William Belcher SEELEY
(Obituary Transcription)
Last Rites Held for Los Gatos Teacher
LOS GATOS, June 26 – Funeral services, followed by cremation, were held today for William Seeley, retired school master, who died Sunday following a long illness. Two daughters, Mrs. Ralph Robertson, girls’ dean at Los Gatos Union High School, and Mrs. Wells Hutchins survive. His wife, Mrs. Helen Seeley, died five months ago. Until his retirement several years ago, Dr. Seeley headed a large private school in San Antonio, Texas.
Oakland Tribune, Tuesday, June 26, 1934
[Grandson of SGS # 1958 - William Belcher; Augustus Horton; Ezra (#1958); Nehemiah (#610); Hezekiah; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Robert]