Robert Darrell SEELY

(Death Certificate Transcription)
Book 276 Page 457 Kern County
Robert Darrell SEELY, Male, White, Single, Never Married
Father: Troy Seely born Oklahoma
Mother: Dixie Lee Barnes born Oklahoma
Dod: 25 January 1996 1040
Age: 41
Place of Death: Memorial Hospital, Bakersfield, CA
DOB: 16 October 1954 born California
Occupation: Repairman - auto radiators x 5 yrs
Education: 12 years
Years in Kern County: 20
Usual Address: 518 Woodrow, Bakersfield, CA 93308
Informant: Dixie Lee Gipson - mother - 210 S. Willow, Apt 112, Fresno, CA 93727
Cause of Death: Sepsis, Due to Staph endocarditis, intravenous drug use Other significant factors: renal failure, liver failure, disseminated distrovasculat coagulation
CRE/REM; 1/30/1996 removed to residence of mother
Funeral Director: Page Funeral Chapel, Selma, CA
NOTE: birth date for an individual with this name, this information, does not appear on the California Birth Index