Amelia Carpenter SEELEY

(Obituary Transcription)

Mrs. Amelia Carpenter Seeley

Mrs. Amelia Carpenter Seeley, wife of L.B. Seeley of 135 Thirteenth street, Portland, died December 15 at Redlands, Cal., where she had but recently gone to spend the winter.

Mrs. Seeley was born in West Andover, O., September 11, 1851. She was married at West Andover November 1, 1876. Soon thereafter Mr. and Mrs. Seeley removed to San Francisco, Cal., where Mr. Seeley was at that time the representative of the Oregon Iron company. In 1892 Mr. and Mrs. Seeley established their residence in Portland.

Mrs. Seeley was a member of the First Presbyterian church. She is survived by her widower and three sons, Arthur C., of Portland; Carrol C., Klamath Falls, and Rev. Boudinot Seeley, Germantown, Pa.

The funeral services will be held at the Finley chapel, Fifth and Montgomery streets, tomorrow at 2:30 P.M. Rev. Harold L. Bowman officiating.

Published in the Oregonian, Page 16, September 22, 1926