos b.1795 PA, d. 1867 Crawford PA md. Marsh, Catherine Eleanora
- Zadock b.1796 d. 1891 Venango PA md. Cheers, Athea
- Alva b.1800 Venango PA d. 1845 Venango PA md. Andrews, Margaret in 1829 Venango PA
- Lydia b.1806 Venango PA md. Brown, Nathan in 1833
- Samuel b.1810 Venango PA d. 1889 Warren PA md. Chers, Elizabeth in 1839 PA
- Sarah b.1820 Venango PA d. 1897 md. Noel, Thomas J.
However we have no information on the origins of Samuel. If you can help please let me know.
Responder: SGS Response
Query Number: 0808-1 Requested Info: I found Louis Seeley in the following online: Descendants of John Crozier of Ballinamore by David A. Wyatt, copyright ©2000-2008 David A. Wyatt (
Caroline Berry, born 1843 Elizabethtown Twp.; Married Louis Seeley. 1881 census. Elizabethtown, Ontario, Canada
- Mary Jane "Minnie" Seeley (b. circa 1868). Married William Montague. Residence: Oneida, New York
- Lucy Seeley, born about 1872.
- Annie Seeley born about 1875.
- Artemus Seeley, born February 28, 1878; died March 1970 Copake, New York.
- Hattie Seeley, born Feb. 1881.
- Maude Seeley
I have traced Louis in the census to his father Augustus (see below). I assume the Philip next door is his brother. I can't get further back with them. I have also traced Louis's son Artemus forward, adding some names for our database.
1851 census Augusta, Grenville, Canada West (recorded in 1852)
Seely, Augustus, age 36, b. Upper Canada (as are all family members), W. Methodist, farmer
Seely, Lavina, age 30, Louis Seely age 10, Rachel Seely age 8, Lucy Jane Seely age 6, Charles Seely age 5 and Mary Seely age 3.
Next door:
Phillip Seely, age 37, b. Upper Canada (as our his children), W. Methodist, farmer
Seely, Mary, age 35, b. England and children Wm Seely age 11, Charlotte Seely, age 9, David Seely, age 7, Adeline Seely age 5, Chancy Seely, age 3 and Lunda Seely (a male) age 11871 census Augusta, Grenville South, Ontario
Louis Seeley, head, age 301900 census Syracuse, Onondaga, NY
Seeley, Louis, b. May 1842 Canada (Eng.), parents born Canada(Eng), laborer (plow works)
Seeley, Tareline, b. Aug. 1845 Canada (Eng), parents b. Ireland, md 31 yrs, 9 ch., 5 living
Seeley, Artemus, b. Feb. 1878, Canada (Eng), parents b. Canada (Eng), laborer in plow shop
Seeley, Harriet, b. Jan 1881 Canada(Eng)
Seeley, Ethel M., b. Aug 1885 Canada (Eng) (whole family immigrated to US in 1893)
Burchell, Edward, boarder, b. May 1874 NY, NY, NY, iron moulder1910 census Syracuse, Onondaga, NY
Seeley, Artemus, Emma, Marion, Bessie as in 1920 below and also George Jones, bro-in-law, age 26, b. NY, NY, NYSeeley, Louis, Caroline B and Ethel M. as in 1900 above except indicates Caroline came to US in 1897 but Louis and Ethel M in 1893.
Seeley, Lucy, age 38 and Hattie, age 29 both living as servants in household headed by J. Henry Colter and working for Chapter House; Lucy as cook and Hattie as chambermaid.
In 1920 Louis Seeley is a widower, age 78 living in Syracuse with his daughter Lucy Stevens age 48 and her husband William Stevens age 49.
In 1930 he is in Syracuse age 89 boarding with John Cameron, age 49, a chef from French-speaking Canada who arrived in 1905, his wife Margaret L, age 42, b. NY, NY, NY and their children Ethel M., age 19, Christine B., age 18 and George L. age 14 all b. NY
1920 census Syracuse, Onondaga, NY
Seeley, Artemus, age 41, b. Canada, Canada, Canada, foreman in a ??? shop
Seeley, Emma, age 37, b. NY, England, NY, manager fountain in a dept store
Seeley, Marion, age 17, b. NY, NY, Canada (census taker mistake)
Seeley, Bessie, age 12, NY, NY, Canada
Seeley, Ethel, age 1 yr 7 mos., b. NY, NY, Canada
Felton, Le Roy, cousin, age 19, b. NY, NY, NY still worker in soda works
Felton, Dorothy, niece, age 19, b. NY, Canada, NY
Felton, Harry C., grand-niece, age 1 mo., b. NY, NY, NYFrom the SGS Database:
Seeley, Augustus b. ca 1810 Canada md ca 1839 Ontario Canada, Elizabeth Township to White, Lavina
Father: Seeley, Peter Mother: Serviss, MargaretSeeley, Philip md. Bradford, Mary
Father: Seeley, Peter Mother: Serviss, MargaretSeeley, Peter b. ca 1772 CT? m2 Serviss, Margaret
If you can identify Peter, father of Augustus and Philip, contact me.
Requester: Submitted by Linda Crocker, Query Editor Requester Address: (
Response Info: Re: Louis Seeley
We were trying to identify the lineage of Louis Seeley. We had identified his father as Augustus b. abt 1815 Canada and his uncle as Philip Seeley b. abt 1813 Canada. The SGS database had their parents as Peter Seeley and Margaret Serviss.
Joan Mushka ( said that they were sons of James Seeley and his 2nd wife Mary/Polly Servos/Serviss, son of Augustus the UE Loyalist. Dian Little, a member of the SGS Board who has done extensive research on Augustus, confirmed this. DNA studies have shown a close relationship between descendants of Augustus Seeley and the immigrant Obadiah Seeley (1614-1657) but we don’t know the exact line. The SGS database will be corrected.
Responder: SGS Response
Response Info: Update to Query 0808-1 Re: Louis Seeley
In the last issue we published an update to this query identifying the father and uncle of Louis Seeley as Augustus and Philip Seeley, sons of James Seeley and his 2nd wife Mary/Polly Servos/Serviss. James is a son of Augustus Seeley the UE Loyalist. Bill Lavery ( sent us a record from the 1901 Canadian census giving Philip’s birth date:
District: ON GRENVILLE (South/Sud) (#63) Sub-district: Augusta a-9 Page 3
Details: Schedule 1 Microfilm T-6468
32 32 Gallinger Matthew M Head M Jul 18 1854 46 b. Ontario, urban
33 32 Gallinger Margaret F Wife M Dec 23 1853 47 b. Ontario, rural
34 32 Gallinger Bertha F Daughter S May 2 1884 16 b. Ontario, rural
35 32 Seely Philip M Father-in-law W Dec 23 1814 86 b. Ontario, ruralResponder: SGS Query Editor: February 2009
Query Number: 0805-8 Requested Info: Scott asked about his ancestor Roy H Seeley. I don't have his email info but I have sent a response to the forum and suggested he visit our website.
1920 census Richfield, Genesee, MI
Roy H Seeley, age 38, b. MI, parents b. MI, farm laborer
Edith M., age 24, b. MI, parents b. MI
Floyd H., age 5
Edward F., age 4and 9/12
Clinton L, age 1 and 8/12, all ch. b. MIIn 1910, working as a hired hand for the Riegel family in Richfield
In 1900 Richfield, Genesee, MI
Seeley, Edward F. b. June 1852 MI, father b. KY, mother b. MI, farmer
Seeley, Frances C., b. Sept 1852 NY as were parents, md 27 years, 7 ch., 5 living
Seeley, Mae, b. June 1879 MI
Seeley, Roy, b. July 1881 MI, farm labor
Seeley, Eunice, b. Aug 1884 MI
Seeley, Reu (?), son, b. July 1886 MI
1880 Forest, Genesee, MI
Seely, Frank E., age 27, b. MI, OH, MI farmer
Seely, Frances C., age 27, b. NY, NY, NY
Seely, Ella L, age 5, b. MI
Seely, May, age 11 mos (b. Jun 1879)In 1870 there is a Frank Seely b. MI age 21 in college in Ann Arbor
1860 Forest, Genesee, MI
Seely, Stephen, age 71, b. NY, farmer
Seely, Elizabeth, age 67, b. VT
Seely, Judson, age 45, b. OH, sawyer
Seely, Francis, age 8, b. MI
Thomas, Bertha (?), age 24, b. NY, servant
Thomas, May, age 8 mos, b. NYSo it looks like Francis/Frank/Edward F is a son of Judson, son of Stephen Seely, b. 3 Apr 1788 who is a son of Stephen Seeley (SGS# 612) and Ruth O'Dell of Saratoga County, NY. His wife was Elizabeth Kent.
If you can find a birth record or other data to verify that Francis is the son of Judson and the same person who married Frances C. please contact me.
Requester: Scott Butler at Seelye GenForum Requester Address: Scott Butler at Seelye GenForum
Query Number: 0805-7 Requested Info: Martha is the Senior Vice President/Webmaster of the Sarah Emma Edmonds Detached Tent #4, Houston, TX. of the Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War 1861-1865. Our Tent was just Chartered on February 11, 2007. She ran across our website while trying to find an obituary for Martha (Norris) Seelye who married Melvin Harry Seelye. I have been researching the family of our Civil War Heroine, Sarah E Edmonds Seelye, in order to find "living" descendants of hers. At some point in the future our Tent hopes to do a DUVCW grave marking of her gravestone in Washington Cemetery, Houston, TX., & we would like to invite members of her family to the ceremony. She already has obituaries for Melvin H. Seelye, his father Harry E. Seelye, & his wife Vera May (Weeman) Seelye. So far Martha has not been able to find out what happened to the other children of George Frederick Seelye & his wife Lucy Leticia (Sterling) Seelye, nor Sarah Seelye’s other son Charles Finney Seelye.
