Nancy E. Webb SEELEY

(Obituary Transcription)

Marysville Daily Appeal - 1/4/1918 - Mrs. Nancy Seeley Dies in This City - Mrs. Nancy E. Seeley, aged 77, died at her home in this city at 12:30 this morning, after a month's illness. Deceased was born in Erie, Pa., and had been a resident of this city for a good many years. She is survived by three daughters, namely: Mrs. H. C. Moren of Vincennes, Ind.; Mrs. V. Barnett and Miss Edith Seeley of this city. One grand-daughter, Helen Barnett. R. E. Bevan & Son have charge of the remains.

Marysville Daily Appeal - 1/6/1918 - Seeley Funeral Held Yesterday - The funeral of Mrs. Nancy E. Seeley was held yesterday afternoon from the chapel of R.E. Bevan & Son. Interment was in the Marysville City Cemetery. Rev. S. J. Buck of the Methodist Church officiated. Songs were rendered by the Methodist Church choir. The casket bearers were Edward Benham, Ira Jones, Claude Barnes, N. Mahle, Peter Engie and A. H. Alderman.