Margaret Roberta SEELY

(Death Certificate Transcription)
City and County of San Francisco Local Registered No: 6139 -
Margaret Roberta SEELY, Female, White, Widow
Father: Unknown born Virginia
Mother Unknown, born Unknown
DOD: 29 October 1917
Place of Death: St. Lukes Hospital
Usual Address: 1668 Market Street, San Francisco
DOB: unknown month, unknown day, 1861
Birthplace: Virginia
Age: 56 year
Length of Residence in San Francisco 5 years, in California 30 years
Informant: St. Lukes Hospital
Cause of Death: Coma, due to Arterio-Selesosis
Cremation: 10/31/1917 Cypress Lawn
Funeral Director: Suhr & Wieholdts, 1465 Valencia St.

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(Obituary Transcription)

SEELY – In this city, October 29, 1917, Margaret Roberta Seely, a native of Virginia, aged 56 years.

Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral Wednesday at 1:30 o’clock from the new parlors of Surh & Wieholdt, 1163 Valencia st., between 25th and 26th sts. Incineration, Cypress Lawn Crematory, by automobile.

San Francisco Chronicle, Tuesday, October 30, 1917, page 4