Requester: Martha Class Requester Address:
Response Info: We have 3 items about Sarah Emma Edmonds Seelye on our website but they do not give any information on her children other than to say that she had three.
One article I read said that Linus H Seelye and Sarah/Emma had 3 children that died young and then they adopted George and Charles; others say they had 3 sons. Unfortunately there is no census between 1880 and 1900.
1870 census Charlevoix, Charlevoix, MI
Dougherty, Archibald, age 36, carpenter, b. New Brunswick
Dougherty, Mary M., age 32, b. New Brunswick
Dougherty, Alva E., age 9
Dougherty, Andrew B., age 6, both b. new Brunswick
Seely, Mary E., age 60, b. New Brunswick (she is also with this family in Antrim Co, MI in 1880, invalid, mother-in-law of Archibald))
Seely, Linus N., age 39, carpenter, b. New Brunswick
Seely, Linus B., age 1, b. MI
1880 census District 204, California, Moniteau, MO
Seelye, WT, age 47, b. New Brunswick as were parents, carpenter
Seelye, Emma, age 41, b. New Brunswick as were parents
Seelye, George, age 7, b. OH, parents b. New Brunswick
Seelye, Charles, age 7, b. OH, parents b. New Brunswick
Burnett, Mary, age 66, b. KY, parents b. KY, keeping house
1900 census District 98, Justice Precinct 3, Harris, TX
Seelye, George F., b. Mar 1872 OH, parents b. New Brunswick, carpenter, married 9 years to
Seelye, Lucy L., b. Dec 1875 IL, parents b. VA
Seelye, Harry E., b. Apr 1892 KS
Seelye, Carrie L., b. June 1894
1900 census Elk Rapids, Antrim, MI
Dougherty, Archibald, b. June 1835 Canada, immigrated 1871, ship carpenter, md 40 years to
Dougherty, Mary b. Aug. 1838 Canada, immigrated 1871
6 children ages 20 - 36, 2 eldest b. Canada, 4 others b. MI, a servant, and
Seeley, Linus H., bro-in-law, b. Apr 1833 Canada, widower, carpenter, immigrated in 1871 (indexed Luley but clearly Seeley)
1910 District 45, Fort Scott Ward 5, Bourbon, KS
Seelye, Fred G, age 37, b.OH, parents b. Canada, carpenter
Seelye, Lucy L, age 35, b. KS, parents b. VA, md 19 yrs, 6 ch., 5 living
Seelye, Harry E., age 18, b. KS, carpenter
Seelye, Carrie B., age 14, b. TX
Seelye, Freddie L., age 9, b. TX
Seelye, Leona L., age 6, b. TX
Seelye, Alice L., age 4 mos., b. KS
Seelye, Linis H., father, age 78, widower, b. Canada as were parents, carpenter, immigrated in 1872
1920 district 39, Fort Scott Ward 2, Bourbon, KS
Seelye, Lucy L., head, age 44, married, b. IL
Seelye, Blanch, dau., age 24, b. TX, confectionery proprietor
Seelye, Frederick L., son, age 19, b. TX, clerk, confectioner's
Seelye, Leona L., dau., age 16, b. TX, clerk, confectioner's
Seelye, Alice L., dau., age 10, b. KS, at school
several lodgers
1930 Fort Scott, Bourbon, KS
Seelye, Harry E., age 37, b. KS, mill man at planing mill
Seelye, Vera M, age 35, b. SD
Seelye, Kenneth L., age 16, b. KS
Seelye, Melvin H., age 13, b. KS
1930 Scott, Bourbon, KS
Seely, Fred G, age 56, b. OH, father b. New Brunswick, mother b. Canada
Seely, Ada M., age 45, b. KS, father b. MO, mother b. KSWWI Draft Reg'n cards (1917-18):
Frederick Leroy Seelye b. 19 Aug 1900, 120 1/2 S. Main St. Ft Scott, Bourbon, KS
occupation: soda dispenser, employer: Miss Blanch Seelye, nearest relative: mother: Mrs L L SeelyeHarry Earnest Seelye b. 17 Apr. 1892, 706 Hill, Ft Scott, KS, claims exemption from draft because supporting wife, sister, mother and 2 children
Missouri Marriage Licenses
Leona L Seelye of Bourbon Co. KS md. Glenn H Louderback of Bourbon, KS on 15 Jan 1940 at Kansas City, Jackson Co. MOIf you have other information and sources on the children of Linus H. and Sarah Emma Edmonds Seelye please let us know.
Responder: SGS Response
Query Number: 0805-6 Requested Info: Janice is seeking parent's names and birth town of Leaton [Layton] Seelye/Seely/Sealy born ca 1886 either in SD or ND. His father was born in NY and his mother born in MO. From South Dakota Births, 1856-1903
Leaton J Seelye b.17 Oct 1886, Gender: Male, County: Sully, Father's Name: George Seelye, Mother's Name: Alice Seelye
Requester: Janice Jordan Requester Address: (
Response Info: Chris Havnar found some information and I added to it. Here is what we have:
1930 census in Clyde, Wayne, NY.
Seelye, Leaton [Layton], age 43, b. SD, father b. NY, mother b. MO machinist
Seelye, Edith E., age 42, b. NY, f. b. NY, m. b. NY
Seelye, Mary A. age 16, b. NY, NY, NY
1900 Census of Rose, Wayne, New YorkLeaton SEELYE, age 13, living with his step-father Theron WILSON & Theron's wife Alice E. WILSON in the first year of their marriage. Alice was the mother of one child, one child living. This census shows Alice age 35 as born Jan 1865 in Missouri both parents born England, Leaton as born in South Dakota, Father born New York, Mother born Missouri, Step-Father Theron D. WILSON was a 48 year old Carpenter born Nov 1857 in NY, both parents were born in CT
Seelye burials in Rose cemetery, Rose, Wayne, NY
Surname, given
yearSeelye Alda C Luffman Frank E. 1892 0 0 Seelye Alice E Leaton George S. 1865 1882 1938 Seelye Arthur J Dema G. 1896 0 1971 Seelye Dema G Gaylord Arthur J. 1895 0 1976 Seelye Edith Estelle Lockwood Leaton J. 1887 1910 1978 Seelye Ernest O 1859 1882 0 Seelye Frances E Osgood James Judson 1836 0 1901 Seelye Frank E Alda C. 1891 0 1968 Seelye George S Alice E. 1861 1882 1894 Seelye James Judson Frances E. 1837 0 1909 Seelye Leaton J Edith E. 1886 1910 1958 From "Rose Neighborhood Sketches" by A.S. Roe published 1893
p. 21: (Joe Wade) sold to Cornelius Marsh, a native of the Town district of Rose. Mr Marsh's wife was the Widow Leaton, a daughter of Mr Whitehead, an industrious Englishman, well-known in the vicinity. her daughter, Alice, became the wife of Geo. S Seelye and is now in Dakota.
p. 57-58: ...the house of J.J Seelye, better known in Rose as "Jud". Some years hence, with his son Ernest, he went to Sully county, Dakota, where he now is. His wife, who was Frank Osgood, remains on the place. Ernest O. married first Mattie Chase of Hamilton, niece of Mrs Kendrick Sheffield and, after her death, united his fortunes with those of Edith, daughter of Winfield Chaddock, deceased. Together with her mother, they set forth for their home in the extreme west, and are trying to make the prairie bud and blossom. George S., the younger son, who married Alice Leaton, and for a while lived at this home, has also gone to Dakota. It was here (in Rose) that Mr Seelye (J. J.) made his first essay at farming and housekeeping. He set out trees, vines and shrubs. he has tried all the schemes that farming affords; but now claims to find dakota a much happier locality. He served during the rebellion in the 9th Heavy Artillery. ... (goes on to talk about the previous owner of the farm and his family)...then there is an addition: (J.J. Seelye has returned from Dakota and lives in the Valley. George S. also came back, and after several years' struggle with disease, died in June 1893 at the age of 32 years. He left a son, Joseph Leaton.)
p. 3-4
(George Seelye) had early wedded Polly Catherine, the younger daughter of Aaron Shepard, the first settler in the district, but he never took his wife to his new home as she died in 1829, leaving a daughter, Polly Catherine, who married in 1833, Austin M. Roe, the youngest son of Austin Roe, one of the early comers to the neighborhood. In 1834 Mr Seelye married Sarah Ann, daughter of Dr James Sheffield, of Sherburne, Chenango County, who survives him. His son, James Judson, who served in the 9th Heavy Artillery, married Frances, daughter of Artemus Osgood, long a resident of the district, ...Mr Seelye enjoyed the confidence and esteem of his fellow citizens, was a life-long Baptist, and in early life was very active in the state militia, holding, in succession, the offices of adjutant, major, lieutenant-colonel and colonel of the 186th Regiment. The titles of colonel and deacon were indifferently applied to him.
Earlier census information I found (1850 – 1880 censuses of Rose, Wayne, NY) confirm the line from George Seelye (SGS#2234) (Joseph, Nehemiah, Benjamin, John, Benjamin, Nathaniel, Robert) through his son James Judson to his son George S. to Leaton James/James Leaton Seelye. Please contact me if you want the full census data for this family.
