Winifred B. SEELY

(Death Index Transcription)
District # 1906 Registrars No. 342 Certificate # 6969
Winifred B. Seely
Date of Death: May 3, 1948 4:35 PM
Place of Death: Santa Monica Hospital, Santa Monica
Usual residence: 1050 Galloway Street, Pacific Palisades
Length of stay in hospital: 1 day
Length of stay in this community: 1 day
Length of stay in California: 44 years
Length of stay in U.S.A.: 74 years
Female White
Widowed Charles Adams Seely
Birth date: March 25, 1866
Age: 82 years 1 month 8 days
Birth place: Church-Tauton, England
Usual occupation: Housewife
Father: Joseph Balch born England
Mother: Winifred Dore born Unknown
Informant: Mrs. Ruth E. Anderson, 1050 Galloway, Pacific Palisades
Cause of Death: Circulatory Failure
Other: Fracture of hip
Findings: 5/2/48 at home, fell and broke hip, accident
Buried 5/5/48 Inglewood Park Cemetery, Inglewood
Funeral Director: Gates, Kingsley & Gates, Santa Monica