Herbert L. SEELEY

(Death Certificate Transcription)
Contra Costa County
Herbert L. SEELEY, Male, White
Married – Nell Longmuir
Father: George Seeley born Ohio
Mother: Olivia Telinde, born Wisconsin
DOD: July 4, 1976
Age: 73
DOB: May 29, 1903 born Ohio
Occupation: Retired – 25 years – Industrial Propane
SSN: 092-09-3010
Place of Death: John Muir Memorial Hospital, 1601 Ygnacio Valley Rd, Walnut Creek
Cause of Death: Intra-abdominal hemorrhage; rupture abdominal aortic aneurysm
Residence: 2232 Golden Rain #2, Walnut Creek
Informant: State Curator of N. CA, U of C. Med Center, S.F.
Donated Science Studies 07/16/1976