Responder: SGS Response
Query Number: 0805-5 Requested Info: Gerry is associated to the Seeley lineage through his gr, gr gr grandfather Thomas S. Seeley of North East Township, County of Erie, Pennsylvania. He would like to know his line back to the Seeleys of Connecticut. His studies have been through, LDS on line records, The Stetson Genealogy records, and old letters from a Seeley family member. The most revealing document was the recording of a will of Thomas S. Seeley who was buried in the Grahamville Cemetery, Erie County Pennsylvania. Thomas S. Seely died May 8, 1860 at the age of 62 years. In Erie Co Will C:290 Probated 21 May 1860 he names:
Wife: Betty Seeley, Son: Edward Seeley, Daughter: Fanny (Married Harry P. Hall), Son: Timothy W. Seeley, Son: Francis J. Seeley (Married Janet Catherine Stetson his gr, gr Grandfather), Daughter: Mary R. (Married to James Barnes), Daughter: Sarah A. Married to Joseph Dickenson), Daughter: Nancy (Married to Samuel Barnes), Daughter: Lucinda (Married to ….Chappell), Daughter: Julia (Married to Ephraim Rich)
Requester: Gerry L. Reynolds Requester Address: (
Response Info: 1850 census North East, Erie, Pa
Dwelling 203, household 211
Seely, Thomas, age 56, b. CT, farmer
Seely, Betsey, age 56, b. Ireland
Seely, Timothy, age 25, b. PA, farmer
Seely, Edward, age 16, b. PA, laborer
Seely, Lucinda, age 14, b. PA
Seely, Julia, age 13, b. PA
Dwelling 185, household 193
Seeley, Francis J., age 25, b. PA, blacksmith, married within last year (census date 21 Oct 1850)
Seeley, Jenette, age 20, b. NY
Seeley, Eliza, age 1 mo., b. PA
Dwelling 186, household 194
Barnes, James, age 38, blacksmith, b. NY
Barnes, Mary, age 27, b. PA
Barnes, Antoinette, age 6, b. PA
Barnes, James K., age 4, b. PA
Barnes, Furman, age 2, b. PA
Barnes, Norris, age 2 mos., b. PA
Dwelling 39, household 41
Hall, Harry P., age 44, carpenter, b. NY
Hall, Fanny, age 26, b. PA
Hall, Sarah, age 17, b. NY
Hall, Mary, age 16, b. NY
Hall, Isaac Jr, age 3, b. PA
Dwelling 223, household 231
Burns, Samuel, age 33, farmer, b. NY
Burns, Nancy, age 20, b. PA
Burns, Jane, age 1, b. PA
Dwelling 385, household 401
Webster, Seneca, age 36, farmer, b. NY
Webster, Jerusha, age 68, b. CT
Seeley, Sarah, age 12, b. PA (indexed Suley)
Webster, Lucinda, age 33, b. NYIn 1860 I find Francis J., Timothy, and their families in Ripley, Chautauqua, NY
Julia is with husband Ephraim Rich and son George, age 1 in North East, Erie , PA next door to Betsey Seeley, age 54, b. NY, Rebecca Philip age 56 and Rebecca's 2 sons.
Going back in 1840 North East, Erie, PA
Thomas Seely: Males; 1 5-10, 1 10-15, 1 15-20, 1 40-50; Females; 2 under 5, 1 5-10, 1 10-15, 2 15-20, 1 20-30, 1 40-50
1830 North East, Erie, PA
Thomas Seeley; Males: 1 under 5, 1 5-10, 1 30-40; Females: 3 under 5, 1 10-15, 1 30-401820 North East, Erie, PA
Seeley, Henry (indexed as Keeley)
1 male under 10, 1 male 26-45; 1 female 10-16I do not know who Henry is or if he is related to Thomas. There is no further information on this Thomas in our database. Let me know if you have information or suggestions.
Responder: SGS Response
Query Number: 0805-4 Requested Info: Steve is a descendant of Jane Seeley (1796-1885), who married Eda Burrows, through their son Charles H. Burrows. Papers from his uncle say that Jane was the daughter of John Seelye who married Ruby Morehouse. He wants to know more about her lineage. Steve has this information about Jane Seelye and her children and grandchildren:
Jane Seelye (1796—1885) married Eda Burrows (1793—1838).
Their son was Charles Henry Burrows b. 7 Sept 1823, NY, d. 28 Mar 1875, Atlanta, IL. He married Mary Catherine Wikel (or Weikel) who was b. 23 Aug 1829 PA and d. 27 Apr 1911 Atlanta, IL. They were md on 25 Apr 1847 in Butler Co, Ohio. Charles and Mary Catherine were in IL by 1851; they had several children. He knows the names of four of them:
Oscar Burrows b.1849 most likely in OH.
Mae Burrows most likely born in IL.Carrie Burrows Turner who d. 1934, husband: Benjamin Turner; married 4 Mar 1877 in McLean Co, IL. Carrie was born in IL.
Genevra Jane Burrows Mueller b. 31 Dec 1852 and d. 1937; husband: Adolph Conrad Mueller (1843—1908); md on 17 June 1873; both buried in Atlanta, IL cemetery. Adolph was an immigrant from Germany, arriving in this country in 1854. Genevra Jane and Adolph Conrad were Steve’s great-grandparents.
Requester: Steve Miller Requester Address: (
Response Info: I can’t find Charles Burrows in the 1850 census.
1855 census Township 21 range 1 Logan Co. IL
C H Burrows: 1 male under 10, 1 male 20-30, 1 male 30-40; 3 females under 10, 1 female 20-30
1860 census Atlanta, Logan, IL
Burrows, C H, age 36, b. NY, lecturer (Phrenology) (definition: someone who claims to read your character from the shape of your skull)
Burrows, Mary C, age 30, b. PA
Burrows, Oscar G, age 11, b. OH
Burrows, Mary L., age 9, b. IL
Burrows, Jenevera, age 7, b. IL
Burrows, Albert P, age 4, b. IL
Burrows, Carry S, age 8 mos., b. IL
1870 census Atlanta, Logan, IL
Burrows, Chas, age 46, b. NY, prenologist
Burrows, Mary, age 40, b. PA
Burrows, Oscar, age 21, b. OH
Burrows, Ida, age 19, b. IL as are all remaining children
Burrows, Neva, age 17
Burrows, Albert, age 14
Burrows, Carrie, age 10
Burrows, May, age 8
Burrows, Maud, age 5
1880 Atlanta, Logan, IL
Burrows, Mary C., age 50, widow, b. PA, father b. PA, mother b. MD
Burrows, May, age 14, b. Il, f. b. NY, m. b. PAI found this at
1868. The most significant discussion of this year was that held at Atlanta between O. A. Burgess and Dr. Chas. H. Burrows, a noted infidel. The Atlanta Christian Church was feeble at that time and held in contempt by the other churches of the place. Two of its members, Andrew Wright and Jefferson Houser, went to the "union" prayer-meeting that was held the first week in January, and were met at the door of the M. E. Church and requested to leave, as no "Campbellites" were wanted in the meeting, they having been unanimously voted out as arch-heretics. There was a "Freethinkers" club at Atlanta which included a number of the representative men of the place. Mr. Burrows was their leader and champion. For more than a decade he had traveled and lectured on Free Thought, Phrenology, Spiritualism and Mesmerism. He boldly assailed the doctrines of denominationalism and held out a standing challenge to those who would defend them.
He first met in a public discussion, in Atlanta, Owen Davis, a farmer and pioneer Baptist preacher, January 16-18, 1868, in the Christian Church. The results were not satisfactory to the Christian people of the community. Mr. Davis was an inferior debater. Shortly after, he met Minister Orvis of the Congregational Church in a debate. Mr. Orvis was a man of good education and well informed on the questions involved, but not much of a debater. After this, Mr. Burrows, like Goliath of Gath, defied the hosts of Israel. The Freethinkers were exultant, the friends of truth and righteousness discouraged.
Andrew Wright, father of J. H. Wright, was making wagons in those days. He was a mild-mannered, gentle- speaking man, but counted it a part of his business to earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered to the saints. This was his opportunity, and in the month of May he had his David, in the person of O. A. Burgess, on the ground.
Mr. Burrows affirmed that "the Book called the Bible is of human origin and fallible in its teachings, and that Jesus was nothing more than a man, born of woman, as other people are." The crowds attending were immense, men coming from other States. The interest was intense, the occasion crucial. Some parts of the discussion were thrilling and climacteric. In speaking of the virgin birth of Jesus, Mr. Burrows said, "It is impossible for any father to swear to his own child," to which Mr. Burgess replied, "This is a high compliment to Dr. Burrows' mother," which so angered Dr. Burrows and his followers that Mr. Burgess was threatened with some of the "hell fire" which he was in the habit of preaching to his people.
In answer Mr. Burgess said: "I suppose you saw me going out through that window. I have stood where bullets flew thick and can not be intimidated by words. Dr. Burrows well knows that when one party generalizes, his opponent has permit to particularize." John S. Sweeney passed Mr. Burgess a note which read, "Give it to him; we are all here."
The threat of violence was dismissed, and this incident closed, by Mr. Burgess, as he spoke in his lion-like manner: "Bah ! a threat. The last refuge of a lost cause."
In speaking of special Divine Providence, Dr. Burrows said: "I am an old infidel. Why does not God afflict me?" His defiance of the Almighty was blasphemous. While trimming hedge that season a thorn punctured his hand, causing blood poison, which necessitated several amputations, and he was left with one arm and one leg.
Two of his grandchildren were baptized into Christ at Atlanta in 1893, and several since that time, one now working in the Christian ministry.
Mr. Burgess, at the close of the discussion, was presented with a floral bouquet, by Mrs. J. M. Brooks, for the Christian women of Atlanta, as a public expression of their appreciation of his impassioned defense of womanly virtue. Infidelity lost much of its arrogance in Atlanta, after this.
March 28, 1875, at the age of fifty-one years and six months, Dr. Burrows died as he had lived, without God .and without hope.
