Dorothy Wynelle SEELY

(Death Certificate Transcription)
District # 1972 Registrars No. 318 Certificate # 8408 - Los Angeles County
Dorothy Wynelle Seely
Date of Death: May 27, 1949 3:45 AM
Place of Death: Los Angeles County Harbor General Hospital, 1124 West Carson Street, Rural Torrance
Length of stay at this place: 6 days
Usual Residence: 1032 W. 254th street, (Harbor City) Los Angeles, CA
Date of Birth: March 18, 1917
Age: 32 years
Place of Birth: Cleburn, Texas
SSN: 467-09-2672
Female White
Married – Albert L. Seely
Usual occupation: Decorator Pottery
Father: Charles A. McDonald
Mother: Bess Williams
Informant: Albert L. Seely
Cause of Death: Encephalomalacia left parietal and occipital lobes
Other significant conditions: Basilar meningitis
Removal 5/29/49 Ft. Worth, Texas