Publications of the Seeley Genealogical Society
- Descendant of Robert Seeley (1602 - 1667)
and Obadiah Seely (1614 - 1657)
Generations One Through Five.
( Compiled & Printed - 1995)
$17.00 including postage - USA Funds
- The Sixth Generation Families
Robert Seeley (1602 - 1666) - SGS #1
Obadiah Seely (1614 - 1657) - SGS #4
( Compiled & Printed - 1997) - Reprinted 2014
$35.00 including postage - USA Funds
- The Seventh Generation Families
Robert Seeley (1602 - 1666) - SGS #1
Obadiah Seely (1614 - 1657) - SGS #4
(Compiled & Printed - 2000)
2nd Printing 2001 - Reprinted 2014
$35.00 USA Funds
- The complete set is $85.00 including postage - USA Funds
- Back issue of the Seeley Genealogical Society
Newsletter can be ordered any time
@ $2.00 per issue - USA Funds
- SGS sells a compact disk (CD) containing compilations of the Seeley surname and research reports done for SGS. The latest version (dated August 2013) contains the three SGS Publications compiled by Kathie Olsen and her mother Madeline Mills. Its contains all of the SGS Newsletters. It contains the five research reports on Obadiah Seeley of Stamford, CT, research conducted by Fred Hart, Jr., CG during the period 1998-1999 and finally, it contains The English Ancestry of Robert Seeley (1602-1666) by Alan J. Phipps, M. A., AG. The cost is $15 and should be ordered by sending a check payable to Seeley Genealogical Society to: Robert Seeley, 861 S.W. 48th Street, Lincoln City, Oregon 97367-1306.
- Errata
- SGS Newsletter #95 - February 1998 - Page 6 - 15
Change 5 (listed above), published in the February 1998 Newsletter #95. (Note: Change 5 appears to have included Changes 1 through 4.) Change 5 is included with copies purchased from the Seelye Research Center.
- SGS Newsletter #127 - February 2006 - Page 7
Change 6 (listed above), published in the February 2006 Newsletter #127. Change 6 contains updates to the Nathaniel Section of the Sixth Generation book only.
- SGS Newsletter #137 - August 2008 - Page 5
Change 3 (listed above), published in the August 2008 Newsletter #137. Change 3 contains a change to Generations 1-5.
- SGS Newsletter #153 - August 2012 - Supplemental pages.
Change 4 (listed above), published in the August 2012 Newsletter #153. Change 4 contains a change to Generations 1-5.
Kathie Olsen is in the process of compiling a change to the Obadiah Section of the Sixth Generation Book. Please be sure and remember to include documentation with any changes you may recommend and send them to Kathie.
To Order any of these items send your check payable to:
Seeley Genealogical Society
- Terry Tietjens:
Seelye Research Center
1105 North Buckeye
Abilene, KS 67410
e-Mail: seelyemansion [at] yahoo [dot] com