JANE SEELEY - International Genealogical Index / NA
Birth: 10 DEC 1796 New Baltimore, Greene, New York to John Seeley and Ruby Morehouse and d. 1885, married 3 Dec 1815 Eda Burrows (d. 1838) son of Caleb Burrows and D. Rebecca MattisonEda Burrows is in the 1830 census for Moreau, Saratoga, NY (as Eddy Burrows) and is also buried in Moreau.
We have John Seeley who m. Ruby Morehouse as SGS# 779 (son of Nathaniel Seelye and Lucy Graves) but only have 2 sons for him.
Please let me know if you have proof that Jane is the daughter of John and Ruby Morehouse Seeley or details of her marriage to Charles H Burrows.
Responder: SGS Response
Query Number: 0805-3 Requested Info:
Jessica has found several Seeley families in Rushville, Schuyler County, Illinois, and has been able to connect them to our main Seeley lines. However in the 1850 census of Rushville, Schuyler, Illinois she found a record for the family of David J. Seeley age 35 Born MO, his wife Melissa J., age 30, b. MO and their children:
Cynthia J. Seeley age 12 b. MO, Mary L. Seeley age 9 b. MO, Ezekiel O. Seeley age 8 b. MO, Martha W.W. Seeley age 4 b. IL, James W. Seeley age 3 b. IL and John P.R. Seeley age 4 mos. B. IL. She has searched later censuses and can find no later (or earlier) references to these Seeleys.Requester: Jessica Seely Howard Requester Address: (
Response Info: I found a marriage record for David J. Seeley’s son Ezekiel:
IL Marriage Index
Seeley, Ezekiel C. md Chester, Eliza J. on 03/24/1870 in Union County.
1880 Gainesville, Greene, AR
Seely, Ezekiel O., age 36, b. IL, parents b. IL, carpenter
Seely, Eliza J., age 28, b. IL, parents b. TN
Seely, Edward J., son, age 7, b. AR, parents b. Il
Seely, John, age 25, b. AR, parents b. IL, carpenter
Civil War service
Ezekiel Seely
Residence: Jonesboro, Illinois (Union County)
Enlistment Date: 14 Aug 1862
Side Served: Union
State Served: Illinois
Service Record: Enlisted as a Musician on 14 August 1862.
Enlisted in Company A, 109th Infantry Regiment Illinois on 11 Sep 1862.
Transferred into Company H, 11th Infantry Regiment Illinois on 1 Apr 1863.
Transferred out of Company A, 109th Infantry Regiment Illinois on 1 Apr 1863.
Sources: 7
Ezekiel filed an invalid pension on Sept 29, 1866. His widow Eliza J filed for a widow's pension in AR on Nov 17 (?) 1895.
There are also two other Seeley/Seely enlistments from Jonesboro/Union Co:
14 Aug 1862 John Seely, private; into Co A 109th Inf. Reg’t 11 Sep 1862; deserted 9 Mar 1863
15 Aug. 1862 Edward Seeley, private; into Co. E, 81st Inf. Reg’t 26 Aug 1862; died 10 Sept 1862 South Pass, IL
Civil War service David Seely: David Seely's wife Melissa filed for a widow's pension. The date is Feb 29, year is illegible
I also found another Ezekiel:
IL Marriage Database:
Seeley, Ezekiel R. md. Powell, Hester A. on 11/24/1853 in Union County.
Missouri Land Records:
Ezekiel Rufsell Seely of Cape Girardeau Co. bought land in Bollinger Co. on 1 Mar 1848.
Ezekiel Seely of Cape Girardeau Co. bought land in Cape Girardeau Co. on 6 Nov 1823 and 15 Oct 1833
1860 census Township 12 S Range 3 W, Union, IL
Sealy, O E R, age 40, b. MO, farmer
Sealy, Hester, age 34, b. OH
Sealy, Robert, age 16, b. MO
Sealy, William, age 14, b. MO
Sealy, Sydney, age 5, b. IL
Sealy, Jackson, age 3, b. Il
Sealy, America, age 7 mos., b. IL
1850 District 14, Cape Girardeau, MO
Seely, E R, age 30, b. MO, stonemason
Seely, Lucy J., age 25, b. MO
Seely, Robert E., age 6, b. MO
Seely, John W., age 5, b. MO
Seely, Mary J., age 2, b. MO
These would both be Ezekiel R Seeley, brother of David Jackson Seeley, according to an online pedigree (which has some errors so this would need to be verified). David J. and Ezekiel R are both listed as sons of Ezekiel Seeley (1780 - abt 1845) and Jane McCleskey/McClusky. This line goes back via Ezekiel's father Peter to John Seeley and Jean Jaggers of Chester Co., SC. We do not know the ancestry of John Seeley. See Query 0605-4.
1840 census Byrd, Cape Girardeau, MO
Sely, Ezekeal, 1 male 20-30, 1 male 50-60, 1 female 15-20, 1 female 50-60
Sely, David, 1 male 30-40, 1 female under 5, 1 female 20-30
If anyone has further information on this family please contact me.Responder: SGS Response
Query Number: 0805-2 Requested Info: Kimberly is searching for the lineage of her paternal ancestor, William W. Seeley, born in New York State in 1831 and married to Harriet C. Seeley. William and Harriet had sons Frederick and DeForest (Forest). Requester: Kimberly Miller Requester Address: (
Response Info: The latest census entry for William W. Seeley is in1910 in Jamestown, Chautauqua, NY with his son, Fred O. Seeley, age 40, b. PA, parents b. NY. William W. is listed as age 83, b. NY, parents b. NY, widowed, has own income.
The 1900 and 1880 censuses of Stockton, Chautauqua, NY tell us that William W. was b. Dec 1830 NY and he is a carpenter. He was married about 1868 to Harriet C. (Hattie) who was b. Aug. 1841 NY to parents b. NY. They have 2 children: Fred O. b. Oct (or Aug) 1869 and De Forest/Forest L. b. Aug 1876 NY.
Civil War soldiers of Chautauqua County, NY
SEELEY, William W., of Ellicott, CC-85
William W Seeley ,
Enlistment Date: 26 July 1862
Distinguished Service: Side Served: Union
State Served: New York
Unit Numbers: 1371 1371
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 26 July 1862 at the age of 34
Enlisted in Company A, 112th Infantry Regiment New York on 04 August 1862.
Promoted to Full Sergeant on 03 January 1865
Wounded on 15 January 1865 at Fort Fisher, NC (1890 veterans census says he has a shell wound on right cheek)
Mustered out Company A, 112th Infantry Regiment New York on 13 June 1865 in
Raleigh, NC
* pensioned 1889 as an invalid, NY
Can anyone identify the parents of this William W Seeley?
Responder: SGS Response
Query Number: 0805-1 Requested Info: Diana is searching for information on Albert Seeley, married to Martha Booth. They had two children, Clarence, born 1887 in Minnesota, and Mabel, born 1900. Martha died giving birth to Mabel. They lived in Quasqeton Iowa at the time. All she knows about Albert is that he was born around 1867. Requester: Diana Waddell Requester Address: (
Response Info: 1900 census La Porte, Black Hawk, IA
Seeley, Albert R.(?), age 32, b. June 1867 MN, father b. Scotland, mother b. ENG, day laborer
Seeley, Martha D., age 33, b. July 1866 IL, f. b. MI, m. b. OH, married 15 years, 2 children, 1 living
Seeley, Clarence F., age 12, b. June 1887 MN, f. b. MN, m. b. IL
1885 census Chatfield, Fillmore, MN
Seely, Albert, age 26, b. MN,
Seely, Martha, age 17, b. IL
Booth, Aurelia (Audra?), age 55, b. VA
Booth, Leuther, age 13, b. IL
1880 Battle Plain, Rock, MN
Rexford, Harriet, age 46, b. NY, parents b. NY, farmer, divorced
Seeley, Albert R., son, age 21, b. MN
Seeley, Maggie A. dau., age 20, b. MN
Rexford, Job W., age 13, b. MN
1875 census Winona, Winona, MN
Willis, GW, age 65, b. NY,parents b. NY
Willis, Harriet, age 61, b. NY, parents b. NY
Willis, Jennie, age 25, b. WI, parents b. NY
Willis, Henry J., age 22, b. WI, parents b. NY
Seely, Maggie, age 15, b. MN, parents b. NY (GW and Harriet Willis are her grandparents)
1870 Bloomfield, Fillmore, MN
Rexford, Vincent, age 38, b. Canada, farmer
Rexford, Harriet, age 36, b. NY
Rexford, Willis, age 3, b. MN
Rexford, Harriet, age 7 mos., b. MN
Seely, Albert, age 12, b. MN
Gates, Henry W., age 61, grocer, b. NY
1860 Chatfield, Fillmore, MN
Seeley, John, age 40, b. VT
Seeley, Harriet A., age 26, b. NY
Seeley, Albert H., age 2, b. MN
Seeley, Margaret, age 1, b. MN
I can't identify the correct John in the 1850 census.
1910 Jordan, Fillmore, MN
Seeley, Albert R., age 51, b. MN, f. b. NY, m. b. IA, 2nd marriage, md 7 years
Seeley, Betsy S., age 52, b. IN, f. b. NY, m. b. PA, 2nd marriage, md 7 years, 1 child, 1 living
Murphy, Clifton, age 15, stepson, b. MN, f. b. IRE, m. b. IN
1920 Jordan, Fillmore, MN
Murphy, Clifton, age 25, b. MN, f. b. IN, m. b. Ireland
Murphy, Fannie, age 21, b. MN, parents b. Bohemia
Seeley, Albert, age 61, step-father, b. MN, father b. ENG, mother b. NY
There is a 1916 death certificate filed in Fillmore Co. MN for a Betsy Seely.
