Robert L. SEELY

(Death Certificate Transcription)
Sacramento County Roll 195 Image 1176
Sacramento County, Roll 474 Image 1896
Robert L. SEELY, Male, White
Father: Robert L. Seely born Idaho
Mother: Teresa Wilson born Tennessee
DOD: 1 February 1970 4:32pm
Residence: 6406 Walerga Road, North Highland
Place of Death: DOA American River Hospital
DOB: 29 December 1962
Age: 7 years
Informant: Roger Hart 6404 Walerga Road, Sacramento
Cause of Death: Cerebral edema; apparent suffocation
Coroners Investigation: Decedent playing in ditch that caved in and covered him with dirt.
Burial: 2/4/1970 Mr. Vernon Memorial Park
Funeral Director: Mr. Vernon Mortuary