Frank Edward SEELY

(Obituary Transcription)
Wealthy But Frugal Aged Resident to Be Interred This Morning.
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Special to the Mercury Herald.
LOS GATOS, May 19, Funeral services for one of Los Gatos' most interesting personalities, Frank Edward Seely, will be held tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock from the Melvin chapel, 300 West Main street. Rev. H.K. Hamilton, pastor of the Methodist - Congregational church will conduct the services. Mrs. Ethel Rickett will have charge of the music program. Seely died Friday.
Seely, who has been prominent in newspapers for several years through plans to leave his home in Fairview plaza as a home for aged people, leaves no immediate relatives in this state. While he habitually practiced the greatest frugality in his daily living, he is reported to have left an estate worth approximately $100,000.

Seely at first planned to have his home in charge of the King's Daughters, but no definite agreement has been announced. He stipulated that he was to have living quarters at the home. The establishment of the home was contingent on raising a trust for its maintenance.
Although alert mentally, and of unusual business ability, Seely was a firm believer in the occult, and among his more intimate acquaintances would tell of conferences he had with unseen forces to whom he usually referred as "They." He for years had provided free correspondence study for those desiring it in a new system of psychological self-improvement.

Seely was 90 years old at the time of his death and was a native of New York. He had been a resident of California for 30 years and amassed a comfortable fortune in San Francisco in a barber supply business which he built up through an original type of advertising of his own writing.
His life was one of interesting contradictions and, while considered penurious by some, he quietly assisted several young men through college. Although he never bet, he was a great admirer of fine horses and in a life apparently devoid of normal recreations he found time to visit horse shows whenever opportunity was afforded in his later years.
Nine months ago Seely moved to the Burbank district in San Jose, where he lived until the time of his death. His sister, Miss Louesa N. Seely, who lived with him in Los Gatos, died in September, 1924.
Source: San Jose Mercury Herald, May 20, 1930, Tuesday Morning, page 13
SEELY - In San Jose, Cal., May 16, 1930, Frank Edward Seely of Los Gatos, a native of New York, aged 90 years, 3 months and 14 days.
Friends are invited to attend the funeral tomorrow, Tuesday, at 11 a.m. from the Melvin funeral chapel, 300 W. Main street, at Tait avenue, Los Gatos.
Interment Los Gatos cemetery.
Source: San Jose Mercury Herald, May 19, 1930, Monday Morning, page 20.