Burials in Oakridge Cemetery, Wapsinonoc Township, Muscatine Co. IA
Seeley, Clarence F. b. 20 Jul 1887, d. 4 Mar 1967
Seeley, Elizabeth, b. 01 Sept 1791, d. 20 Aug 1873
Seeley, Ellen E., b. 27 Oct 1887, d. 20 Oct 1973
Ellen E. is the wife of Clarence F. Seeley. They appear together in the 1910, 1920, 1925 and 1930 IA census. Their dau., Margaret C. is age 19 in 1930. I can’t identify Elizabeth.
Does anyone have data to verify that Albert R Seeley is the son of John Seelye and Harriet Willis? Can you identify John Seelye in the 1850 census? Did John have any siblings? What happened to Maggie, Albert's sister?Responder: SGS Response
Query Number: 0802-9 Requested Info: Edward Eugene Seeley's biography is one of the unidentified ones on our website. Can anyone identify the origins of his father William R (Ross in the SGS database) Seeley?
Requester: Christine Havnar Requester Address: (
Response Info: 1860 census Victor, DeKalb, IL
Seeley, Wm R, 32, farmer, b. NY
Seeley, Sarah A., 28, b. NY
Seeley, Charles A., 7, b. NY
Seeley, Mary E, 4, b. NY
Seeley, Edward H., age 2, b. NY
Seeley, Edwin E., age 4 mos, b. IL1870 census Hardin, Hardin, IA
Seeley, Wm R, 41, building contractor, b. NY
Seeley, Sarah A., 38, b. NY
Seeley, Chas A., 17, b. NY, working on farm
Seeley, Mary E, 14, b. NY
Seeley, Willard., age 12, b. IL
Seeley, Eddie, age 10, b. IL1880 Buckeye, Hardin, IA
Seeley, Wm R., 57, farmer, b. NY, parents b. NY
Seeley, Sarah A., age 47, b. NY, parents b. NY
Seeley, Charles A., son, age 28, b. NY, parents b. NY, carpenter
Seeley, Willard H., age 22, b. Il, parents b. NY, at home
Seeley, Eugene E, age 20, b. IL, parents b. NY, at home1885 state census Buckeye, Hardin, IA
Seeley, William R., age 56, Sarah A. age 52, Eugene E., age 241900 census Buckeye, Hardin, IA
Seeley, Eugene R., b. Feb 1860, farmer, b. Il, parents b. NY
Seeley, Clara A, b. May 1854 VA, father b. Germany, mother b. VA, married 15 years 4 children, 4 living
Seeley, Mable A, b. Jun 1886 IA
Seeley, Eleanor J., b Jan 1889 IA
Seeley, William A. b Jul 1892 IA
Seeley, Cleve M, b. Feb 1897 IA1910 Hardin, Hardin, IA
Sweley, Edward E., age 50, b. IL, parents b. NY
Sweley, Clara A, age 55, b. VA, f.b. Germany, m.b. VA
Sweley, Cleve M., 13, b. IA, f.b. IL, m.b. VAWhen I find mis-spellings like this (or Oscar’s in the previous query) I submit a correction – not too easy to find these folks otherwise!
I also found an obituary for Sarah A Seeley, widow of William R. She died suddenly 25 June 1900 at the home of her daughter, Mrs A G Kellogg in Webster City, IA
I can’t identify which William Seeley is the right one in the 1850 census. If you have information on this family let me know.
Responder: SGS Response
Query Number: 0802-8 Requested Info: Chris has posted a biography of Oscar A Seely b. 29 Sept 1841 on our website. His father was David R Seely/Sealy/Seeley a blacksmith who lived in NY, IL and eventually Fayette Co, IA. His mother is supposedly Mary Ann Van Alstyne Seely, b. PA, who died at Rochester, Monroe, NY in 1841. We want to know David Seely’s ancestry.
Requester: Christine Havnar Requester Address: (
Response Info: 1850 census Irondequoit, Monroe, NY
David Sealy, blacksmith, age 38, b. NY
Laura Sealy, age 28, b. NY
Oscar Sealy, age 8, b. NY
Peltin (?) Bennett, age 15, b. NY1840, Rochester, Monroe, NY
Seeley, David R: 1 male 20-30, 1 female 20-301870 Hopkins, Whiteside, IL
Seeley, Oscar A., age 28, b. IL, works on farm
Seeley, Emaline, age 19, b. IL
Seeley, Louis, age 2, b. IL1870 Westfield, Fayette, IA
Seeley, David, age 55, blacksmith, b. NY
Seeley, Ellen, age 40, b. VT
Seeley, Alice, 18, b. NY
Seeley, Joseph, 13, b. IL
Seeley, Caredon, 9, b. IL
Seeley, Leona, 7, b. IL
Elliott, George, 20, farmhand, b. NY1880 Hinckley, DeKalb, IL
Seeley, Oscar, age 38, b. NY as are parents, carpenter, divorced
Seeley, Willie, son age 7, b. IL, parents b. NY
Seeley, Lena, dau. age 11, b. IL, parents b. NY
Seeley, Ida, niece age 17, b. NY as were parents, keeping House1885 Fayette, fayette, IA
Seeley, David R., 69, b. NY, blacksmith
Seeley, Ellen A, 55, carpet weaver
Childs, Allice, 33, b. NY, carpet weaver1900 census of Havre, Chouteau, MT
Oscar Seely b. Sept. 1841 NY, parents b. NY, widower, farmer.
I don't find him in later censuses nor have I found a death record.1900 Fayette, Fayette, IA
Seeley, David R, 88, b. Jul 1811 NY, parents b. CT, married 39 years
Seeley, Ellen A., 70, b. Jan 1830 VT, parents b. VT, 6 children, 4 livingIllinois Marriage database
Seely, David R m. Childs, Ellen A. Mrs.
09/11/1860 Whiteside CountySGS database shows David Ross Seely married to Eleanor Amelia Bannister and Mrs Ellen Childs, obviously the same person and his 2nd marriage.
1860 Union Grove, Whiteside, IL
Childs, Ellen, 29, b. VT domestic living in home of S Bannister, age 58, b. VT, his wife Amelia, 48, b. VT, 2 sons
Childs, Alice, 8, b. NY
Childs, Elma, 6, b. NY
Childs, Joseph, 3, b. IL1860 Mount Pleasant, Whiteside, IL (family indexed as Saly)
Seely, David, 45, farm laborer, b. NY
Seely, Oscar, 17, b. NY, farm laborer (indexed as Scard!)
Hough, Wesley, age 20, b. IA, farm laborer1850 Madrid, St Lawrence, NY
Banister, Samuel, 50, b. VT
Banister, Amelia, 51, b. VT
Banister, Ellen, 20, b. VT
Banister, Alvira, 16, b. NY
Banister, Mary, 12, b. NYCan anyone find the parents of David Ross Seeley or maybe his marriage to Mary Ann Van Alstyne?
Responder: SGS Response
Query Number: 0802-7 Requested Info: Karen asks if we have any information on Hiram Seeley b.1826 New York and d. 24 Apr 1862 Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee. He was married to Eunice Prentice (spelled Eunice Pruntice on son's death certificate) who was b.1833 New York and died Hartford, Van Buren Co, Michigan. Their son Willard Ryland "Riley" Seeley, b.1 May 1854, Monroe Co, New York and d.15 Feb 1923, Van Buren Co, Michigan was Karen’s great-grandfather. Riley had a sister and brother: Lilly Seeley, b.10 Dec 1857, Michigan, died 1936, and Hiram Bennett Seeley, b. 21 Jun 1859, Michigan and d. 11 Nov 1937, Hartford, Van Buren Co, Michigan. Riley had six spouses that Karen knows of, but the one who helped him produce a living offspring was Marie Cramner b. abt 1864 Michigan [calculated from child's birth]. Riley and Marie's child, Rosetta 'Rosa' Seeley was Karen’s grandmother. She was b. 25 Feb 1885 McDonald, Van Buren Co, Michigan and d. 01 Feb 1933 Fremont, Newaygo Co, Michigan. Rose had two spouses and Karen is happy to share her information. Karen has several possible different sets of grandparents from several different sources for Riley and would dearly like to know which are correct.
Requester: Karen (Eldred) Thornhill Requester Address:
Response Info: 1880 census Hartford, Van Buren, MI
Prentice, Willard, age 72, widower, farmer, b. VT as were his parents
Seeley, Hiram, age 21, grandson, laborer, b. MI, parents b. NY
Anthony, Henry, 24, grandson, b. NY as were his parents1870 census Hartford, Van Buren, MI
Rumerfield, R D, age 25, b. NY, laborer
Rumerfield, Rosetta, age 17, b. Canada
Rumerfield, Ellery, age 2/12, b. MI
Seely, Hiram, age 11, 'at home', b. MI, attended school
Further down the page:
Prentiss, Willard, age 63, b. NY
Prentiss, Mary A., age 60, b. NY
Anthony, Henry, age 13, b. NY1860 Hartford, Van Buren, MI
Printiss, Willard, age 51, b. NY, farmer
Printiss, Mary Ann, age 50, b. NY
Printiss, Amanda M., age 16, b. NY
Printiss, George, age 11, b. NY
Printiss, Henry A., age 3, b. NYI can't find Hiram nor Eunice and children in the 1860 census. Alonson Seeley, b. 1843 NY (see below), is living with Justus Seeley, age 47, b. NY and his wife Sarah and their children (ages 7 - 21, all born NY) in Montrose, Dane, Wisconsin. Justus is in our SGS database but his parents are unknown. Bennett Seely (SGS# 1908) and Rhoda's children are listed in the database as Norman b. (married Lavelle Crowe), Hiram m. Eunice Prentice, and Alanson. Hiram and Eunice’s 3 children are also listed.
