William McCallum SEELY

(Death Certificate Transcription)
Book 268 Pg 2809 Loc 1608 – Alameda County
William McCallum SEELY, Male, White
Married – Jean Irene Seely, Age 40
Father: Stephen McCallum, born Indiana
Mother: Mary Rose, born Roseville, Pennsylvania
DOD: June 6, 1940
Age: 41 years 5 months, 7 days
DOB: December 29, 1898; born Valpariso, Indiana
Occupation: Clerk, Port of Oakland
Place of Death: at Home
Residence: 6091 Rockridge Blvd, Oakland, CA
Time at Residence: 26 years; Time in State: 26 years
Informant: Jean Irene Seely – Same Residence
Cause of Death: Malignant Melanoma – Eye – Metastatic to brain
Cremation: 06/08/1940 California Crematory
Funeral Director: Albert Brown Undertaking Co., 3476 Piedmont, Oakland