Samuel Sealy

The below text is a transcription from several documents found by Damien Aragon. Scanned images of the documents can be found on the "VIEW" buttons.

Petition for Revolutionary pension for said Samuel Sealy.

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S.C. Sealy, Samuel R 9362
“, Sarah

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William Sealy was born November 11th. 1798
Nancy Sealy was born December 26th, 1780
John Sealy was born June 27th, 1783
James Foster Sealy was born September 18th, 1785
Richard Sealy was born December 18th, 1787
Samuel Sealy was born August 23rd, 1789
Tempy Sealy was born August 1st, 1792Wini
B. Sealy was born August 15th, 1795
Ferdinand Sealy was born July 21st, 1798

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Bety Sealy was born Jan. 15th, 1800

Garrett Sealy was born October 22, 1804

_______ Sealy was born September 19th, 1804

Andrew ____ son was born _____ 17th 1806




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State of Georgia}
On this the Second day of November A.D. Eighteen hundred and forty three, Personally appeared before me Garrett Sealy a Justice of the Peace in and for Said State, and County of Talbot Sarah Sealy a resident of said State and County aged eighty years Who being _____ duly sworn according to the law within her oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress provision made by the act of congress Passed on the Fourth of July AD Eighteen hundred and Thirty Six. That she is the applied for a pension in Talbot County, GA as follows:
State of Georgia

On this the second day of November AD Eighteen Hundred and Forty-three, personally appeared before me Garrett Sealy, a Justice of the Peace in and for said State, County of Talbot, Sarah Sealy, a resident of said State and county, aged Eighty years who being first duly sworn according to Law doth on her oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provision made by the act of Congress Passed on the Fourth of July AD Eighteen Hundred and Thirty-Six; That she is the widow of one certain Samuel Sealy who was formerly a Private Soldier in the army of the United States of America of and during the war of the Revolution between England and the said United States; That in the year Seventeen Hundred and Seventy-Eight and from that time continued to serve in the same in the following manner: He entered the army as above stated and in my recollection does not deceive me - he was first mustered into Service under General Winn and Colonel Lacey. He never was afterwards never at home except on leave till the month of December Seventeen Eighty-three when he was discharged; That he served while in said army under the following officers that she recollects: General Sumpter, General Winn, Colonel Taylor, Major Perison, Major Bond, Captain Frost and Lieutenant Hardwicke. That he was in no particular battle that she can now recollect. He served and marched principally in South Carolina; That he joined the army first at Winnesborrugh in said State and was with the army at Charleston, S.C. Declarant has not at this time any documentary evidence of her husband's service having lost his discharge which was formerly in her possession. She recollects that Major Bond was the first captain of her husband and was afterwards promoted. Said Sarah further declared that she was united in marriage to the said Samuel Sealy on the Twentieth day of May AD, Seventeen Hundred and Seventy-seven and that her said husband was after that time in the army as above declared. That the said Samuel died in the State of South Carolina on the sixth day of September in the year Eighteen hundred and Twenty-seven and that she has remained a widow ever since as will more fully appear by reference to the proof hereunto annexed.

Sworn to and subscribed the day and year written before.
Garret Sealy J.P. (signed) Sarrah Sealy (signed)

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State of Georgia
Talbot County
I, Garret Sealy, a Justice of the Peace in said county and state, do hereby certify that Sarah Sealy whose name appeared subscribed to the foregoing declaration did make the same before me on this day after being duly sworn according to law. That she is reputed and believed and by many in this county known to be the widow of one certain Samuel Sealy, Late a soldier in the war of the Revolution; That her character for veracity and truth is unimpeached and her declaration entitled to credit. I do certify that the Family Record of her marriage with the said Samuel attribute to this declaration. Made cut from (blank space) with my own hand. [Editors note: I believe he is saying that he cut the pages out of the Bible referencing the family births and marriages on the first page]. I further certify that said Sarah is from bodily infirmity unable to attend court. Given under my hand the day and date above written. Garret Sealy, J.P.

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Know all men by these presents, that I Garret Sealy of the County of Tuscaloosa and State of Alabama, one of the heirs of Samuel Sealy deceased , and Sarah Sealy deceased, have constituted and appointed and by these presents do constitute and appoint S.J. Bowen of the city of Washington, my true and lawful agent and attorney, to prosecute the claim of Sarah Sealy, deceased; said claim having been filed many years ago by G.L. Stillwell of Talberton in the State of Georgia for a pension for said Sarah Sealy on account of her husband's services in the Revolutionary War, which claim was suspended, and I, Garret Sealy, a son of Samuel and Sarah Sealy, desire to renew; and I hereby authorize my said Agent to examine all papers and documents in relation to said claim on file in the Departments at Washington City or elsewhere; to file additional evidence and to receive the certificate which may be issued for said claim; to have power of substitution; and to do anything I might do were I personally present. Hereby ratifying all that my said Attorney may do in the premises and revoking all former powers. Witness my hand and seal this seventh day of July A.D. 1853. Garret Sealy State of Alabama, Tuscaloosa County}

On this 7th day of July AD 1853 before me a Justice of the Peace in and for the County aforesaid personally appeared Garret Sealy and acknowledged the foregoing Power of Attorney to be his act and deed for the purpose therein mentioned. In testimony ____ I have recorded in my hand & seal the day and year aforesaid. L.S. Skinner, Justice of the Peace.