1850 census Clarkson, Monroe, NY
Seely, Rhoda, age 62, b. NY
Seely, Norman, age 30, b. NY
Seely, Laville, age 21, b. NY
Seely, Hiram, age 25, b. NY
Seely, Eunice, age 17, b. NY
Seely, Alanson, age 7, b. NY
Norman age 29, Lavilla age 21 and Mary age 2 Seeley are listed in Clarkson on a different day with the family of Wm G and Achsah Crowel, both age 47 and b. MA and sons John Crowel 24 b. Ma and Charles 12, b. NY. Lavilla's parents???1850 Clarkson, Monroe, NY
Preston, Willard, age 43, b. NY
Preston, Mary Ann, age 40, b. NY
Children: Darius, 18, Nancy, 12, Phebe, 11, Amanda, 7, George, 11850 Shelby, Orleans, NY
Seeley, George, age 32, b. NY, grocer
Seeley, Zeruah, age 30, b. NY
Seeley, Harry, age4, b NY
Seeley, Daniel B, age 2, b. NY
Seeley, Clarence, 9 mos, b. NY
Corah, Emaline, age 18?, b. NY
Emaline age 16 is listed with the family of John and Zeruah Corah also in Sheldon. I would guess that she is Zeruah Seeley's sister and is helping out and was listed in both places.1820 Ballston, Saratoga, NY
Bennett Seeley: 3 males under 10, 1 male 26-45, 1 female under 10, 1 female 26-45, 1 female over 451830 Clarkson, Monroe Co. NY
Bennett Seely: 2 males under 5, 2 males 5-10, 2 males 10-15, 1 male 15-20, 1 male 40-50; 1 female 15-20, 1 female 40-501840 census Clarkson, Monroe, NY
B Seeley: 2 males 10-15,2 males 15-20, 1 male 20- 30, 1 male 40-50; 1 female 20-30, 1 female 40-50
Kathie Olsen sent information on Bennett and Rhoda Seeley's family: 8 children; (all born Ballston, Saratoga County New York) Joseph (b abt 1812), Mary Ann (b abt 1815, m Stephen Brown), William (b abt 1817; m Maria, d 28 Sep 1849, Sweden, Monroe County, New York), George Washington (b 30 Nov 1818, m Zeruah H. Colby), Norman Seely (b abt 1820), Henry (b abt 1822), Hiram (b abt 1824), Myron (b after 1827). The sources of the information are Elizabeth White research, Surrogate Court, Rochester, Monroe County, New York and Old Cemetery, Morton, New York (now Orleans County).
Transcript of Surrogate Court record:
Will of Bennett Seeley Pro. Oct. 4th 1847. Administrators, Andrew Manly and Rhoda Seeley. Children given in Will as in the record (above). Petition of Joseph Seeley of Sweden in County of Monroe shows that Bennett Seeley of town of Clarkson, died in town of Albion on 8th day of Sept. 1847.
In his Will he appointed Charles Banond Bates, executor. Validity of Will questioned.
Daniel L. Clark was appointed special guardian to Myron Seeley, a minor not yet 21 years.I wondered if the Justus Seely that Alanson is living with in 1860 is the same as his oldest brother Joseph - the age would be right. However I found Joseph A Seely age 38 b. NY in the 1850 census of Sweden, Monroe Co (next town to Clarkson) with wife Julia A. age 34 and 2 sons: Chas A age 12 and Wm B age 10.
Justis Seely age 37, b. NY is in Clarkson with wife Sarah age 34 b. VT and children: Emily age 13, Esther age 11, Calvin age 9, Charlotte age 7, Lemira age 4 and Cyrus age 1. Bennett Seeley had a brother Justus (SGS# 1905) so perhaps this Justis is Bennett's nephew.
The only other Seely family in Clarkson is Mariah Seely age 25, b. NY with Allice Seely age 2, b. NY and Ira Upsom age 55 and Sally Upsom age 53, both b. NY. Possibly this is the widow of William Seely, (son of Bennett) who d. 1849 in Sweden, Monroe, NY. William and wife Maria S. Upsom are listed in the SGS database as is their daughter Alice b. abt 1847 and died abt 1911 Brockport, Monroe, NY and married William Goodrich.Can anyone find what happened to Hiram and Eunice Seely? Perhaps the 1855 census of Monroe County NY would have them listed.
Responder: SGS Response
Response Info: In this query we identified the father of Hiram Seeley (b 1826 NY, d. 1862 Pittsburg Landing, TN) as Bennett Seeley, SGS# 1908. Karen Thornhill (, query submitter, was also interested in following the lines of Hiram’s children: Lilly, Hiram Bennett and Willard Ryland (Riley) Seeley (her great-grandfather). I found a letter at the Seeley Research Center written by Karen’s cousin that gave information on Hiram Bennett Seeley’s marriage to Amanda Rosetta Smith. They were 2nd cousins, both grandchildren of Willard and Mary Ann Castleman Prentiss. Contact me if you want the details.
We would still like to find Willard Ryland (aka Riley) Seeley in any census.
Responder: SGS Response
Response Info: Re: Hiram Seeley (son of Bennett Seeley, SGS# 1908) and his son Ryland/Riley Seeley.
I found in Michigan Vital Record Collections on FamilySearch Record Search several marriage records, birth records and a census record mentioning Riley/Ryland Seeley.
- Ryland Seeley, son of Hiram B Seeley and ____ Prentice, age 60. b. 1862 MI md Della Carney Darling age 49, b. 1873 Canada on 18 May 1922 St Joseph, Berrien, MI
- Ada Seeley, dau. of Riley Seeley, b. 1880 Michigan md George Reed b. 1872 Michigan on 14 June 1902 in Manistee, Manistee, MI
- Andrew Seeley b. 1 July 1875 Hartford, Van Buren, MI, parents Riley and Margaret Seeley, both b. MI
- Rosettie Reed, dau. of R W Seeley and Mariah Crammer b. 1885 MI md Emmett E. Eldred b. 1881 MI on 8 Jul 1919 at White Cloud, Newaygo, MI
- Rose Seeley, dau. of R W Seeley and Maria Cramer b. 1884 MI md LR Babcock b. 1862 NY on 27 Feb 1900 at Bear Lake, Manistee, MI
- R.W. Seeley, son of H W Seeley and Eunice Prentis b. 1854 OH md Samantha Moore b. 1861 OH on 27 April 1901 in Frankfort, Benzie, MI
- 1910 census Hartford, Van Buren, MI
Ryland W Seeley, age 55, b. MI, parents b. NY and wife Dellie Seeley, age 43, b. Canada, father b. NY, mother b. Canada, 2nd marriage for both, md 5 years, she has 9 children, 8 still living.
Responder: SGS Response
Query Number: 0802-6 Requested Info: Gail is the daughter of the late Melvin Earl Seeley from Chesaning, MI who d. July 25,2005 and his wife Lillian Seeley Dejohn who d. May20,2005. Gail was told by her aunt Lillian that she was entitled to Indian money but she never passed on any paperwork that would verify this claim. Melvin’s father was Richard Grover Seeley who died in 1948. Gail has asked us to investigate for an Indian bloodline.
Requester: Gail Ann Rosebrock Requester Address: (
Response Info: 1930 census Lakefield, Saginaw, MI
Seeley, Richard, age 40, m. at age 18, b. MI, father b. Pa, mother b. NY, farmer, rents
Seeley, Anna, age 40, m. at age 17, b. MI, parents b. Canada (English)
Seeley, Grace, age 12, b. MI, parents b. MI
Seeley, Melvin, age 5, b. MI, parents b. MI
Seeley, Marian, age 1 and 4/12, b. MI, parents b. MI
Seeley, Carl, age 5, adopted son, b. MI, parents b. Germany
LaRue, Sylvia, mother, age 70, widow, b. NY, parents b. NY
Dixon, Alfred, boarder, age 16, b. MI, parents b. US1920 census Merrill, Jones Field Township, Saginaw, MI
Seeley, Richard, age 30, b. MI, father b. MI, mother b. Canada- English, blacksmith
Seeley, Anna, age 30, b. MI, parents b. Canada -English
Seeley, Lillian, age 10, b. MI as were parents
Seeley, Claisa, age 7, b. MI as were parents
Seeley, Gracie, age 2 1/2, b. MI as were parents1910 census, Douglass, Montcalm, MI
Seeley, Richard G., age 20, b. MI, father b. MI, mother b. NY, m’d 2 years, laborer - odd jobs
Seeley, Anna L., age 20, b. MI, parents b. Canada - English, 2 children, 1 living
Seeley, Lilian S., age ?/12, b. MI, parents b. MI1910 census Lafayette, Gratiot. MI
Walsh, Isaac, age 57, widower, b. Ireland. farmer
Larue, George E., age 53, b. Mi, parents b. NY, does odd jobs, married 1st time 7 years ago to
Larue, Silva, age 50, b. NY, father b. PA, mother b. MI, has had 14 children, 10 living, 2nd marriage
Seeley, Fred C., age 10, b. MI, father b. MI, mother b. NY
Jenkins, Ida , age 26, b. PA, father b. PA, mother b. MI, married 10 years, 4 children, 4 living1920 Lakefield, Saginaw, MI
George and Sylvia E Larue are living here with Roy C Seeley, age 22 and Fred C. Seeley age 20, both b. MI, listed as George's stepsons1900 census Thomaston, Saginaw, MI
Seeley, Silvy E., b Feb 1860, age 40, widow, b. NY, 13 children, 11 living, housework, lives in rented house
Seeley, Clarence E., son, b. May 1877 MI, father b. MI, mother b. NY, farm laborer
Seeley, Thomas R., son, b. June 1879 MI, father b. MI, mother b. NY, farm laborer
French, Flora B., dau., b. Mar 1883 MI, parents b. MI married 1 year to
French, James H, son-in-law, b. Dec 1872 MI, f.b. unknown, m.b. MI, farm laborer
Seeley, Bartley E., son, b. Feb 1885 MI, parents b. MI (same for following children)
Seeley, Jack A., son, b. Mar 1887 MI
Seeley, Richard G, son, b. July 1889 MI
Seeley, Martin M., son, b. Mar 1896 MI
Seeley, Roy, son, b. Mar 1897 MI
Seeley, Campan, son, b. June 1899 MI
Sutton, Alfred D, uncle, b. Oct 1855, married 21 years, b. NY, parents b. NY1880 census Conway, Livingston, MI
Seely, J, age 21, b. MI, parents b. PA, farm laborer
Seely, S., age 20, b. NY, father b. NY, mother b. MI
Seely, Edwin, age 3, b. MI, f. b. MI, m. b. NY
Seely, Thomas, age 1, b. MI, f. b. MI, m. b. NYNext door is N. Cobin, wife Lucy and family
From the SGS database:
John Astalman Seeley born 10 Mar 1859 MI, died 8 Apr 1900 Thomas Twp., Saginaw Co, MI (death certificate), m. 4 Dec 1878 Conway/Lansing, Ingham, MI to Cobin, Sylvia Emeranse b.14 Feb 1860 Tonawanda, Erie, NY, died 23 Mar 1931 Lafayette Twp, Garrison, MI (dc). His parents: Martin Seeley and Lydia Perkins.Martin Seelye is SGS# 2363, b. 25 Oct 1814 Pownal, VT; d. 26 March 1869 Belle Oak, Ingham, MI
Dibean Marriage database for Michigan
Seeley, John and Cobin, Silva M married Ingham County 1878I don't see an Indian connection – the census entries all say ‘white’. I wonder if it could be through Richard’s wife Anna or his mother Sylvia. If anyone has further information please contact me.
