Mary Harvey known as Blossom SEELEY

(Death Certificate Transcription)
City and County of San Francisco Local Registered No: 7487
Mary Harvey Known as Blossom SEELEY, Female, White, Single
Father: John Harvey, born New York
Mother: Alma Harvey, Ohio
DOD: December 22, 1920
Age 4 months, 28 days
DOB: July 24, 1920, born San Francisco, California
Occupation: None
Place of Death: Children’s Hospital
Length of Residence: Place of Death: Life ; in California, Life
Informant: Associated Charities, 1500 Jackson St.
Cause of Death: Broncho Pneumonia, Meningitis pneumococial – 14 days
Burial: 12/25/20 Sunset
Funeral Director: Jos. _agan?, 2110 Sacram. St., San Francisco

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