JavaScript eMail Encrypter

You can encrypt mailto: links on a website, so that spiders can't detect them, with a simple javascript.


webmaster [at] seeley-society [dot] net < click and test

enter your eMail address:

crypted eMail:
html code:

Add these lines to <head></head>:

<script type="text/javascript"> <!--
function UnCryptMailto( s ) {
        var n = 0;
        var r = "";
        for( var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
            n = s.charCodeAt( i );
            if( n >= 8364 ) {
                n = 128;
            r += String.fromCharCode( n - 1 );
        return r;

    function linkTo_UnCryptMailto( s ) {
        location.href=UnCryptMailto( s );
// --> </script>