Responder: SGS Response
Response Info: Re Indian Ancestry of Richard Grover Seeley Gail Ann Rosebrock ( asked us if we could find any Indian ancestry for her grandfather. We found that Richard Grover Seeley’s parents were John Astalman Seeley (son of Martin Seelye, SGS# 2363) and his wife Sylvia Cobin. Donna Coles ( writes “The Indian part in her query is from the Cobin side. It is said that Nathaniel Cobin was Chief Bear Claws of the five nations. It has not been proven that I know of.” Donna has been unable to contact Gail with this information.
Responder: SGS Response
Query Number: 0802-5 Requested Info: Diana is searching for information on Albert Seeley married to Martha Booth, who lived in Iowa. She is also searching for more information on their daughter, Mabel Seeley. Mabel Seeley (married name Nielsen) was born Dec 9,1900, in Iowa. She was adopted by another family by 1910. Mabel is Diana’s grandmother and is buried in Minnesota. Diana would like to find birth and death dates for Albert, his parents names, and possibly if Mabel had siblings, and why was she adopted. Is there a burial site for Albert and Martha? She says Albert was born about 1867, and Martha was born to Isaac Booth and Ann Campbell.
Requester: Diana Requester Address: (
Response Info: 1900 census La Porte, Black Hawk, IA
Seeley, Albert P., age 32, day laborer, b. June 1867 MN to father b. Scotland, mother b. England, married 15 years to
Seeley, Martha D., age 33, b. July 1866 IL to father b. MI, mother b. OH, has had 2 children, one living
Seeley, Clarence F., age 12 b. July 1887 MN, father b. MN, mother b. IL1910 census Morning Sun, Louisa, IA
Seeley, Clarence F., age 23, b. MN, father b. MN, mother b. IN, barber
Seeley, Ellen E., age 23, b. IA, father b. PA, mother b. NY, married 2 years, no children1920 Wapsinonoc, Muscatine, IA
Seeley, Clarence, age 32, b. MN, father b. MN, mother b. IN
Seeley, Ellen, age 32, b. Ia, parents b. NY
Seeley, Margaret, age 8, b. Ia, father b. MN, mother b. IA1925 census West Liberty, Muscatine, IA
Seeley, Clarence, age 37, b. MN to Albert Seeley and Mattie Book (she was b. and married in IA)
Seeley, Ellen, age 37, b. IA to Ben Heath (b. PA) and Perry Armstrong (b. NY and married IA)
Seeley Margaret, age 14, b. IA dau. of Clarence and Ellen1930 Wapsinonoc, Muscatine, IA
Clarence, Ellen, Margaret still together. Clarence is a traveling salesman, Ellen is a clerk in a dept. store and Margaret is a clerk in a hat storeWWI draft registration says his name is Clarence Franklin Seeley and that his birth date is 20 July 1887 Chatfield, MN (Fillmore Co.)
Soc. Sec. death index has his last residence in Muscatine, IA and death Mar 1967.I haven't been able to find this Albert before 1900. He also does not appear in the SGS database.
If you can identify Albert's parents or more information about him please let me know.
Responder: SGS Response
Query Number: 0802-4 Requested Info: William is looking for the ancestry of Boyd Ferguson Seeley, who was born on March 05, 1835 in Erie, Erie Co., Pennsylvania, the son of Obadiah Seeley (1794-1852) and Betsy Ferguson (1804-1854). Boyd married Rebecca Allen (1837-1923) in Monroe Co., Wisconsin in 1857. He served in the 3rd Wisconsin Cavalry between 1861 and 1865. Boyd and Rebecca had eight children between 1855 and 1885: Esther, Bettie, Julius, Elfie/Effie, Guy, Irene, Ivy, and Maud.
Boyd's father, Obadiah, was born in about 1794 in Genesee Co., New York. He married Betsy Ferguson (1804-1854), and had seven children. Obadiah died in about 1852 in Erie Co., Pennsylvania.
Requester: William Kernan Requester Address: (
Response Info: We have a copy of Boyd's death certificate on our website, as well as his wife Rebecca’s and her funeral notice. Obadiah and Betsy are in our database with children Walter, Margaret Jane, Effie, Boyd Ferguson, David A., Rachel and Reuben. Obadiah's parents are 'unknown'. He is also not identified in the SGS volumes.
Census information:
1820 census Orangeville, Genesee, NY
Seely, Obadiah 1 male 16-26, 1 female 16-26
Next door is Reuben Furgerson.
Also listed there:
Seely, Thomas 1 male 10-16, 1 male 16-26, 1 male 26-45; 1 female under 10, 2 females 16-261830 census Orangeville, Genesee, NY
Seeley, Obadiah
1 male 5-10, 1 male 10-15, 1 male 30-40; 1 female 5-10, 1 female 20-30, 1 female 40-501840 census Greenfield, Erie, PA
Seely, Obadiah 2 males under 5, 1 5-10, 1 15-20, 1 40-50; 1 female under 5, 1 5-10, 1 20 - 30, 1 40-501850 census North East, Erie, PA
Seeley, Obadiah, age 56, b. NY laborer
Seeley, Betsey, age 46, b. NY
Seeley, Boyd, age 16, b. PA, laborer
Seeley, David, age 14, b. PA
Seeley, Rachel, age 12, b. PA
Seeley, Reuben, age 10, b. PA
Next house:
Seeley, Walter, age 28, b. NY, laborer
Seeley, Alma, age 29, b. PA
Seeley, Francis, age 5, b. PA
Seeley, Warren, age 3, b. PA
Seeley, William, age 1, b. PA1860 Leon, Monroe, WI
Seely, Boyd, age 25, b. PA
Seely, Rebecca, age 23, b. NY
Seely, Betsey, age 1, b. WI
Seely, David, age 21, b. PA1870 census, Leon, Monroe, WI
Seeley, Boyd F., age 38, farmer, b. PA
Seeley, Rebecca, age 36, b. NY
Seeley, Betsey, age 10, b. WI
Seeley, Julius, age 8, b. WI
Seeley, Alpha, age 3, b. WIA photo of Boyd F Seeley's grave in Corvallis, OR is available at
Let me know if you can identify Boyd’s father Obadiah Seeley/Seely.
Responder: SGS Response
Query Number: 0802-3 Requested Info: Sally is trying to verify her information on Harriet Seelye, SGS# 956, married Rueben Closs/Close, especially the information following the *** I inserted below. In the SGS database we have Reuben dying in 1891 but I think this must be a different Reuben. Harriet’s children are not listed in the 7th Generation Volume.
Sally’s Information:
REUBEN(3) CLOSE (NEWBURY(2) CLOOS, REUBEN(1)) was born 16 May 1798 in NY, and died 11/11/1846. He married HARRIET SEELEY 1828, daughter of NATHANIEL SEELYE and REBECCA GOODSPEED. She was born 13 Feb 1802 in Southport, Chemung Co., NY, and died 08 Dec 1879 in Chatham Township, Tioga Co., PA. Both are buried in the Old Cloos Burying Grounds on Ally Close Hill Road in Tioga Co., PA.
- i. FIDELIA CLOSE, b. 23 Mar 1822, PA; d. 14 Mar 1896; m. REUBEN MORSE, 08 Feb 1843; b. 15 Sep 1817, Andover, Windsor, VT; d. 12 Oct 1902, Knoxville, PA.
- ii. GEORGE CLOSE, b. 03 Feb 1824, Chatham Township, Tioga Co., PA; d. 12 Apr 1895, his home on Stevenson St. in Westfield, PA; m. RACHEL MILLER, 15 Feb 1845; b. 04 Feb 1822, PA; d. 14 Jan 1896.
- iii. CHARLES CLOSE, b. 03 Feb 1826, Chatham Township, Tioga Co., PA; d. 16 May 1883, Charleston Township, Tioga Co., PA; m. JAYNE M. OWLETT, 07 Dec 1847, Roundtop, PA; b. 04 Apr 1850, England; d. 15 Mar 1916.
