Orin Edwin SEELEY
(Death Certificate Transcription)
Santa Clara County, CA
Orin Edwin SEELEY, White Male
Married - Frances Mitchell
Father: Clowse Seeley born Canada
Mother: Leona Whittaker born Maine
DOD: 20 November 1979
Place of Death: Stanford Hospital, 300 Pasteur Drive, Stanford, Santa Clara County
DOB: May 29, 1921 Maine
Age: 58 years
Residence: 47 Tulip Lane, Palo Alto
Ethnicity: American
Occupation: Auditor - 32 years - American President Lines
SSN: 007-14-2685
Informant: Frances Seeley - wife
Cause of Death: respiratory failure
Large cell carcinoma lung - 7 months
Burial: Cremation 11.21.1979 Cedar Lawn Memorial Park, Fremont
Funeral Director: Neptune Society