Briannan Christine SEELY

(Death Index Transcription)
Briannan Christine SEELY
DOB: 28 July 1985 born California
Mothers Maiden Name: Watson
Age: 1
DOD: 8 April 1987 Los Angeles County

(Obituary Transcription)

Briannan Christine Seely

Seely, Briannan Christine, 21 months, of Moorpark. The rosary will be recited at 7:30 p.m. Sunday at Reardon Simi Valley Mortuary. A Mass of the Angels will be celebrated at 10 a.m. Monday at St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church, Simi Valley. Interment will follow at Assumption Cemetery, Simi Valley. Reardon Simi Valley Mortuary.

Published in the Daily News of Los Angeles (CA) - April 10, 1987