William Wallace SEELY

(Death Certificate Transcription)
Volume 0031, Page 0256 Death Certificate #: 1972000422
State File: 72-030762 Reg. #: 4900-422 Sonoma County
William Wallace SEELY, Caucasian, male, divorced
Father: Edward B. Seely, birthplace -----
Mother: Ella F. Farr, birthplace CA
DOD: February 21, 1972 found at 2:15 p.m.
Age at death: 68 years
DOB: September 13, 1903, birthplace California
Occupation: accountant, Fluor Products (building materials)
SSN: 558-05-4855
Place of death: 508 Fourth Street, Room 226, Santa Rosa, CA
Last residence: 508 Fourth Street, Room 226, Santa Rosa, CA
Time in Sonoma County: 18 years Time in State: life
Informant: Claire Seely, 2626 Sonoma Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA
Cause of death: recent myocardial infarction, severe arteriosclerotic heart disease
Funeral Home: Lafferty & Smith, Santa Rosa, CA
Cremation on 02/25/1972 Embalmer Lic #: Elmer S. Neal, Lic. #2447
Cemetery: Chapel of the Chimes Mausoleum
Coroner: Walter Clowers, MD