Arthur Leroy SEELEY
(Obituary Transcription)

Feb. 6, 1919 Dec. 31, 1995
Arthur Seeley, head of the Contra Costa County Food and Agriculture Department and the Department of Weights and Measures 23 years, died Sunday in Rossmoor. He was 76.
A native of Nebraska, he lived in Rossmoor 18 years. He was a member of the Lapidary-Jewelry Club and Billiard Club. He enjoyed photography and golf.
He is survived by his wife of 54 years, Lorraine Seeley of Rossmoor; daughter, Sandy Kline of San Ramon; son, Gary Seeley of Oakland; and one grandchild.
Services: 1 p.m. Saturday at Grace Presbyterian Church in Walnut Creek. Arrangements by the Neptune Society in Walnut Creek.
Memorial gifts: American Heart Association, P.O. Box 6181, Concord, CA 94524.
Published in the Contra Costa Times (Walnut Creek, CA) - January 4, 1996
[Great-great-great-grandson of SGS # 3439 - Arthur Leroy; Robert Henry; George O.; John Levi; Joseph Willis; Cornelius (#3439); Daniel (#1554); David; Charles; Samuel; Jonas; Obadiah]