Pauline Humburg SEELEY
(Death Certificate Transcription)
City and County of San Francisco Local Registered No:
Pauline Humburg SEELEY, Male, Caucasian
Married – John C. Seeley
Father: Henning Stubee, born: Norway
Mother: Aam, born: Norway
DOD: July 16, 1970
Age 57 years
DOB: September 2, 1912, born Minnesota
Occupation: Clerk, Southern Pacific Co. Industry – Railroad – 27 years
SSN: 454-03-2459
Place of Death: Harkness Comm. Hosp. & Medical Center, 1400 Fell Street, San Francisco
Residence: 203 Sharon Way, Roseville, Placer County, California
Informant: John C. Seeley, 203 Sharon Way, Roseville, Calif 95678
Length of Stay: In San Francisco: 3 weeks; in California 28 years
Cause of Death: Cachexia, Bronchopneumonia
Contributory: Carcinoma of mid esophagus
Burial: 0721/1970 Sierra Hills Memorial Park
Funeral Director: Cochrane’s Chapel of the Roses
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