- iv. JULIA CLOSE, b. 01 Jun 1828; d. 02 Nov 1899; m. WILLIS PEAKE, 15 Dec 1846; b. 03 Jul 1820, Schoharie Co., NY; d. 01 Nov 1885.
- v. NEWBURY CLOSE, 3RD, b. 14 Jul 1830, Tioga Co., PA; d. 04 Dec 1909, Red Bluff, CA; m. (1) ABBIE SLOCUM, 26 Jan 1852; d. 04 Sep 1856; m. (2) LUCY CAROLINE LOCKWOOD, 30 Apr 1857; b. Abt. 1840, NY; d. 23 May 1878, Addison, Steuben Co., NY; m. (3) LODEMA 'CYNTHIA' GIBSON PAYNE, 09 Oct 1878, Steuben Co., NY; b. 14 Aug 1831, PA; d. 20 Jun 1918, Red Bluff, CA.
- vi. REUBEN CLOSE, JR., b. 03 Aug 1832, Clymer Twp, Tioga Co., PA; d. 1910; m. HARRIET LOCKWOOD; b. 11 Jan 1836, Locke, Cayuga Co., NY; d. 17 Jul 1909, Little Marsh, Tioga Co., PA.
- vii. HARRIET F. CLOSE, b. 25 Nov 1835, NY; m. JESSE B. DOAN; b. CT.
- viii. POLLY CLOSE, b. 28 Mar 1837, PA; d. Mar 1871; m. SILAS ARTHUR MAY, SR., 24 Aug 1856; b. 18 Sep 1833, PA; d. 05 Dec 1896, Coleman, MI.
- ix. ELIZABETH CLOSE, b. 05 Dec 1839, PA; d. 13 Jan 1852.
- x. WILLIAM WALLACE CLOSE, b. 29 May 1844, PA; d. 20 Feb 1852.
1850 Federal Census for Chatham Township, household 149-220 says:
CLOSE HARRIETT 48 f NY $3,000 214
Newberry age 20 PA Laborer
Reuben age 18 PA
Polly age 13 PA
Elizabeth age 10 PA
W.W. age 6 (male) PA
daughter Harriet age 15 was with sister Fidelia Morse on the census.***One report says that Reuben was a Civil War Vet, was wounded at the battle of Bull Run, that Reuben & Harriet were divorced, that he was married 3 to 5 times, never worked, gambled and chewed tobacco. (None of which Sally has been able to confirm)
1804 - 1880 Tioga County, Pennsylvania Records
Helpful Genealogical Data Abstracted From Docket Books A B C
p.213 136 Close Reuben Nov. 11,1846 Dec. 18,1846 Chatham Adm. - Harriett Close and George Close Bail - Armon Close, Redding Macumber.
Requester: Sally Close Meabon Requester Address: (
Response Info: Harriet is listed in the 1870 census of Chatham, Tioga, PA as a widow living with her son Reuben Cloos and his family. I have suggested that Sally investigate the docket information further. Certainly if Reuben died in 1846 he wasn’t in the Civil War. I also sent Sally information on Harriet’s siblings.
If anyone has further information on Harriet and/or Reuben Close/Cloos/Closs, her husband, please let me know.
Responder: SGS Response:
Query Number: 0802-2 Requested Info: Donna is curious about the death date of Rebecca Seeley, SGS# 40. According to The Descendants of Robert Seeley, Generations One through Five, Rebecca’s last child, Tabitha Castle, was baptized 14 October 1733 at Roxbury, CT, she died about 1735 and her husband William Castle remarried 1 Sept 1735 Hannah ____. Donna notes that “many other sources give her death date as 1725”. Donna descends from William and Rebecca’s son Jabez Castle, SGS# 111. Requester: Donna Hawks Requester Address: (
Response Info: No further information to date. If you can verify Rebecca’s death date please contact Donna and remember to also inform your Query Editor. Responder: SGS Response:
Query Number: 0802-1 Requested Info: In researching her husband's Collins line, Judy found John Johnson/Johnston Collins, son of James Mallory Collins and Permelia who married Ida J. Seeley. Ida was the daughter of George Washington Seeley, born January 1, 1837, (no proof) place unknown, and Margaret Melinda Southern. Ida was born in (Winters,) California according to census records. The dates Judy has for the birth of George Washington Seeley differ from the ones at the Seeley site, but she is wondering if he could somehow be connected. (Note that this is not the same George Washington Seeley referred to above in the update to Query 0111-7, just a coincidence) Requester: Judy Lock Requester Address: (
Response Info: 1930 Orange, Orange, CA
Collins, John J., age 62, b. MO with Ida M., age 57, b. CA and Norman S., age 18, b. CA1920 Orange, Orange, CA
Collins, John J., age 51, Ida M., age 46, Eva M., age 24, Ross M., 19, Raymond L., 16 and Norman S. age 8.1910 census Pajero, Monterey, CA
Collins, John J., age 43, b. MO, father b. TN, mother b. MO
Collins, Ida M., age 37, b. CA, parents b. IA
4 children: Eva M 15, Loyd R. 13, Ross M 9 and Raymond L 6, a;; b. CA1900 census San Juan, San Benito, CA
Collins, John J., b. Mar 1867 MO, parents b. MO, farmer, married 6 years to
Collins, Ida M., b. May 1872, CA, parents b. IA, 3 children, 3 living
Colllins, Eva M., b. Mar 1895 CA
Collins, Lloyd, b. May 1896 CA
Collins, Ross, b. May 1900 CA1880 census Buckeye, Yolo, CA
Seeley, George W., age 43, b. IL, parents b. NY, gardener
Seeley, Malinda M., age 29, b. IA, parents b. VA
Seeley, Ida May, age 7, b. CA, father b. IL, mother b. IA (same for all children)
Seeley, George L., age 6
Seeley, Edwin E., 11 mos (b. July 1879)1900 census Pajero, Monterey, Ca
Seely, Margaret, b. Dec 1850 IA, parents b. VA, married 27 years, 4 children, 4 living
Seely, Louis, b. Nov 1873 CA, father b. IL, mother b. IA, farm laborer
Seely, Edwin Elbert, b. July 1879 CA, farm laborer
Seeley, Jessie Bell, b. Mar 1881 CAIn 1910 Margaret M Seely is in Tule River, Tulare, Ca with Edwin and Jessie, she is still married.
In 1920 she is widowed and in Los Angeles with Jessie who is still single.
1870 census Silveyville, Solano, CA
Souther, Martin, age 42, b. VA
Souther, Elizabeth, age 41, b. VA
Souther, Margaret, age 19, b. IA
Souther, Charles, age 15, b. IA
Souther, Emma, age 11
Souther, Lowella, age 7, b. IAI haven't located George W. in 1870. There is a 37 year old John Seely a few homes away from the Souther family in Silveyville and Charles R Seely (see his bio on our website) is also in Silveyville with his family.
1870 Buckeye, Yolo, CA
Seeley, Norman B., age 59, b. NY, miller
Seeley, Lydia, age 57, b. NY
Next home:
Seeley, Mc.J, age 22, b. IA, farmer
Jones, Hezekiah, age 22, b. IN
Jones, Josephine, age 21, b. IA
Jones, Daniel M., b. Mar 1870 CA1860 census Vacaville, Solano, CA
Seeley, G W, age 23, b. IL, farmer
6 other men of various names and ages and origins, also farming1860 census Rome, Jones, IA
Norman B Seeley and Lidia are there with Norman age 20, Mark age 12 and Josephine age 91856 state census Rome, Jones, IA
Seely, N B, age 45, b. NY in IA 17 years, farmer
Seely, L, age 43, b. Pa, in IA 16 years
Seely, G W, age 18, b. IL, in IA 16 years
Seely, Non, age 16, b. IA, in IA 16 years
Seely, M, age 8, b. IA
Seely, J, age 6, b. IA
Yelden, W, age 65, b. Nova Scotia, in IA 14 years, no occupation
Long, D, age 23, b. OH, no occupation1850 census Rome, Jones, IA
Seely, Norman B., age 40, b. NY, farmer
Seely, Lydia, age 38, b. NY
Seely, George, age 14, b. IL
Seely, Sarah, age 12, b. IL
Seely, Norman, age 10, b. IA
Seely, Ellen, age 8, b. IA
Seely, Mack, age 2, b. IA
Seely, Josephine, age 6 mos., b. IA
Yelden, William, age 60, b. Nova Scotia, farmer
Salms, Jonas, age 22, b. OH, farmer
Ward, William, age 33, b. Canada, carpenter
Crook, Charles, age 29, b. NYNorman B. Seely is SGS # 2665, b. 29 Aug 1809 Genesee Co. NY, d 29 Oct 1873 (gravestone) Portland, IL, buried Jones Co IA (Olin Cemetery, Rome). He married abt 1830 Lydia Crook, b. 18 Feb 1813 Holland, Erie Co, NY to Asa and Mary Dustin Crook. She d. 26 Aug 1879 CA. Norman’s biography is on our website.
There are a death certificate and obituaries for George W Seely (d. 2 Mar 1916) on our website (Our Genealogy, Vital Records - California). They show his father as Norman Seely, his birth in Iowa, his children including Ida Collins, etc. The birth date does not match his age at death – we believe the birth year was figured incorrectly.
Chris Havnar (( sent along quite a bit of information on Josephine Seely Jones daughter of Norman B and Lydia Seely above and her husband Hezekiah and son Daniel ‘Mack’ Jones. She also has transcribed Ida May Seeley’s marriage record. Contact Chris for details.
She also has information on Margaret Malinda Southern, wife of George W. Additionally it is interesting that Malinda’s aunt Salena Southern married Charles R. Seely (b. 1830), elder brother of George W.
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