Pearle SEELY

(Obituary Transcription)

Seely Services

Services and burial for Mrs. Pearl (Corder) Seely, 90 of Los Angeles, Calif., who died in that city last Monday, will be in Los Angeles Friday.

Pearl Corder was born and spent her early life in Coshocton County. She left Coshocton County several years ago for California. She returned to Coshocton County about three years ago for the first time in 30 years.

Surviving are a sister, Mrs. John Smith of Newcomerstown; a brother, Ralph Corder; and sister, Mrs. Agnes Parks, both of Indiana, and several nieces and nephews of this area.

Published in The Coshocton Tribune, (Coshocton, Ohio) October 2, 1969 page 11

Seeley Genealogical Society