Ada Josephine SEELY

(Death Certificate Transcription)
B404 Pg 978 Local 159 – Alameda County
Ada Josephine SEELY, Female, White, Divorced
Father: Samuel Dodge, born Unknown
Mother: Unknown, born Unknown
DOD: February 17, 1948
Age: 64 years 4 months, 27 days
DOB: September 25. 1883; born Humbolt County, California
Occupation: Housewife at Home
Place of Death: Jackson Rest Home, 1410 Bonita, Berkeley
Time at Residence 2 ½ months; Time in State: Life
Informant: Mrs. Paul Berg, 1157 Garfield, Albany, CA
Removal: 02/17/1948 to Eureka, California
Funeral Director: Wilson & Kratzer, Richmond, CA