James Daniel SEELY

(Death Index Transcription)
James Daniel SEELY
DOB: 26 July 1859 born Canada
Age: 88
DOD: 4 January 1948 Los Angeles County

Son of SGS # 3648 - James Daniel; Daniel James (# 3648) ; Josiah Gilbert (# 1648); Ebenezer, Ebenezer, Ebenezer, Jonas; Obadiah

James Daniel Seely

Born: Jul. 26, 1859
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada

Died: Jan. 4, 1948
Los Angeles, Los Angeles County

James married Anna Laura Kimball in Seattle, King, Washington on 12 Jul. 1894

Forest Lawn Memorial Park (Glendale)
Glendale, Los Angeles County
Plot: Whispering Pines, Lot 641, Space 5

Census Transcription

1930 Census; 201 South New Hamphshire, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California; Roll: 140; Page: 5B; Enumeration District: 176, Lines 90- 91
Household Members:
James D Seely-Head; Age 70; Owns Home, $15,000, Radio; Age at First Marriage 35; Born Canada- English; both parents born, Canada – English; 1918 al; Contractor, Building
Anna L Seely-Wife; Age 57; Age at first Marriage 22; born Washington, Father born Vermont; Mother born, not clear ?Missouri?

1920 Census; Los Angeles Assembly District 75, Los Angeles, California; Roll: T625_116; Page: 2B; Enumeration District: 470; Line 96-97
Household Members:
James D Seely-Head; Age 60; Rents, Born Canada English, both parents born Canada-English; un a Under year of immigration; Shipping - ships
Anne Seely-wife; age 42; born Washington, father born Vermont, Mother born Virginia; Housewife

Seeley Genealogical Society