Katherine SEELEY
(Death Certificate Transcription)
City and County of San Francisco Local Registered No: 8348
Katherine SEELEY, Female, White
Married – William Seeley
Father: A.P. Redding, born Unknown, Massachusetts
Mother: Ella Mowe, born Sacramento, California
DOD: December 22, 1935
Age 41 years, 10 months, 19 days
DOB: August 17, 1875, born Denmark
Occupation: Housewife
Place of Death: San Francisco Hospital
Residence: 950 Pine Street, San Francisco
Informant: Kenneth R. Seeley, 1215 Filbert St.
Length of Residence: Place of Death: Life; in California, Life
Cause of Death: Pellagra
Contributory: Alcoholic Psychosis; Parotitis, purulent, bilateral
Cremation: 12/23/1935 Cypress Lawn
Funeral Director: Gantner & Maison 771 – 777 Valencia St., San Francisco
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