Florence SEELY

(Death Certificate Transcription)
San Mateo County
Florence SEELY, Female, White
Married - John Seely
Father Guy S. McDonald, born no record
Mother: no record
DOD: 2 February 1937
Age: 48 years 4 months 10 days
DOB: 22 September 1888 born Los Angeles, California
Place of Death: Mill Memorial Hospital, San Mateo, San Mateo County
Stay in San Mateo County: 7 years
Stay in California: 7 years
Residence: 216 Villa Terrace, San Mateo
Informant: John L. Seely, San Mateo
Burial 2.4.1937 Cypress Lawn
Funeral Director: Suhr & Wieboldt Inc, San Francisco
Cause of Death: Influenzal Pneumonia onset 1.31.1937
Acute upper respiratory onset 1.21.1937

Seeley Genealogical Society