Richard Leland SEELY

(Death Certificate Transcription)
Book 11, p. 340, County of Shasta
Richard Leland SEELY male, Indian
Father: Joe Seely
Mother: Grace Charles
Date of Death: 2 July 1949 6 a.m.
Age: 2 mo., 16 days
Born: 16 April 1949, Redding, CA
Informant: Mrs. Florence Jones
Place of Death: at home, Project City rural, 2 mi. east of Project City
Residence: same address
Cause of Death: Broncho Pneumonia, 1 week, Whooping cough, 4 weeks
Physician: LeRoi J. Kegebein, M.D., Box 357, Central Valley, CA
Burial:4 July 1949, Central Valley Cemetery
Funeral Dir.: McDonald's Chapel, Redding
(No obituary in Shasta County)