James Herbut SEELY

(Obituary Transcription)
James Seely, Early Resident Here, dies

James H. Seely, 3919 Harold Ave., an early-day resident of Santa Barbara, died at a local hospital yesterday at the age of 88. He came to Santa Barbara in 1894 and stayed until 1897 when he moved to Waverly, Ia. He returned here 6 1/2 years ago and remained until his death.

A driver of mule cars here until they were replaced by electric cars until 1897, Mr. Seely was one of the original settlers of Painted Cave.

Mr. Seely was a native of Strawberry Point, Ia. and was a member of the Baptist Church of Horton, Ia.

Survivors include his wife, Ada M. Seely, 6 daughters, Mrs. Emadell Nichols and Mrs. Hazel Jackson, both of Santa Barbara, Mrs. Merle Hall of Waverly, Ia., Mrs. Orpha Andrews of Mason City, Ia., Mrs.Fern Jermier of Nashua, Ia.,and Mrs. Gail Deam of Cedar Rapids, Ia., a son, Charles D. Seely , U.S. Navy, a sister, Mrs. Bertha Hamilton of Charles City, Ia., 16 grandchildren and 21 great grandchildren.

The body is being taken to Waverly for funeral services to be held Thursday afternoon. Interment will be in the family plot in Horton, Iowa.
Santa Barbara News Press on April 2, 1951, page B-2