Perry Eaton SEELY

(Death Index Transcription)
District # 1919 Registrars No. 147 Certificate # 14152 – Los Angeles County
Perry Eaton Seely
Male, Cauc
Married – Olive Emma Seely
Date of Death: October 7, 1949 11:05 AM
Place of Death: Residence
Residence: 3857 Jean Place, Culver City, Los Angeles County
Length of Stay in this place: 6 months
Date of Birth: February 28, 1887
Age: 62 years
Birthplace: Bennett, Nebraska
Usual Occupation: Printer, Printing
Father: Unknown
Mother: Alice Unknown
SSN: 563-14-1687
Informant: Olive Emma Seely
Cause of Death: Coronary Thrombosis, acute
Cremation 10/10/49 Westwood Memorial Park
Funeral Director: Armstrong Family, Los Angeles
[Grandson of SGS # 3700 - Perry Eaton; Walter M.; Samuel Satterlee (# 3700); Bartlett (# 1693); Samuel; Nathaniel; Ebenezer, Jonas; Obadiah]