Eunice M. SEELEY

(Death Certificate Transcription)
City and County of San Francisco Local Registered No: 2694
Eunice M. SEELEY, Female, White, Widowed
Father: John McGinty, born Wisconsin
Mother: Mary Boyle, born Wisconsin
DOD: April 7, 1959
Age 53 years
DOB: March 16,1906, born Montana
Occupation: Home Maker
Place of Death: Children’s Hospital, 3700 California Street
Residence: 2235 Laguna St., San Francisco
Informant: J.L. Kelly, Brentwood Apts., Anaconda, Montana
Length of Stay: In San Francisco: 30 Years; In California: 35 Years
Cause of Death: Carcinoma with metastases to lung
Removal: 04/09/1959 Anaconda, Montana
Funeral Director: McAvoy O’Hara Co.

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