(Obituary Transcription)
Word Received Here of the Death of Mrs. H.D. Seeley in California
Mrs. W.T. Carpenter has received word telling of the death in Los Angeles, Cal., of Mrs. H.D. Seeley, on Friday, July 9th. The word was send by her daughter, Miss Leona Seeley, who also writes that the body will be brought to Lawrence for burial. Mrs. Seeley was at the home of a daughter in Los Angeles and besides Leona her son, Frank was with her. He will also accompany the body to Lawrence. Mrs. Seeley had not been well for some time and death followed an operation.
Mrs. Seeley was a very well known Lawrence woman, being the wife of the late H.D. Seeley, who died about a year and a half ago, after a lingering illness. Mr. Seeley was street commissioner here for three years.
Published in the Lawrence Daily Journal (Lawrence, Kansas), Monday July 12, 1909
Amherst Hears of Departure of Mrs. Ida Jane Seeley
Amherst, July 17 – News was received from Los Angeles, Cal., of the death of Mrs. Ida Jane Seeley, a former resident of Amherst. Mrs. Seeley was 56 years of age and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Curtiss Bailey. She was born in Amherst, received her education in the local schools and resided here all her life, prior to moving to California. She was married in Amherst in 1872 to Horace D. Seeley.
Published in The Elyria Republican (Elyria, Ohio), July 22, 1909 page 3
Mrs. Seeley’s Funeral Will Be Held in Lawrence on That Day
Word has been received here from Mr. Frank Seeley that the body of his mother, who died in Los Angeles, July 8th, will arrive here July 19th. The funeral will take place Monday morning and the services will be conducted by the degree of Honor, of which Mrs. Seeley was a member. Mrs. Seeley is survived by two daughters, Mrs. C.W. Cade and Miss Leona Seeley of Los Angeles and Mr. Frank Seeley of Cleveland, Ohio, and two sisters, Mrs. F. M. Lewis, Mrs. H.W. Pratt and one brother, W.C. Bailey of Cleveland.
Published in the Lawrence Daily Journal (Lawrence, Kansas), Wednesday July 14, 1909
Funeral of Mrs. Seeley
The burial of Mrs. Ida Seeley, who died July 8, at Los Angeles, Cal., will take place next Monday morning in Oak Hill cemetery. The Degree of Honor will have charge of the services at the grave. This will be the only service in Lawrence, as the funeral was held in Los Angeles. Mrs. Seeley’s son and daughter will accompany the remains to Lawrence.
Published in the Lawrence Daily World (Lawrence, Kansas), Wednesday July 14, 1909
[Wife of son of SGS # 2845 – Horace David; Walter (# 2845); Eli Lewis (# 1133); Eli; David; Joseph; John; Nathaniel; Robert]